The “busyness” of the season hit full stride this week! No complaints – all good stuff happening! Suffice it to say the days have been full, but the workouts did happen.
Here’s a quick look at my week in workouts.
Weekly Run Down – Week 49
Monday — Peloton Bike, Lower Body Strength, Core, & Foam Rolling. Started the week with a focus on the legs. I hadn’t taken one of Emma’s cycle classes in a while, and this was a great warm-up before the strength classes. This ride was part of Peloton’s new series of “Stacking Stuffer” classes – short classes for the busy holiday season.
Tuesday – 1.5-mile walk & Yoga
Wednesday – 4-mile run, Core, & Stretch. I had an extra early start to the workday but was able to slip in a midday run ahead of the forecasted snow.
Thursday – 3.2-mile run & Stretch. Busyness dominated the day, but I was determined to carve out some time for a run. I finally hit the mill just before dinner. I took advantage of 2 more of Peloton’s Stacking Stuffer classes combining a progressive run and HIIT run – this really helped to make the mill miles pass quickly
Friday – 3-mile walk
Saturday – 2-mile walk, Upper-Body & Lower-Body Strength, Core, Peloton Bike, & Stretch. A poor night of sleep left me feeling a little off so I moved my run to Sunday. Still managed to get a solid workout done along with a lot of Christmas prep and shopping.
Sunday – 4.25-mile run done. Yoga is planned for later.
12 Days of Fitmas Starts Monday!
I’m looking forward to joining 11 of my fellow bloggers in hosting the 12 Days of Fitmas! This will be a fun fitness challenge with a new move added on each day. The fun starts Monday so I hope you’ll join us!
In case you missed it:
Fit Five Friday – 5 Benefits of Cross Training
How was your week?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
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Tis the season for a crazy amount of things to do in a short period of time!
Great week of workouts! I did Susie’s progression run this morning and really enjoyed it!
I feel the same as you- this time of year is crazy but it’s all good stuff! You definitely got your workouts in though.
I’ll join in the 12 Days of Fitmas! Anything holiday related sounds fun to me.
Great week, Michelle! I’ve been feeling the crazy busyness, as well, but I agree that it’s all good. I decided to downscale the decorating this year (just a bit), and that’s helped with some of the workload. I’m really loving the Stocking Stackers!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Merrily We Streak Along
This is the season of busy for sure! Way to get in a solid week of workouts with lots of variety. Have a great week ahead!
It is busy and I’ve been ignoring my growing to-do list! WTH is wrong with me? Hoping to tackle a lot of it this week. Have a great week! We got this!
Work is busy and will get worse since everyone is taking time off but me.
I try as much as possible to run at lunch but it’s not always possible. Running in the dark gets old fast.
Looking forward to our challenge. Hope I can figure out the exercises.
It’s such a crazy time of year. I thought I was doing so great and tried to wrap gifts last night only to realize I have no clue where the tape might be since we redid the kitchen. I am enjoying the stacking stuffers!
You had nice variety in your workouts last week even with the business of the approaching holidays! It’s feels busier than ever here and I’m much farther behind than usual for as far along as we are into the countdown until Christmas.
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: December 5 – 11 / Unique Use for My Bike Garmin
I’m glad your busyness is mostly good stuff! Also glad you are still able to carve out the time to keep moving — I know it isn’t easy this time of year!
I’m fortunate that my friends and I usually exchange book tokens although a BookCrossing secret santa had me helping as Ms Christmas so my friend who’s disabled wasn’t disadvantaged by it. I just posted off all my Christmas cards, super-early for me!