Um Spring – where did you go?

Just as I was welcoming spring weather with open arms, it seems that Spring has slipped into hiding. Yes I know that it’s only March, and in typical New England fashion, I really shouldn’t expect things to really warm up until mid-April…but I’m itching to shed the layers so hope burns eternal 😉

It was another 4-day run week, and with the exception of today’s stomach issues, running continues to feel pretty good. I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Here’s how things played out.

Week 12 – Where did Spring go?

Monday — 3.3-mile run & Core
Tuesday — Rest day.
Wednesday — 3.5-mile run, Core & Stretch

Thursday – Peloton Ride, Upper Body Strength & Stretch
Friday — 3-mile run, Full Body Strength & Stretch
Saturday — 3.6-mile walk & Yoga for hips
Sunday — 4-mile run. The plan called for 6 but stomach issues had me struggling from the outset of this run (and fighting the wind didn’t help!). Dizzy and nauseous I finally pulled the plug at 4. I’m not sure what went sideways here, but I’m happy I still got a few miles in.

At least it was a beautiful morning.

The week ahead looks to be a busy one as spring break comes to an end, lacrosse season kicks into gear, and I’ll be easing into my hybrid work schedule.

How was your week? Are you enjoying Spring or has it gone into hiding?




  1. Yeah, Spring was like “nope, not coming out yet” LOL

    Sorry to hear about your stomach issues today – I hope it’s not a stomach bug and that you feel better soon.

    • Thanks Kim – I hear there’s a bug going around so I’m keeping my fingers crossed it’s not that! On the plus side, it’s been a nice excuse to hang on the couch and watch basketball today 🙂

  2. I think this weekend was just the worst that spring can bring. Sure, it was sunny. But it was bitterly cold and windy. Come on man!

    I hope you feel better quickly! There is so much stuff going around.
    Wendy recently posted…A Week of ChallengesMy Profile

  3. Yes. What happened to spring? Snow flurries today.

    Congrats on your four runs.

    I felt like crap today. Haven’t been sleeping. But ran 5 mile race and then 6. Neither were my finest moments.

  4. Spring? Isn’t that the season that happens after the Spring Equinox? Hmmm…Momma N didn’t get the memo. Barb and I were joking, this morning, before we met up for our run…not remembering WHAT to wear for the cold temps and crazy wind. Funny how a few “spring-like” days totally messes with my memory on what “winter-like” running is all about. Hope you’re feeling better!

  5. Well, we were promised six more weeks of winter, right? Maybe this is the end of the awful weather.

    I had some awful nausea this week, but it was from my sinuses. It was wretched. I hope you’re feeling better!

    Hope this week goes smoothly!

  6. Oh no! Sorry you had to cut your run short. Hope you are feeling better. Yes spring has definitely left the building here too. It’s freeeeeezing again. Ugh. A friend of mine coaches LaCrosse and they are freezing their behinds off lately.

  7. Why is everyone having digestive issues this week? Kind of a weird coincidence. Anyway… I hope you feel better soon. Nausea is awful- you can battle through pretty much anything else, but not that. Anyway I hope you have a good week ahead of you! Sounds busy but fun.

    • Definitely a weird coincidence. As you said, I can run through a lot of things, but nausea really stopped me in my tracks. Fingers crossed it’s short-lived.

      Thanks, Jenny – hope your week’s a good one too!

  8. seems like we all had spring rather rudely whipped away from us this week! I am just worried we will head right to summer without having some mild weather. Nice job fitting it all in this week despite the stomach issues

    • I know what you mean — too many times winter just lingers and then suddenly the switch is flipped to summer. Thankfully the stomach issues were just a one-day event.

  9. I hope you’re feeling much better today!

    Winter is firmly here the last couple of days. Thankfully it looks like a warming trend as the week goes on, but in typical March fashion, windy & rainy.

  10. Sorry about the stomach issues, hope you’re feeling better now. We lose our spring for a bit tomorrow, apparently!

  11. I hope by the time you read this you’re much better! Stomach issues are never fun especially when you can’t decipher what’s going on! Is that stream close to your house – looks beautiful and peaceful!

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