Happy Friday!
It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional and I’ve got a couple of things to share.
Mother Nature flipped the humidity switch this week and decided to go right for “oppressive” levels with a dew point of 70. I runfess that every year I say that I won’t whine when the warmer temps arrive, and every year I lie…this year will be no different.
I runfess that the new Adrenalines my boys got me for Mother’s Day have become an instant fave! Given that this pattern is a limited edition I runfess that I may or may not be stalking websites in search of an extra pair to store away.
I runfess that I have mixed feelings as things here enter “Phase 1” of re-opening. We’re still two phases away from gyms and fitness studios being allowed to open their doors, and while I was loving my OrangeTheory workouts pre-shutdown, I will admit that I am in no hurry to rush back. I runfess it could a summer of running and at-home workouts for me.
So tell me, do you buy extra pairs of a favorite shoe? Are you embracing the heat and humidity?
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I runfess that I REALLY love those sneakers but since I still have a few pairs of new sneakers in my closest, I can’t justify buying them.
The meme for the excessive humidity made me LOL. It’s so true though – it’s felt like a swamp all week.
Our OTF should re-open toward the end of June but if I go back, it won’t be until July.
I agree, I won’t be going to a gym too soon either. Our gyms have been open for a month now and not many people are going. It’s just not very relaxed or pleasant to be avoiding other people in a confined space.
I love your (and Wendy’s) Run Happy Shoes! If only the lasted longer, right?
I was working out at home before all this started, so things haven’t really changed all that much in that dept for me.
Because it hasn’t been months of humidity yet, I’m ok with it. Much better than snow!
Actually, I do love running in the summer heat and humidity. My hair, however, does not love the humidity.
I know what you are saying about OTF. I feel the same way about Body Pump classes. Where I live in PA, we have not begun opening up at all but we are scheduled to begin next Friday. We are a long way away from having gyms open again. I miss swimming!
Your boys did good for Mother’s Day! Those shoes are cute.
I sure do love those shoes as well! Enjoy them and run happy! I do not see myself going back to a gym anytime in the near future especially my hot yoga class
I love those shoes…I should look for some. Though, as I mentioned on my Tues/Wed post, I’m a fan of “last season” shoes for the money savings…so I may go that route LOL The Adrenalines have been good to me 😉 We had some heavy humidity here this week, too. Not my favorite weather, but I’ll take it over cold and snow 😉
It’s all because of you that I bought those shoes! I love them. I’m going to do my long run in them tomorrow.
Also like you, I’m not ready to go back to group workouts. I’d love a one-on-one with Sammy Jo, tho!
You aren’t kidding about the humidity — it’s even bad when I take Scooby out at 5:30 am. I am not ready to go back to OTF either, but I need a better fan system if I’m going to be on my treadmill this summer.