Happy Friday! It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! It’s also time for a little catch-up over coffee with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. So grab a mug of your favorite hot beverage and let’s settle in for a chat.
Over coffee, I would tell you how much I enjoyed having the week off between Christmas and the New Year – it really gave me the downtime I desperately needed. The week off was filled with streaming movies, board games, and just hanging out. We did venture out to see Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience, which was fantastic, and to visit one of those big drive-through light displays – otherwise we were homebodies and it was glorious!
Over coffee, I would tell you that my oldest has decided not to return to campus this month. Clarkson has not been a good fit and he wants to transfer. Sadly I think this is the downside of not having been able to make final campus visits before committing to a college (thanks covid!). Nonetheless, I’m glad he told us he wanted a change vs. just trying to stick it out where he’s not happy. He’s already registered for some classes for the spring semester locally and is busy figuring out his options for the fall.
Over coffee, I would tell you that I was offered a new job right before the holidays! I have been craving a change for a while and this new opportunity will be big and challenging in a good way. I start my new gig in a couple of weeks.
Over coffee, I would tell you how excited I am to finally be able to announce that I was selected for the 2022 Brooks Run Happy Team. Brooks has been my go-to running shoe for years so I’m really looking forward to representing a brand I love.
Lastly, over coffee, I would tell you that I’m really enjoying the “Mindfulness and Running” course I have been taking for the past few weeks. The course is offered by my run coach Marc. It’s been a great opportunity to explore different approaches to mindfulness and meditation and how mindfulness can positively support your running.
And now that I’ve talked your ear off, I’ll ask, what would you tell me over coffee?
Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
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Congrats on the new job and the Brooks team! Lots of exciting stuff in your world. That’s a bummer Clarkson was not a good fit but at least your son realized it early. All the best to him as he finds the right college.
Thanks so much Marcia 🙂
Sorry to hear of your son’s disappointment, but it’s great that he knew to call it quits and is looking at a better fit. CoNgRaTs on the Brooks Team! Your smiling face will be an awesome addition to their team 😉
Yes I’m so happy that he was able to tell us vs. just trying to stick it out.
And thanks for the good wishes – I’m really looking forward to being a part of the Brooks team!
Congrats on the new job! I’ve certainly been mulling over my options lately, especially with this latest surge in Covid. For now I’m glad I work part time.
I’m glad that your son is continuing his studies while he sorts things out. It’s hard to know what you want to do when you are 18.
Excited to join you on the Run Happy team!
Wendy recently posted…Coffee talk
Thanks Wendy – I have been thinking about making a move for a while, but have been waiting for the right opportunity.
I am really happy that my son wants to continue to take classes while he looks for a better fit. Hopefully, things will come together for him.
So glad we get to #RunHappy together 😉
Congrats on the new job! How exciting (and nerve wracking, too, I’m sure). Also congrats on being picked for Brooks Run Happy!
That’s good that your son let you know it wasn’t the right college for him.
Yes so true about the new job being both exciting and nerve-wracking LOL I’m definitely looking forward to the change!
Oh, wow, big changes for your son. It’s great that he was able to recognize it wasn’t a good fit and be able to change. My daughter changed schools after the first year, but that was to follow a boyfriend across the country ….
Exciting news on your new job! And the Brooks tream! It seems like all are Brooks fans!
I’m so glad he was able to tell us that this wasn’t a good fit – now he can find the right situation for him. Hopefully covid won’t get in the way again of him having a chance to visit campuses in person!
Congrats on your new job and on the Brooks team! It is a great group of people and a fantastic community to be a part of. Sorry your son is not happy at his school but these things happen and he will find a school that is right for him. Thanks for stopping in for coffee
Congrats on the Brooks gig. I never apply for these things… that way I’m not disappointed lol
A new job is exciting. I’d like one these days.
I saw the van gogh twice – in Montreal (pre-pandemic) and then NYC. I have tix for Monet in Miami (I can’t wait)
Congrats on the new job and Brooks team! Lots of exciting new beginnings for ’22.
I transferred after Freshman year and Rutgers was a great fit where I made lifelong friends and business connections. It’s smart of your son to not spend the money and time on a semester if he’s not happy there. I hope he’ll find a good fit!
So many great things for you – Congrats on the new job and becoming a member of the Run Happy team!
Although sad that it’s not a fit, kudos to your son for knowing that he needed a change. I definitely wasn’t that decisive at that age!
Wow, you have some changes coming up! A new job and your son will be home!!! I have to admit I’m a little envious about that last one, although I’m sorry your son was unhappy. I agree, last year was a sucky year to be applying to colleges. We also didn’t get to visit any campuses, and it’s just lucky my son is happy where he is (although there were a few surprises!) Hopefully you’ll enjoy some bonus time with your son while he figures everything out.
Ooo, we have the Van Gogh immersive experience in the area too but I haven’t been by to see it yet — it sounds really cool though!
Congrats on your job offer and best of luck to your son with transferring to the right college for him!
Congrats on the new job and becoming a member of the Brooks team!! This year is off to a great start for you. I am sorry to hear about your son but am glad he realized is now. Good luck to him!
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Fit Five Friday and January 2022 Ultimate Coffee Date
Congrats on the new job and Brooks! Their team looks so fun – too bad I can’t actually run in their shoes LOL.
Good luck to your son! I’m glad he was able to figure out that the fit wasn’t right. The last two years have been super hard for newbie college students.
MCM Mama recently posted…Half Marathon #82: Probility Ann Arbor Half Marathon
Congratulations on Brooks! I want to apply but I’ve been nervous!
And congratulations on your new position! That’s so exciting!
I’m sorry the school wasn’t a good fit for your son. It’s so stressful. We are actually going through high school choice with A right now, and he’s a mess over it. We keep reiterating that whatever path he chooses will be fine, so long as he is happy.
Congratulations on the new gig! So glad your son felt comfortable telling you that, clearly you’ve shown him that you’re approachable. So important. College is so hard, never mind covid. Best of luck finding something that’s a better fit all around