Happy Friday!
The days are just rolling along and here we are once again at the last Friday of the month. Time to join Marcia for a few Runfessions!
It's Friday and I'm joining @teamarcia for the Runfession link-up! #running #runchat #runfessions Share on X
June Runfessions
I runfess that I miss hitting things! While I loved my kickboxing classes, I didn’t love how rarely I was able to make my schedule align with the studio class schedule, and with it all of the money I was wasting on my monthly membership. I recently pulled the plug on the membership, but there have been many days lately where I could really use a punching bag!
As if the Universe can sense my need to channel my energy, I keep seeing ads for Fight Camp. I runfess I’m intrigued and trying to figure out where in my house I could put this!
I runfess that I’m almost afraid to say it out loud but running and I are BFFs again. Yes, the on again, off again humidity is making it tough to acclimate and I definitely have a beef with Mother Nature over her schizophrenic behavior. But weather aside, running and I are getting along just fine.
I runfess that the one thing that is stressing me out about my runs right now is how to navigate my hydration. As you all know I’m a Tailwind ambassador and I just love the stuff – no tummy trouble what so ever. The downside is Gatorade dominates most road races, and will be the drink of choice at Chicago. So, if I want to run with Tailwind I’m going to have to decide how to carry it. Any suggestions?
What are you runfessing this month?
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You know I also love kickboxing. i usually only get one in a week but it’s nice to have a small bag in the house to kick or hit whenever I feel the need
Deborah Brooks recently posted…June Runfessions Too Soon to complain about summer?
I would love the idea of having a bag at home if I can figure out where to put it!
Hooray for you and running back to being BFF’s!!! That is so great! The Fight Camp sounds like fun! I have never tried that before!
Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…5 types of Meditation for a more positive you.
If I can figure out where in my house to put the Fight Camp set up I may be tempted to try it!
Thankfully I’m ok with just water in a race (maybe it’d be different if I ran a full, but even for 18 miles it served me well). Sorry, I’m not much help!
That’s great that running is going well. All the rain & now the sudden heat — it’s definitely been a wee bit challenging!
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Will I Swim again?: Runfessions June 2019
It really would help if Mother Nature could make up her mind! 🙂
Glad the running is back in your top 5 of friends 🙂 Yes, the weather has been sporadic and very unseasonal, most of 2019. It’s a constant guessing game…even my weather app shows one thing (at 11 p.m.) and it’ll be a whole new ball game five hours later (???)
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Runfessions for June
Yep I feel like I’m constantly stalking my app without much success 😉
I’m so glad running is treating you well! I always carry my own hydration, but it’s easier for the 1/2 distance. I think I’ve heard people carry extra Tailwind and mix it with water at water stops.
Coco recently posted…Summer Slump Runfessions
Curious – do you use a vest, belt or handheld?
I think I need a sport where I can hit things!
I made peace with carrying my Tailwind in a handheld. Gatorade did not agree with me. I used the Tailwind bottle, slipped a coozy around it and used a bottle band. The aid stations fill up your bottle with water, no problems. I ran 3 marathons like this and countless halfs! Let me know if you have more questions.
Wendy recently posted…I’m Shrinking! and Other Runfessions
Thanks Wendy this is helpful to know! I just ordered a new handheld so I’ll give that a shot. I’m sure I’ll have more questions once I try it.
Scheduled classes can be so tough. I understand why you pulled the plug but also how much you must miss your kickboxing. I love that you are loving running! What a great feeling!
I am very opposed to carrying anything during a run, so I usually make do with what they offer on the course, if I can (hey, Immodium!). However, if Tailwind is what works best for you, I would probably take a handheld and do my best.
Jenn recently posted…best damn weekend + a 2020 bdr discount code for you!
I’m so not a fan of having to carry anything but my stomach gets so cranky these days that I don’t think I have a choice.
Do you really have to drink a tailwind? maybe look into a salomon hydration flasks or other salomon hydration solutions, I take it with me on my hot runs but I put water in them..
Hanna Gierzynska-Zalewska recently posted…Comrades Marathon_my dream race
I’ve tried a number of products and Tailwind really works the best for my stomach. Thanks for the flask suggestion!
Glad to hear running is going well! I’ve not heard of Fight Camp but it looks cool! I always carry my own hydration at marathons. I think Tokyo was the only one I did not and that’s because it was not allowed. Wendy’s suggestions sound good!
Marcia recently posted…June Rufessions Smell Like Roses
From what I can tell Fight Camp looks like Pelaton for kickboxing.
Interesting that you always carry your own hydration as well. I’m definitely going to give Wendy’s suggestion a try!
I used to LOVE kickboxing class! I have not done it in years, but I know it was helpful when I was stressed or upset!
Angela recently posted…Best Tips for Workout Recovery with CBD
There is definitely something cathartic in throwing a punch or two 😉
When I go to Body Pump class at my local rec center, there is a kickboxing class right next door in the adjacent studio. It always looks so appealing
Glad to read that your running is going so well!
Laurie recently posted…June Runfessions
I have to say the kickboxing can be pretty addictive!
I alternate between using a handheld or orange mud vest to carry my Tailwind. I have the Orange Mud HydraQuiver Single Barrel and it works pretty well and the bottle is large enough to hold a good amount of Tailwind and water.
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Kickin’ It In Nashville
Thanks Kim – do you know if vests are allowed at Chicago? I know both Boston & NYC banned them.