My 2020 race calendar is slowly starting to take shape. For those who have asked – yes there will be another marathon, but not this year. I’m looking forward to mixing up the distances more this year and having a more “relaxed” summer 😉
My race season kicks off this Sunday with the Old Fashioned 5K, and here’s what else I’m planning.
My 2020 Race Calendar
Portland 10 Miler (4/26)
Boston’s Run to Remember 5 Miler (5/24)
Newport 10 Miler (5/31)
Narragansett Summer Running Festival 10K (7/12)
Ocean Road 10K (10/4)
Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon (10/18)
Vermont 10 Miler (11/1)
Where are you racing this year? I'm sharing my 2020 race calendar and some race discounts! #BibChat #BibRavePro Share on XI’d still like to add in a couple more races, especially another half marathon in either September or November. I may just have to wait and see where I’ll be visiting colleges with my oldest and then look for a local race.
Speaking of half marathons, if you want to join me for the DFP Half in October, you can use code “BIBRAVEDET20” for 10% off the registration. And, if you are still looking for races to add to your calendar, be sure to check my list on this blog of BibRave race discounts – I’ll be updating this list periodically, so be sure to check back often.
What’s on your race calendar this year?
I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up
I’m also linking with Debbie, Rachel, Deborah, Lisa,
Smitha and Jenn for the Runners’ Roundup
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Ummmm, there’s a half marathon option for the Air Force Marathon…just saying 🙂 It’s in September! There you go, we’ll see ya there 😉
Seriously, you have a lot of great stuff in the works! If our youngest’s birthday wasn’t 11/1, I’d consider trekking to VT to join you.
Ha all kidding aside I did give serious pause when I spied the Air Force Half on the BibRave list. If I could make it work with all the hubbub of “back to school” hmmm… it would be great to see you 🙂
I like all of the 10 milers you have here on your schedule. I find those much more enjoyable than half races. Looks like an exciting few months ahead
I love the 10-mile distance and until recently there weren’t many in the area. But the New England 10 mile series is helping to change that.
You’ve got some great races on the calendar for 2020 and I love that you’re doing the Run to Remember race again!
I can’t resist RtR, but with Newport a week later, I’m going to stick with the 5 Miler this year.
I love 10 milers but none near me.
Looks like a great bunch of races.
There’s a nice half In Saratoga in late Sept. also one in Schroon lake.
Where in VT is the 10 miler?
The Vermont 10 is in Stowe – it will be hilly, but should be a pretty course!
Your race calendar is filling up nicely! DFP should be fun!
DFP’s been on my list for a while – I’m looking forward to it!
That Detroit Free Press Half Marathon would be so great! Are you doing the Canada option?
Funny thing, I posted my spring races and its already changed, lol!
Yep the Canada option – should be pretty cool 🙂
I know what you mean about things changing – Out of this list I’m only registered for the 3 10 milers (because they’re part of a series) and for DFP thanks to BibRave. I will probably register for the others much closer to each race date just in case!
Detroit Free Press is on my list for the future.
This year I am hoping to do The Cupcake Run 5K (to benefit Girls on the Run of Northeast Florida) and the St. Jude’s Half in Memphis. We just have to see where my recovery takes me.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that you’re ready to go for the Cupcake 5K!
I have one half. That’s it (much like last year). I’m sure that there will be other, local, shorter races.
Looks like your calendar is filled with fun things!
Which half marathon are you running?
Looks like a great race plan for this year! I never have much luck when I schedule races too far in advance. I’m trying to figure out if I should do a full this fall, but I think I am going to see how half training goes this spring first. And I might jump into a few shorter races as well.
Thanks for linking up!
I always have the same debate about booking too far in advance. I’m keeping my fingers crossed this plan pays off!
Looks like a great race calendar! You’ve got some fun ones on there.
Thanks – should be a fun year!
Good luck in your race this coming weekend! A 5k is a great way to kick off the season.
Yes, a 5K is a nice way to ease into the season – especially when it is still so cold around here!
I’ve done the Run to Remember half marathon and have enjoyed it. The Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon is so much fun! I am assuming you will be running the International one?
Yes the International one – I’m looking forward to it!