Juggling was once again the theme for this week as I navigated work commitments and my youngest son being home sick all week – I definitely took a do what you can, when you can approach!
The Weekly Run Down
Monday — While my legs did not feel like running, I did get a nice mile power walk with the pup! There’s no such thing as a leisurely stroll with this fella!
Tuesday — With my son at home I wasn’t able to get out for a run until late in the afternoon, but I was greeted with mild temps and lots of sunshine! 3 miles done.
Wednesday — I was really feeling pressed for time so HIIT workout to the rescue!
Thursday — Try as I might, I just couldn’t fit in a workout so this was an unplanned rest day.
Friday — I felt good from start to finish on this run – 3 more miles in the books.
Saturday — A day filled with house projects and errands, but I did set aside some time for my yoga mat.
Sunday — A glorious afternoon in the upper 60s – Hello Spring! 4.5 miles done.
The workouts were a little all over the place, but I got them done…and best of all, my runs felt pretty good this week – maybe it was all that sunshine 😉
#SpringIntoNOW Challenge
If you’ve been following me on Instagram then you know that I’m participating in the #SpringIntoNOW Challenge in partnership with SweatPink. I’ve been having a lot of fun trying out the range of products NOW Foods provided and am pretty sure that many of them will become permanent fixtures for me well past the campaign.
There’s still time to get in on the fun – just post a photo ties to the daily theme, tag @nowfoodsofficial and use the hashtag #SpringIntoNOW for a chance to win a $200 gift card to NOW foods. The challenge ends on April 10th.
I’m joining Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.
Have you ever tried NOW Foods products?
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Glad you had much better weather this week too. Finally! Thanks for linking up today
Deborah Brooks recently posted…How to get your running mojo and confidence back after returning from injury
Thanks – just wish the nice weather had lasted!
The spring weather has been amazing! I wish it would stick around longer however this week’s forecast looks like nothing but rain and 40s. Boo!!!
angela @ happy fit mama recently posted…Last Week’s Workouts
I know! Sadly short lived!
Nice job squeezing those workouts in! I love that running top!
Coco recently posted…Running In Downtown Miami
Thanks – it’s from Inknburn! I’m just a little obsessed with their stuff lately!
Doesn’t it feel good to get back outside? Sorry about the sick kiddo…hope he’s feeling better. Thanks for linking with us!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Recovery. Adventure. Fun. Mix and Repeat!
Thankfully kids ounce back fairly quickly!
So sorry that your youngest was sick this week 🙁 There is definitely something going around. I hope that he is feeling better.
I’m also love the #SpringIntoNOW challenge! So cool to see the posts from other SweatPink members.
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Will Run For Chocolate
The Challenge has been a lot of fun – discovered some great new (to me ) products!
Well done working your workouts into your busy week. Seeing your beet powder has reminded me I need to get beetroot juice onto the shopping list from now until mid-July!!
Liz Dexter recently posted…Sedate lady running 01-07 2019 #amrunning #running
I have to admit until I received the beet powder from NOW I didn’t realize beetroot juice was such a thing!
Nice work! I hope your son is feeling better! I have never tried the NOW product line but have heard such good things!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Rock ‘n Roll Nashville Training: Entering Week 6
I had heard such great things about NOW too – it’s been great to have a chance to try so many of their products.
Was it the flu? Man, it’s been rough for a lot of people this year!
I’m glad you were able to get some workouts in. I spy an INB shirt and I LOVE that pattern!
I’ve been seeing the NOW campaign and I’m so sorry I missed it! The stuff looks amazing.
Wendy recently posted…Things that Make Me Go OOooh!
He had a bad respiratory infection – it has been a rough year for this kind of stuff!
Yep that was an INB shirt – I swear their stuff is my new obsession 😉
So hard to juggling everything isn’t it.
Hooray for good weather. We had it for 2 days in a row and now today it is ugly and rainy.
The spring weather was really nice…sadly it was short-lived.
Sorry to hear your son has been sick, I hope he’s feeling better! And great job fitting things in. The nicer weather certainly makes things better.
Chaitali recently posted…Wayfarer’s Annapolis 10k – training week 3
Thank you – it was a rough week but thankfully he’s on the mend!
I hope your little one is feeling better! Sick kiddos are no fun at all 🙁
You did a great job fitting everything into a super busy week! You should be proud of yourself!
Jenn recently posted…riots#9: the one before spring break
Thanks Jenn – I was pretty happy I got as much done as I did!
60 degrees for running! I am so jealous! I have been doing the Spring Into Now Challenge too. So fun. I love the Beet Root Powder.
Sandra D Laflamme recently posted…Weekly Rundown: Weekly Workout Recap March 18-24
The NOW Challenge has been so fun – so many great products to try!
Great job with all those workouts! I love NOW Foods products. My pantry and cabinet are stocked with their stuff.
I so glad I have had the chance to try all of these NOW products! I will definitely be looking to add more!
This working mum/runner gig is tough! There is always some spanner thrown in the works, so it feels awesome when you still get it all done even if not in a very “planned” manner! Well done, and hope your son is feeling tonnes better this week!
Shathiso recently posted…Gaborone Striders 10×10 Challenge, Recap (2018)
It is a constant juggling act, isn’t it?! 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear you had a sick kid at home! you did what you could – it’s hard sometimes when all your responsibilities hit in one go!
I only have used NOW supplements. I’m not sure just how much of the product line is here to be honest!
Renée recently posted…Weekly Run Down: Planned vs. Reality Recovery
I just ordered a few of their supplements – really such a quality line of products!
I’m sorry about your sick kiddo! My kids were sick last week too, but doing better now. The weather is warming up here too, so nice to be outside running again!!!
Angela Cardamone @marathonsandmotivation.com recently posted…Five Daily Rituals for Health and Wellness
Ugh so sorry your kiddos were sick too. Hope everyone’s feeling better!