Adjusting to DST…packing up students…apocalyptic shopping…and cancellations abound. To say it has been one helluva week would be an understatement! Here’s a brief run down on this week’s workout.
Monday — Yoga. The combination of Sunday’s Orangetheory workout and adjusting to DST had me dragging so time on my mat was the perfect solution.
Tuesday — Rest day.
Wednesday — Orangetheory. Power days are some of my favorite workouts and this one did not disappoint!
Thursday — Unplanned rest day. My oldest was due to come home for Spring Break but in light of everything he was advised to pack up as if he would not be returning for the rest of the semester. I followed up 3 hours in the car, with a trip to our local BJs warehouse with J – it was utter madness! We spent 20 minutes shopping and over an hour in line. Thankfully the people in line around us were pleasant and chatty.
Friday — Orangetheory – Friday the 13th edition. So many burpees, plus some quick power rows, and long treadmill blocks. I really needed this sweat sesh!
Saturday — 2 miles. My legs felt like lead from Friday’s workout and I just couldn’t get my head in the game – but a couple of miles was better than none.
Sunday — 3 miles. Sunshine and quiet roads was a nice way to start the morning.
In other news…
At the urging of my massage therapist, I finally broke down and went to see my doctor about my lingering quad pain and hip issues. While the combination of massage, acupuncture, and the compression sleeve have helped quite a bit, the discomfort still comes and goes. It was much faster to get an appointment with the nurse practitioner and I was totally fine with that – she’s a runner (as is my doc) and we definitely click. We chatted about races and her assessment was quadriceps tendonitis. Additionally, she ordered an x-ray just to make sure we weren’t missing anything. The verdict – a little arthritis. So it looks like I’ve got PT in my future. She referred me to an awesome sports doc and I’m just waiting to get my first appointment lined up.
Cancellations everywhere…
At this point, it is starting to feel like it might be easier to announce what is still open vs all that had closed or been canceled. Oddly, the Portland 10 Miler, my next race, has announced they’re proceeding as planned. It’s 6 weeks from today so I think they’re being wildly optimistic! I also have to say I found it just a little annoying the runners on their social media commending them for “not giving in to the panic”. Trust me I understand no one wants to have their race canceled, but it’s better to be cautious and safe, isn’t it?
Have you had a race canceled? Are your kids home indefinitely?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
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So far, the only thing affected by the Virus has been the Fight for Air Climb (postponed, TBD). I have a couple of 13.1’s in late April that are still “on” as of this moment…. Glad we all have our fitness to fall back on! We got this!!!
Yes – very thankful for working out or I would surely go stir crazy! Onward!
That’s a ridiculous reaction to the race not being canceled (yet). I was pretty annoyed when my conference waited until the 11th hour (literally 11:27 pm the night before!) to cancel in-person attendance after other conferences were canceled left and right. That said, I think even 6 weeks out is justified to wait and see.
So, what is your son going to do at home? Is your younger son’s school still open?
And, I’m not sure if the arthritis is good news or bad, since it sounds chronic. Hopefully the docs and PT will help you work through it
Both of my boys were supposed to be on Spring Break until the 30th but that’s now been extended until the first week of April, then it looks like online classes from there. At this rate, I’m doubtful my oldest will return to campus this semester!
Yeah, I’m not sure how to feel about the arthritis diagnosis. My doc doesn’t seem worried so I guess I’m just going to follow her lead for now.
My son is now home from college and not so happy about it. Apparently living here is not as much fun as living in a frat house. It’s going to be a tough few weeks for everyone. Glad you got some more answers to your quad and hip issues. Thanks for linking up and let’s keep supporting each other
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Run Down link up Sin City Edition
What? Life at home doesn’t live up to frat life…can’t imaging why 😉
I’m grateful for our little piece of the interwebs – these link-ups help!
My daughter was excited to come home for spring break. For possibly the rest of the term? Not so much. Sorry to hear about the arthritis. I hope the PT works wonders for you.
Marcia recently posted…Keep Calm and Run On
I know what you mean, my son felt the same way about coming home.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed about the PT – that is if I can ever get the appointment scheduled. Coronavirus is making that tough for the foreseeable future 🙁
It’s been a tough week over here! Between the coronavirus and my son’s accident, I’ve had about all I can take. Fortunately, I was able to get home and he’s on the mend. I ran yesterday. Small blessings add up!
Wendy recently posted…Going To Florida Was a Bad Idea
I can only imagine how stressful receiving that call from your son was! I’m glad to hear he’s on the mend!
Wow, an hour on line! I shop the smaller stores, in general, so haven’t had to deal with that but have heard tales.
I wasn’t actually signed up for anything. But I did email the RD like 2 days before they ultimately canceled the DE race, and at that point they fully expected to do it.
Today is the kickoff for the training challenge at our large women’s race end of May. They decided not to do in person trainings, just sent out the workout & filmed some videos.
I’m sorry about the arthritis dx. I hope that the PT can help you!
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Running down a virus: 3/9-15 WRD
Yes, the 1-hour wait was extreme! Thankfully I have no need to return to the warehouse stores any time soon.
Do you think your end of May race will move forward? I’ve got one scheduled Memorial Day weekend and I’m starting to wonder.
It was quite the week. I remember staring at my laptop on Thursday and just being like “what is going on?!” lol
Hmm..I feel like the Portland 10 Miler is going to either be cancelled or rescheduled. I don’t see them being able to go ahead with that plan, especially not that the CDC has recommend no social gatherings of 50+ people for the next 8 weeks.
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: OTF Transformation Week #8
Portland finally gave in – they’re going to try to postpone until the fall, like so many other races. The fall months are starting to look pretty crazy!
What a week for everyone – just when you thought you’d heard it all, another announcement would be made. Like you I was also very surprised by some of the reactions to cancellations. No race organiser wants their race cancelled so if they do, it means they’ve thought a lot about it.
Shathiso recently posted…Phobians Pretoria Half Marathon, Race Recap, #2/20
Exactly – I think a lot of people are losing sight of the fact that this is hard on the RDs too. As you said, no one wants to cancel.
I agree, better safe than sorry! That does sound like a crazy week with helping your son get home and the long lines. We went to Costco last weekend and managed to get out of their without huge lines. Hopefully the PT can help out with the pain 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Pike’s Peek 10k training week 8
Thanks Chaitali – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the PT will help!
Sorry about your pain. PT was a great help to me. I hope yours is too.
At least there are no races to miss out on!!
I am sad but I totally understand.
Thanks, Darlene – I’m hoping the PT will help especially with the extra time of not having to train for anything at the moment.
super weird week and it continues! sorry to hear about the tendonitis and arthritis! hopefully with a good PT you’ll not have too much pain and discomfort.
everything is shut down and cancelled here. I’m trying to deal with it but I’m finding it hard.
I know…our new “reality” is a lot to process.
No races booked so nothing to be cancelled personally but pretty well all my running friends are now missing races. Such a shame, but it has to be done. The people celebrating the race not closing are, I bet, the ones who have been a) panic buying, b) coughing all over handles!
Stay safe and take care x
Ha! Liz, I think your assessment is probably spot-on!
Stay safe my friend!
So did that 10 Miler get cancelled yet? For the Glass City marathon (April 26th) they had discussed moving the race until Memorial day weekend as a potential, but figured it would be safer to just cancel instead of having to maybe cancel again! I don’t feel anxious about the whole situation, but when I see people hoarding stuff and everyone in huge lines like that, that freaks me out a bit. Yikes!!
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They finally got around to postponing the race and are hoping to hold it sometime in the fall. I know what you mean about not feeling anxious until people started hoarding – makes everything feel very unstable!