Here we stand on the final edge of the summer…and what a summer it has been! Seriously 2020 is the year that just keeps on giving, isn’t it?
I’m so glad that Marcia has kept Runfession link-up going – I have a couple of things to share before we move into a new month and new season.
In July, I runfessed that I was not ready to return to a gym or studio yet. Well, I runfess that not much has changed my feelings on this. I canceled my gym membership shortly after making that runfession, and now with the days winding down on the freeze on my OrangeTheory membership I’ve made the decision to pull the plug and cancel this membership too. Perhaps at some point down the road if I change my mind I can always re-join.
I runfess that now that we’ve had a brief taste of fall with some cool mornings last week I have absolutely no tolerance left for this returning humidity.
I runfess that instead of quietly stressing about my current running slump, I’m just going to let it go. I’ve been feeling pretty “meh” about running lately, and while I’m definitely up for a daily workout, I’ve caught myself on more than one occasion feeling like “I should run” vs. “I want to run”. Nothing good comes from “shoulding” on yourself so I’m letting that go…eventually the desire to run will return.
I runfess that I’m more than a little impatient waiting for my Peloton bike delivery. Believe it or not, I ordered it at the end of July and it’s not scheduled to deliver until October. I have heard that some people are getting their bikes sooner so I runfess that I may or may have called to check on my order status a couple of times.
OK so tell me… any runfessions to share?
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One of my neighbors ordered a new fridge & microwave & it’s going to take 3 months. I was like OMG, I have some older appliances here! Hope your bike does come sooner.
There are SO many ways to work out at home these days — that’s been a saving grace of the pandemic.
I dont blame you for discontinuing your memberships! Especially since you can run outside, use a bike, and do other at-home workouts. As much as I will be sad to see summer go, I’m really over the extreme heat and humidity.
Do you have a regular bike you can ride in the meantime (I can’t remember if I’ve seen you in a helmet or not LOL). As much as you dread the heat/humidity, biking outside is a lot more tolerable when the “summer” temps are lingering. Trust me, the 70F mornings feel cool (to me at least) on a bike 😉
it’s the great pumpkin charlie brown!
Team fall, forever.
My gym membership is paused (just became an option here next week) and I’ll decide at pause’s end. I’d like to use it as a stretch place, but maybe I”ll get my apartment finished and make a space.
Cari recently posted…podcasts and reunion runs
You know I totally agree with you about the humidity. I would like it to leave and not come back until next summer. I’m ready for Fall and all things pumpkin lol.
I was hoping that OTF would be ale to extend the freeze past 3 months, especially for gyms that are still closed, but you’re making the right decision to cancel. And like you said, you can always go back at a later date.
That’s a LONG time to wait! I do hope your delivery gets moved up. I am getting itchy about missing Cyclebar and OTF but the case numbers in my city are no better than they were in early June when I KNEW I wasn’t ready to go back, so I am still sitting on my hands.
I agree with you on the “shoulding” that’s when I know I need a break. I usually feel rejuvenated with the cooler temps so hoping that happens soon too. That does seem a long time to wait for your bike but it’s worth it!
We cancelled our gym membership as well and I hate to say it but going forward, I think online and virtual workouts will be way more popular than gyms. Hope your bike shows up soon!
I love your phrase “the final edge of summer” but I hate what it implies. I am one of those weirdos who loves summer running.
Hubby and I have been having conversations about canceling our membership to the rec center (where we went to the gym). We would definitely wait until after Labor Day because the rec center membership gets us into the outside community pool, where I have been swimming laps.
Laurie recently posted…Three August Runfessions
I ordered a new sectional and was told it would come by Labor Day. Um no, now it’s October. Fine, whatever, right?
I get the whole ‘should’ vs ‘want’ to run. This morning, I went because I knew I ‘should’ run. It was brutal. I’m glad I did it, but really, I could have just skipped it. I felt like crap for a couple of hours after…
Wow. That is a long time.
I get you on the slump. I real that way all week. But on the weekend I meet my friends and that helps. 13-14 mm pace. I wonder how I used to run faster??
I’m trying to get out of my gym membership – I’ve cancelled my direct debit and have sent an email saying it’s not fit for purpose. I just hope I can sort out some space in the house for doing yoga and then actually do it. As for running slumps, I’ve been super tired but want to run so I run then I run out of energy. gah! I’m instigating earlier bedtimes for myself for a bit
Hope your bike hurries up and arrives!