Was it just me, or did this week feel l-o-n-g!? Perhaps it was the combination of a stressful week of work, taking on a new client in my side gig, driving back and forth across the state attending lacrosse games, all while feeling less than 100%…yeah a long week!
Along the way, I managed to keep my early morning runs going and made it back to double digits. Here’s how the workout week went down…
Run to Remember Training Week 8
Monday – Caught up with Coach Marc for 3.5 miles to work on speed drills and form.
Tuesday – A short yoga session and acupuncture.
Wednesday – PT exercises and core work
Thursday – 3-mile run
Friday – Rest
Saturday – 4-mile run
Sunday – 10.3-mile run
Total miles for the week – 20.8
I’m not gonna lie – today’s ten miler was hard. I was so ready to be done around mile 7 but psychologically I knew I needed to see at one double-digit run before next week’s half marathon. It’s been a long time since I’ve run that far.
It was great to spend time with Coach Marc on Monday. While we worked on Chi Running forms for speedwork, he was quick to remind me that this upcoming race was not about time but about enjoying the race and celebrating returning to the half marathon distance. We agreed – this will be a training run with benefits. There will be a time to focus on pace and “racing” later. And, speaking of races, I was kinda thrown for a loop when Marc pointed out that we’re just a few weeks away from the start of marathon training – Wait, what?!?
So how was your week?
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.
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Way to go on that 10-miler!! I have a 20K in two weeks, and I’m just not feeling like doing a 10-miler before hand LOL That said, I did run 15 miles a week ago (albeit over the course of three separate runs in the relay). I have had a few 7 & 8 mile runs, so I’m gonna see what I’m “feeling” next weekend. It’s exciting that 26.2 training is almost a reality!! Thanks for linking with us!
You’ve been running so strong that I’m sure not having a double-digit run will not hurt you!
I had that same “wait marathon training already?!” thought earlier this week. I can’t believe that May is almost over – with this weather it sure doesn’t feel like summer is coming. Great job on the 10 miler!
Becca | Rabbit Food Runner recently posted…Back to the Trails
Becca, which marathon will you be training for?
What a solid week of training for you! That should give you a nice confidence boost for your half
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Healthy Mother’s Day Brunch Ideas Everyone Will Love
Thanks – it definitely did!
congrats on getting a double digit run in this week! especially being busy and having stress!! I gotta side with Marc; I think next weekend will show you that you are fit and more than ready for the distance. The half after this will be about smashing it up!!!
When do you start training??? My official start date is 24/6 I think; but I’m already unofficially starting next week… i have no base, so I need to build up again!!
Have a good week, Michelle!
I think I’ll end up with an 18-week plan so starting on 6/9. So glad we’ll all be training together virtually!
What a lovely strong running pic, very determined, love it! And well done on your 10 mile. I was all about the taper this week and it’s very odd to not be doing a recovery run this morning!
Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 13-19 May 2019 #amrunning #running
Thanks so much Liz 🙂
Sounds like a super busy week but you held it all together! Congrats on that double digit run and I am sure that was a huge confidence boost going into this weekend’s race. I also love how you are approaching this race as a training run – so smart!
Can’t wait to see you on Saturday!
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Down for the Count
I think this is where having a coach is good for me cause he’s keeping me in check so I don’t go out during the race and try anything silly! LOL!
Oh, I bet the time to/from/at lacrosse games added up. It’s so fun while you’re there, but can eat up your whole weekend! So happy to hear about your 10 miler, even if it was hard. Your coach is right – this one is for enjoying after all you’ve been through.
Coco recently posted…Moving Along In May
So true – the whole lax game spectating is so much fun, but really eats up time!
It was nice to see you post that 10 miler! That had to be a big confidence booster! I can’t believe marathon training starts soon. At this point, I don’t know if I could run 10 miles. It’s weird how that all went away.
Wendy recently posted…A Change in Perspective
It kinda blows my mind when I think about how long it’s been since I’ve seen double digits on my Garmin!
Great job with that 10 miler! It always feels like such a milestone to get to double digits.
Chaitali recently posted…Wayfarers Annapolis 10k, Training week 9
It really does – thanks!
Great job getting in your ten miler even though you maybe weren’t psychologically into it. You will be thankful on half marathon race day that you have those miles under your belt.
Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Running Playlist May 2019
oh so true!
Every time I start training again I wonder how on earth I was able to run certain distances or times before haha. Our bodies adapt, but the first little bit of training always throws me off.
Jenny Albertson recently posted…What is Adding to Your Daily Stress
I know what you mean. I find it a lot easier not to think about the entire distance I’m training for and just focus on whatever run is on the plan for that day.
LOL on the marathon training comment! I counted the weeks and realized I needed to start right back up with my marathon training after a short recovery from my April marathon. But at least the plan starts out from the ground floor again, so that will provide some recovery too!
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Training recap – week 2
That’s good that your training starts with lower mileage so you can re-group a bit!
Love that you are getting right back into it! You are going to celebrate that return to 13.1 and rock your marathon! I just know it 🙂
Jenn recently posted…size is just a number
Thanks Jenn! 🙂
Sounds like a great week! Way to push through on your 10 miler! I am increasing my mileage now too and will be back to double digit runs soon!
That’s great Angela! Good luck as you start increasing your miles!
Nice week of work in the books! I did a half marathon on Sunday and was pretty cashed after that. I’ve been working a ton of extra hours lately and it has been killing me!
Congrats on your half! Hope your work schedule slows down for you soon!