Happy New Year!
Catching up with friends over a big mug of coffee sounds like a great way to help kick off this new year so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2019!
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I really enjoyed the holidays. It was great family time and I loved having the Christmas week off from work. While I did race around a bit like a chicken with my head cut off the week prior, the holiday week I was able to totally kick back and relax, and I did my best to soak up every moment of the downtime.
If we were having coffee, I would tell you that having the time off has left me craving for a “real” vacation. We didn’t take a family vacation last year, but I’ve already got my sights set on the boys’ spring break time in March – now the question is where to go?
If we were having coffee, I would also tell you that I took advantage of the downtime to also reflect on the past year and start to set some goals for 2019. For the past few years, I’ve picked one word as the theme for my year across all areas of my life – and this year my word is Intentional. With the “busy-ness” of life it is too easy to move through the days on autopilot and before you know it days…or weeks have just flown by. My ultimate goal is to be more intentional in the habits I form, in my career choices, in my home life…I think you get the picture.
My 2019 Fitness/Running Goals:
- Run a marathon — This was top of my list last year, but was derailed first by family schedules and secondly by injury. But I’ve got my sights firmly locked in on Chicago and know with Coach Marc’s help I will reach that starting line ready to take on 26.2!
- Stay off injured-reserve — This will encompass a variety of things including consistent “pre-hab”, strength training 2x’s/week, and continuing to incorporate the Chi Running focuses Coach Marc has me working on. I also think Marc will keep me from powering through when I should be backing off.
- Make sleep a priority — I am a notoriously bad sleeper and when things get crazy, sleep can easily get pushed to the bottom of my list. My goal is to do a much better job of going to bed early and not falling asleep while watching late night TV on the couch.
- Mind what I’m eating — While tracking my macros during the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program, I realized just how little protein I’ve been consuming. I don’t plan to continue to actively track my macros (though never say never), I will continue to be mindful of upping my protein intake.
So what would you tell me over coffee? Have you set any goals for the new year?
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Great goals.
Good luck with your marathon. I’m excited to follow your training. And hope this year you have zero injuries.
My goals are not written or firm but could be like yours except I will not be signing up for Chicago.
Thanks Darlene – looking forward to a fun year!
I like “intentional” and it is sometimes a challenge. Hope we both stay off of the injured reserve list. Tracking macros is not easy! I also had a hard time getting enough protein in. Thanks for catching up over coffee
Deborah Brooks recently posted…My Year of Running 2018
Fingers-crossed 2019 is injury-free for both of us 😉
Well, I would tell you to take a vacation to Iowa! Although March is a little iffy on weather (it could be blizzarding, raining, or windy…but it could also be unseasonably warm). I’m so excited for your marathon!!!!!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…January Coffee Chat
LOL – while I would love to catch up with you again, could we find warmer climes 😉
Best of luck with your marathon – you CAN do it. And that sleep – you and me both, so let’s DO that, right? in bed nice and early, doing the sleep.
My goals are to get through my ultra then who knows what!!!
Liz Dexter recently posted…Book review – Elizabeth Eliot – “Alice” @DeanStPress
Yes – we should hold each other accountable on going to bed early!
Good luck with your ultra training!
Staying off injured reserve and getting enough sleep while training for a marathon sounds like a really good plan. As you know, we had a great vacation last year, but we never got to the beach, so that’s a priority for this year!
I think you should have a family field trip vacay to DC — once the museums are open again. 😉
Coco recently posted…Talking About New Year’s Resolutions At The January Ultimate Coffee Date
We actually never got to a beach either, which is typically unheard of for us!
We brought the kids to DC a few years ago when I ran RnR and they loved it. Let’s hope the museums and everything else for that matter open soon!
Making sleep a priority is a great one! That will help you so much! My big goal is to drink more water.
We are looking at Spring Break vacations, too! For some reason, it’s the one time of year we really don’t travel. We had been talking about going to DC or going on a cruise, but now March Madness is going to have a few rounds in my city, so Mr PR wants to stick around for friends. I may just have to go off with the kiddo for a mommy-son vacay.
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: into december we go
We were thinking of a cruise too, but so far I haven’t been able to find one with an itinerary that syncs up well with my boys’ school breaks.
I’m glad you had a great time with your family! I feel ya on wanting a “real” vacation–I hope you get to do that sometime, and that’s a great word for the year! Those are good goals to have–best of luck on em’! :]
Thanks Farrah – I hope you get some time for a vacation too!
I love that you had such a good holiday week. I was off from the afternoon of the 24th until the 2nd of Jan and IT. WAS. GLORIOUS. I don’t mind my job and I like my colleagues but why can’t I win the lottery so I can just hang out, do things I like, travel, etc? haha! Hopefully you can find a place that makes everyone happy for spring break. I can’t stress enough how important time off is!!
I’m really excited that we are doing Chicago!! And I know for sure you will make it to the start line STRONG! I’ve also asked a personal trainer for help (he just happens to be my running trainer as well) and he’s totally setting me up for success. And Mark will definitely do that for you!
Making sleep a priority is a good one – I am a really bad sleeper so even when I go to bed on time i struggle. Sometimes I feel like I’m just busy all the way up until it’s time to go to bed. So then I stretch it out a bit… not the best way to try and get more sleep!
I definitely have big goals for this year and my word is CHOOSE – meaning I am going to really choose what I want and what I want is an optimal racing weight and break through my PR’s. So I also need to be quite intentional about what I put in my mouth!!
Great word selection! You’ve got some fantastic goals for the year and I’m definitely looking forward to cheering you on…and seeing you in Chicago, of course!
I don’t set intentions or goals, but you have some definitely achievable ones! I do want to keep running this year (that’s a goal, right?) and stay healthy. I sure didn’t start off the new year that way, so hopefully, I’m done and over with injuries!
Wendy recently posted…Coffee Talk
I like to think of most goals as habits I want to reinforce or perhaps redefine. Goals also keep me challenged and focused.
Sorry about your SI joint. Hoping you can put this injury behind you quickly!
I’m right there with you on craving a real vacation. All of my trips the last two years have been for work, and while some of them incorporated vacation – I haven’t done a real one in a while. Definitely need to plan something for this summer!
I hope you get the chance to get away for a bit!
I vote Puerto Vallarta for vacation! Not that I’ve been everywhere, but of all the places I’ve been, it’s my favorite! My holidays were hectic mostly because I spent a week in Vegas just before Christmas, so there was a big rush to get things done. I’m in the midst of a full week off of work (not counting my home business), so I am enjoying some relaxing time before my youngest goes back to college for the semester. Happy new year!
The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…5 Things I’d Tell You Over Coffee…January, 2019 Edition
Thanks for the suggestion Linda! Happy New Year!
I love your 2019 word of Intentional! I chose the word “Growth” for this year. I want to grow in my faith, grow emotionally and also grow my profession.
Sleep has been my recent issue as well. I know how important it is for performance and recovery, but I’ve been ignoring its value and I need to figure out how to make it happen or risk being on the sideline with an injury or illness. Something I can’t really afford to happen in the midst of marathon training.
Elaine D recently posted…Are you READY, WILLING, and ABLE?
I hope you’re able to figure out the sleep thing too. As you said, so important to both training and general health!
Great goals! Calorie counting can be a really effective tool, but I don’t think it should be done indefinitely. Useful for weight loss and getting insights into your diet.
My goal for 2019 is to become a better sprinter 🙂
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