Winter weather was back again in full effect this past week. Mother Nature seems to enjoy keeping us off-balance as she threw in a day in the 50s before blasting us with another round of snow and ice. So I zigged and zagged right along with the weather. Here’s how my workouts played out.
Week 10 – Winter Rebound
Monday — 2-mile walk and yoga
Tuesday — 3.14-mile run, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch. It was the first day of Kim’s Week of Pi Challenge, and while I’m not a streaker, my plan was to run 4 of the 7 days, so I kicked things off with a sunrise run.
Wednesday — Full Body Strength & Stretch
Thursday — Peloton Ride, Core & Stretch. I had planned on running but Ma Nature thought it would be fun to give everything an icy coating.
Friday — 3.2 mile (Pi plus a little) run. 50s & sunshine had me out for another midday run – a perfect way to head into the weekend.
Saturday — 3.14-mile run & Stretch. Icy rain, strong winds, and eventually snow = hello treadmill. Full disclosure, treadmill runs always feel challenging to me and this run was no different. Matty’s Donna Summer playlist was a good distraction. Can someone tell me why 3 short miles can feel like forever on the mill?
Sunday — Peloton Ride, Lower Body Strength, Core & Stretch. The plan was to run 6 miles, but my hip flexor was not having it. I definitely aggravated something during my mill run and decided it just wasn’t worth tempting fate. The hip flexor was fine on the bike and I purposefully picked one of my favorite Strength for Runners classes that plays out like a good PT session.
Between my work/family schedule and the weather, walking miles took a hit this week, but the upcoming forecast is looking very promising for a lot of outdoor time. And, hopefully, the hip flexor will be happier staying off the mill. Just 1 more week until spring!
In case you missed it:
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
How was your week? Are you looking forward to spring?
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Yes, next week’s weather seems like it will be an appropriate shoe-in for Spring. Thank God! Although all bets are always off on 4/1.
Sorry the mill aggravated your hip flexor, Michelle. Hopefully it will be fine by the time the weather warms up!
Too funny about all bets being off on 4/1 – I remember that crazy snow storm! Fingers crossed that we’ve seen the last of the snow and ice for this year.
I think we all had a cold, crazy week but that’s all going to change this week! I so need to check out Matty’s Donna Summer playlist!
It’s a fun playlist and definitely helped to pass the time on the mill.
Well, you’re definitely ready for winter to be over! That’s too bad about your hip flexor- yes, staying off the treadmill sounds like a good idea. More yoga! I hope you get your outdoor time this week.
Yes more yoga is needed! I’m getting to the mat once a week, but think I need more…or at least more stretching.
You said it…those ‘mill runs always feel tougher than the road. Always. (and they always feel like they’re twice as far). Thanks so much for Pi running with me <3 I hope the hip flexor mellows out for you.
Always happy to join in some virtual running fun 😉
Hope you can stay off the treadmill and keep your hip happy. Glad it felt good cycling. Why does our weather need to twin?
Well hopefully we’ll be twinning better weather this week 🙂
I hope your hip flexor heals up for you. That’s so frustrating but the treadmill always bothers my joints, too.
Great workouts for the rest of the week!
Thanks Jenn!
this week was all over the place here too! Hope those warmer temps are coming your way this week too. The hip flexor things just pops up for me sometimes too. Very frustrating isn’t it? Great mix of workouts
The flexor thing is so random at times – I can’t even tell you what I did during that mill run, but by the end it was not happy.
I did that same MW class yesterday – it’s such a good one. Saturday’s snow really took me by surprise. It was forecasted, but I didn’t expect it to last all day or stick at all. Today was still chilly, but our temps are climbing the rest of the week.
I hope your hip flexor settles down!
I haven’t done Matt’s class in a while and was reminded to revisit when I saw it mentioned in our Peloton chat. I need a better way of keeping track of the classes I want to keep on repeat.
Hope the hip flexor sorts out, ugh! We probably won’t have any snow now but the temperatures are still up and down here.
Thanks Liz. I’m just hoping we have a proper spring and that it doesn’t go from freezing to summer lol.
I’m looking forward to doing Matty’s Donna Summer run this week. I think Cody is teaching his Donna Summer ride today so I’ll probably do that class on-demand sometime this week too. Disco music always puts me in a good mood so I can’t wait!
Mother Nature really hit us with the 1-2 punch of snow and wind this weekend. I think this was her last hurrah before Spring officially starting on Sunday, lol.
I’m hoping whatever it was that she’s gotten it out of her system 🙂 I’ll have to look for Cody’s class – thanks for the heads up!
Enough with the crazy cold / warm weather! I think we are finally making the turn into spring though (fingers crossed!). Hope your hip flexors are feeling better now!
Thanks Lisa. I’m hoping we’re finally headed for true spring weather.
I have the exact same problem while trying to run on the treadmill. I wonder why?
Last week was actually warm and nice where I live. Every day was in the 50s with sun and a blue sky. I’m enjoying it as long as it lasts.
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There’s just something about treadmill running – I must be changing my gait.
Sounds like you’ve had some nice weather – hope it lasts for a while for you!