I have to say that I was so happy to get to this weekend – it was one l-o-n-g week! But knowing that there was a 3-day weekend on the horizon made all the difference!
And, while my mojo hasn’t completely come out of hiding, I am happy to say that overall my workouts went much better this week. Here’s how things went down:
Monday — The DOMS from Sunday’s strength training hit hard so this was a rest day.
Tuesday — A rare early morning run. This run felt surprisingly good – 3 miles done.
Wednesday — To help keep things interesting, I added the 21-day Beautiful Arms & Abs workout from Daily Om to the mix. Simple, controlled, focused moves – my abs were sore when I was done!
Thursday — This was one crazy day! There was just too much to juggle (did I mention I was doing the solo parenting gig this week?) so I finally decided to just push my run to Friday. I did manage to keep my massage appointment, which was a huge win.
Friday — Time to make up for Thursday’s run. It was raining sideways (literally) so I hit the gym for some 400-meter repeats on the mill. While I make no secret of the fact that I don’t love treadmill runs, I actually don’t mind using the mill for speedwork and these repeats felt pretty good.
Saturday — I woke up feeling the effects of the previous day’s speedwork – I may have been a little overzealous! For just a moment I thought about kicking this run to Sunday, but then I got a text from my brother saying he was heading out for his run and that was enough of a push to get moving. It wasn’t pretty, but 4 miles done.
Sunday — I finished off the week with some time on my yoga mat.
And that’s a wrap!
I’m linking up again with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.
Tell me something about your week! Are you enjoying a long weekend too?
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Your 3-day weekends mean no school, which means a very busy day in the clinic for me! LOL! Enjoy your time off.
Wendy recently posted…A Runner’s Gotta Run…
Ha! Hope it wasn’t too hectic for you 🙂
I’m also excited for a 3-day weekend. It will nice to knock out a few errands tomorrow since I have the day off!
Awesome job on your workouts this week! I’m so intrigued by the 21-day Beautiful Arms & Abs. Would love to hear your thoughts on it once you finish!
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Rookie Mistakes
Thanks Kim – I’ll definitely be sharing more on the Arms & Abs!
That’s fun that you get to run with your brother sometimes too. Looking to hear more about your 21 arms and abs when you are done. Have a great week
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Quickie 10 minute No Equipment Glute Workout
My brother and I are training together “virtually” – we make sure to nudge each other out the door via text 🙂
Not a 3-day weekend for me, but I’m alright with that. You know how I feel about my time with Milly LOL But, I don’t mind speed work with her (much). I have been doing a lot of my treadmill runs with 400m pick-ups for each mile. That way, it only feels like I’m running 3/4 of a mile at a time because that final 400 goes so much faster ;-)You do what you gotta do, right?
I like the idea of the 400-meter pick-ups. I’ll have to give those a try!
3 day weekends are the best…they make Sundays so much less stressful! Why can’t they happen more often 🙂
Great week of training for you! The beautiful arms and abs sounds really interesting!
If only I could find a way to make the 3-day weekend a permanent thing!
We got a 4 day weekend here in KS with a snow day friday then the weekend and now a day off today for the holiday. I don’t think we have had a full week of school in forever!
Michelle C recently posted…The REAL week 5: Training for the Rockin K Trail Marathon
It’s hard when the weather wreaks havoc with school schedules!
Sounds like a solid week – yay for the massage! I gave up my holiday to meet a client I like for lunch — he’s in the U.S. for other reasons and we haven’t seen each other in 10+ years so it was worth it.
Coco recently posted…January Runfessions
Wow that’s nice that you got a chance to catch up with him!
Solid week for you. Yay! Yes to a 3-day weekend which I LOVE!
Marcia recently posted…Tokyo Marathon Taper Week 1
3-day weekends are a beautiful thing 😉
Ah so glad you had a better week! And that Mojo of yours will be back; I think it’s well on it’s way!
I’m glad you kept your massage appointment – also SUPER important!
Did you also run with your brother, or just kind of do it at the same time! Sometimes it’s good to have that kind of push.
I know you probably don’t want to hear this but every weekend is a 3 day weekend for me … Sorry! I have to say though I am usually doing all the household crap on Friday and then I have training so it’s not like I’m lying around being fed grapes or something.
Renée recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Week 7 – Mostly Ordinary
My brother and I don’t get to run together much, but do try to push each other via text message.
So nice that every weekend is a 3-day weekend for you. Now if you can just figure out how to get a few grape feedings in! LOL! 😉
I really enjoyed the three day weekend! Great job getting all that done while solo parenting 🙂 And I agree, I am a fan of the treadmill for speed work. It seems easier to me than trying to do an easy run on the treadmill.
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
Your brother’s text came just on time. 🙂 I’m in a fitness whatsapp group with some close friends and their workout posts always inspire me to get something done even if I was planning to skip it! This was a solid week for you, well done!
Shathiso recently posted…Keeping Fit While Raising Young Kids
Love your Tuesday leggings. Long weekends are magic
I’m glad you made the most of a long weekend! Great training this week! We took the entire week off in our homeschool, as we’re packing up to move and have worked through all of the “snow days” lately 🙂 The flexibility is nice – definitely needed for the craziness of packing!
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