I think April wins the award for the fastest month so far this year. For me, it was a month where I felt all over the place (much like the weather!) and never really found my groove. This last week was relatively quiet – definitely, a nice change of pace – and the highlight was getting my first vaccine! Here’s how it all played out.
Weekly Run Down – Week 17
Monday — 20 min Ride plus 5 min Cool-down, 15 min Full-Body Strength, and 10 min Core
Tuesday — 3-mile run
Wednesday — Vaccination day! Lots of upper body stretching to combat a sore arm, otherwise total rest.
Thursday — 2-mile walk, 20 min Strength for Runners, 10 min Core, and lower body stretch. I felt a little vaccine hangover, so it was a morning walk instead of a run, but still got my strength training done.
Friday — 2-mile walk, 30 min Ride, 15 min Chest & Back, and 10 min Core, and full-body stretch. I had been wanting to take this Lauryn Hill Ride for a while and, as always, Tunde did not disappoint. It also reminded me just how great “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill” album is!
Saturday — 30 min Ride plus 5 min Cool-down followed by a couple of hours of yard work. I had originally planned to run but did not get up early enough to get it done before I needed to get my son to his team bus and once I got back I was not feeling motivated to take on the wind. Instead, I did my first live ride as part of Peloton’s Homecoming celebration before diving into some serious yard work.
Sunday — 5-mile run. What a beautiful morning for a run! It warmed up fast and I was woefully under-hydrated, but thankfully my loving run sherpa (aka my husband) brought me water and the last two miles felt especially good.
Welcome to Team Moderna!
I’m happy to say that getting the first dose of the vaccine was a super easy process. And, aside from feeling a little sluggish and some soreness around the injection site, I had no side effects. Hopefully, dose #2 in 4 weeks will be more of the same.
And, since it’s a new month, I’m setting a couple of goals:
- Return to 4 days of running/week
- Complete the Peloton “Strength for Runners” series
- Continue to clean up my eating (This was an April goal and things are moving in the right direction, but I think there’s more to do here)
- Daily stretching or yoga (I have been seriously slacking here and I’m starting to feel the negative effects)
How was your week? Any goals for May?
In case you missed it:
Some April Runfessions for Fit Five Friday
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
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So glad that your first vaccine shot went well! The arm soreness is so crazy, but glad that it’s short lived.
That Lauryn Hill ride was great! Tunde is such a great instructor. How did you like your first live ride? I don’t do them too often but always find them to be fun.
Tunde is really one of my favorites…even though she’s always kicking my butt LOL! The live ride was fun – most of the time they don’t fit well into my schedule, but I would definitely do one again.
Vaccine hangover! exactly. Glad that’s behind you now! Strength training was probably a great idea to combat the soreness. Nice week!
I’m so glad that a couple of people has suggested doing the strength training, I think it really helped!
Nice week for you. I am really enjoying the daily stretch classes too. even if I just do 10 min I feel it really helps! The strength for runners classes are great too. Thanks for linking up!
I agree that even 10 minutes makes a difference. I’m looking forward to working my way through the Strength for Runners classes, though I will admit I’m not as big of a fan of Becs as I am of Matt.
Oh, I’ll have to bookmark that ride. I need something to get me on that bike. That reminds me I still have the run bookmarked and not taken yet. I’m impressed by your yard work. I just can’t get into it. 😛 Are you really doing all the SFR classes? That’s fantastic.
I think as the weather gets nicer it may be harder to get motivated to be on the bike, but I think my legs like the counter-balance to running. I’ve done one or two of the early SFR classes and always thought it would be fun to try them all.
The vaccine hangover is legit…at least it was for both myself and the hubby (we also had Moderna). He’s done, and I get my second “poke” on May 12th. Great goals for May! For me –> I’m taking it to the track…stay tuned 😉 Big announcement tomorrow…
I saw your track announcement – very cool goal! I have no doubt you’ll crush those time trials.
My oldest son finally got his first shot and it was Moderna. He had minimal side effects. So we have Pfizer, J&J, and Moderna in our house!
Bring on May!
Good to hear that he finally decided to get the vaccine!
Welcome to Team Moderna! Exciting, isn’t it?
I like your May goals! I seem to remember you doing yoga for your hips ever day earlier in the year, and saying it really helped a lot. So getting back to yoga should be good!
Jenny recently posted…Weekly Rundown- Glad That’s Over!
Good memory – yep I did the yoga challenge in January and it really did help…I shouldn’t have fallen off the wagon!
Sounds like our goals sort of align.
How nice of your husband to bring you water!
Most likely you will feel slightly worse after your second vaccine, but since your reaction wasn’t too bad to the first, hopefully not too much. It’s crazy how random it all is!
Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Here we go again: 4/26 – 5/2 WRD
It is crazy how random it all is! I will be so happy to have it done and behind me!
I’m so glad your vaccination went well, with minimal side effects! I had two solid yardwork sessions here this week as well, but there’s SO much more to do. Love the idea of a Strength for Runners series!
I feel like there’s always so much yard work to do, right?! Why is that?
Yay for getting the vaccine and glad you didn’t have side effects! Your goals for May look great. I need to be better about stretching, especially now that I’m sitting more on the days Im back in the office.
Isn’t it crazy how tight you can feel from sitting at a desk all day?
Awesome week! And I really like your May goals. I am continuing to focus a lot on my diet too, and it is paying off.
That’s great that you’re seeing results!
That is great news about the vaccine! Hopefully the next one goes just as well. I’ve heard of the Strength for Runners classes but did not know it was a series. I will have to check them out. I love your May goals!
Peloton has finally set up the SFR classes as a category under Strength so it makes them much easier to find. I had done a couple in the past and really like them!
I’m with you – how the heck did April go by so quickly! Glad you got your vaccine! whoo hoo! I’m still waiting. Good goals for May too – I was, for example, already working hard on my nutrition for a while with the occasional treat… now Ron’s got on the scale and decided HE needs to lose weight (which, he’ll probably lose in a week after having 1 less sandwich a day…) so I guess I also will have no more treats either! haha!
Les Mills has a runners hybrid workout that I want to check too – maybe similar to the Peloton series? At least the same idea behind it I would guess.
Isn’t it maddening that men drop the weight so much faster…it’s the same with my husband!