It’s the last day of May and my first thought is Hallelujah! Somehow I went into this month believing that without all of the traditional school events and both of my sons’ lacrosse schedules to contend with that this would be a low-keyed month…Boy was I wrong! This month felt hella long, and the events of this past week just about pushed me to my limit – I am ready to say buh bye to this edition of May Madness.
Before I move on to setting some June goals, here’s a brief rundown of the last week of May…
Monday — 30-min Slow Flow Yoga courtesy of Peloton
Tuesday — Lower body strength training on the Bosu
Wednesday — 3 miles, plus 1 hr session with the physical therapist
Thursday — Rest day
Friday — 3.5 miles
Saturday — More yoga – seriously, who am I?!
Sunday — Uncanceled Project 8K. After suffering through ridiculous humidity all week, being outside this morning felt glorious! The peace of the early morning was also a welcome retreat from the heaviness I feel every time I think about all that is consuming our country at the moment.
With a major work project still kicking my arse, this week’s workouts were nothing wildly exciting. But they were done! And, I’m happy to say I hit my May goals of getting back to running at least 50 miles/month (I eeked out 50.6!) and completing the Family Plank Challenge!
So what’s on tap for June?
- Continue daily planking (hopefully, I can get my family to keep playing along!)
- Continue PT exercises 3x’s/week (This was also a May goal that fell apart as the month wore on)
- Increase my monthly mileage to 65
- Complete Run the Edge’s Summer Streaker Challenge (1-mile run or 20 mins of working out each day)
How did May treat you? Any big goals for June?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
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Oh, I love a plank challenge! How wonderful to get the family to participate. May was a long month…I have a feeling June will fly by.
It was a lot of fun getting the whole fam involved 🙂
My May went surprisingly well, but the way the days fell I feel like I got an extra weekend of running to bump up my mileage. I signed up for the 100 mile challenge on Garmin, but am not sure I will try hard to reach it. I hope June brings us some good news for a change.
I’m so with you on that wish for some good news in June!
What a crazy month–Mayhem, indeed! Nice work, Michelle. No challenges for me, except wrapping up the Great Run Across Illinois. I’ve got a 50k to train for….
Stay safe.
Thanks Wendy! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that the 50K stays on the calendar.
I cannot decide if I want to do the Run The edge streak or not! I better hurry. up and decide. May sure was one to remember and felt busy although I did not do much. Weird for sure. Thanks for linking!
Oh I hope you join me for this streak – I like that you don’t have to run every day.
Bravo on the plank challenge! I wonder if I could get my hubby to play along? May was a l.o.n.g month…June only has 30 days…let’s hope it feels more manageable 😉 Looking forward to our walk on Tuesday!!!!!!
Yes – really looking forward to catching up 🙂
Well done on meeting your May running goal! I wonder if I can challenge my girls to a plank challenge?? We all know the Caveman is out of commission on that for the foreseeable future. Haha!
Oh your poor husband! It was fun having the whole family play along – definitely got pretty competitive 🙂
May was definitely a crazy month! Great job on those goals. Here’s to June being better 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
Here’s to a great June!
So sorry that work continues to be super hard and busy. I do hope that things will slow down this month.
I love the goals that you have on tap for June!
Thanks Kim! I’m counting on June not being so hectic.
Well, if it were a down dog challenge the dogs would be all in, LOL!
You did well in a very challenging month. That’s not easy!
Thanks Judy 🙂
Good job on those planks! I thought May flew by! I am glad it’s June so hopefully my kids can get away from the computer. I’m sick of seeing them on devices all day long! Did lacrosse practice start back up for your kids? I heard it has started around here – as well as other sports conditioning (cross country) and baseball.
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly Workouts – feeling the heat!
No youth sports here yet so the boys lost the whole season 🙁 I am with you on wanting to get the kids away from their computers!
All these weeks and months blend together.
No goals. Just staying active and getting out for a walk or two a day and some runs here and there.
These weeks are blending together – really need to feel some sense of normalcy…
Great job on the May mileage! You did great. I had no idea about the streak challenge. I just looked it up and saw other challenges as well. I might sign up for the Back to School one.
No big plans for June. I will be teaching summer school so that should be interesting. 🙂
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: Global Running Day
Thanks Zenaida!
Wow, summer school – will you be online or in the classroom?
Well done for hitting your May goal! I was really pleased to get back on target for my mileage goal for the year – I was behind at the end of April and that made me feel dispirited, but I’m even beating 2018 me at the moment! I respect you doing a Bosu ball workout as I would fall off that! Have a great June!
Thank you Liz 🙂 Great to hear that you are back on target for your annual goal! Cheers to a great June!