Happy Monday!
Well, I swear I blinked and the weekend went by! After last week where Mother Nature seemed confused over what season it was (80 degrees at one point then crashing back to the 40s at another), I’m hoping for some consistency this week in that fall weather that I love.
Between the crazy temperature roller coaster ride, a fair amount of rain, and a hectic work schedule, it was a little hard to find a rhythm last week. Somehow I managed to eek out 3 runs, 2 days of strength training, and a nice power walk catching up with a friend — I’ll take it!
PT Update & Swapping Races
I also managed to catch up with my PT Abby. It’s the first time I’ve had a chance to see her since the Ocean Road 10K so it was good to be able to fill her in and talk about next steps. While I have definitely made progress, the suspect hammy can still make running a challenge, especially once I hit the 4 – 4 ½ mile window – the fact that I got to 5 ½ miles yesterday was a big win in my book!
Of course, time waits for no one and as I watch the days tick by I’ve started to question whether running the Harborside Half makes sense. My fall goal is to get a half marathon in before the year’s done and luckily, I’ve been keeping an alternative race on the back burner – the Half Merrython. It will be held on December 2 which would buy me 3 more weeks over Harborside, and, based on the revamped training plan I’ve sketched out, the extra time should allow me to comfortably get to double-digit running before race day (barring a major hammy flare up). Abby was on board with this idea and gave me a new routine to follow daily to help get me to the starting line.
So it looks the Harborside Half will have to wait for another year. Thankfully, I had held off on registration, so it looks like it’s bye bye Harborside and hello Half Merrython – now it’s time to register!
Have you ever swapped out one race for another? Has fall weather consistently arrived where you are?
I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.
And, with Erika, Marcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.
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I’ve got a fall half in 5 weeks and my training has been less than spectacular. I’m hoping to get back on track and get some long runs in before then!
Wendy recently posted…A Roll of the Dice
I’m betting that you’ll be ready by the time your half comes around!
Ummmm…I may have just swapped out the 5-miler at the Des Moines Marathon weekend for the 13.1. Like, a week ago 😉 I am SOOO glad to hear the hammy is cooperating! #totalwin
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Erring on the side of Caution
I love how you swapped a half marathon in for a 5-miler 😉
That makes sense to swap out races to give yourself more time! I am running NYC in a few weeks and I am so not prepared. It will be uhhh interesting? LOL
Rach @ Girl On The Run recently posted…Ironman 70.3 Atlantic City Recap
RUnning NYC is so exciting! Hope your last few weeks of training go well!
What we are having now feels more like winter than fall. But I’m hoping that fall will come back soon!
Jenny recently posted…Body Wrench vs Foam Roller vs Tiger Tail and a Giveaway!
Me too!
Love the name of the Merrython! Hope it’s a very merry one for you. ;-). I’m eyeing the Jingle All The Way 15k again but have no other race plans.
Coco recently posted…Running In Chicago (Again)
Thanks Coco 😉
I think that it’s great that you had an alternative race to run! The extra 3 weeks will definitely be super helpful and hopefully by that time your hammy will be feeling much better!
I was surprised to find another half in NE so late in the year! Hopefully December won’t be too cold!
I stupidly signed up for the Philly half in 5 weeks. I am no where need where I need to be for the race. Not sure what I am going to do yet. I feel ya!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…October Ultimate Coffee Date Linkup
Keeping my fingers crossed that your training goes well over the next few weeks!
That swap makes sense to me: good thinking.
Liz Dexter recently posted…Book review – Jackie Kay – “Red Dust Road” plus holiday book confessions #amreading #bookconfessions
Thanks Liz! Hopefully the extra weeks will help!
Sorry you had to bag Harborside but I’m glad you have the flexibility to swap in a race later in the year. Hammys are so darn fickle. Hope yours calms down so you can build your miles.
Marcia recently posted…Training & Racing Tips from Running Elites
This hammy really has kept me guessing!
I don’t race, but I enjoy being able to get out and ride my bike this time of year. The weather here in NC has been crazy lately but it’s looking and feeling more like fall now.
Love your running outfit!
Thanks Michelle 🙂
Here in GA, fall hasn’t really arrived for good yet. I’ve deferred races this summer/fall due to being pregnant and too sick to train properly but haven’t necessary swapped yet. Hope your hammy heals up quickly!
Sorry the morning sickness has made it tough to run. Hope it settles down for you.
Forget Fall, it’s almost Winter out there! Sigh.
Sounds like you have a great plan. Usually I’m signed up for a race fairly far ahead of time so I haven’t switched, but it makes total sense.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Great Pumpkin 10k Race Recap 10/13/18
I usually like to register for races early too but this hamstring has made me cautious before pulling out my credit card!
I tentatively had a half in mind in mid November. But like you, I’m thinking it may be wiser to wait until December. It seems I’m running out of time to get my mileage up. I’m glad to hear you’ve made progress with the hammie. As long as we moving in the right direction, it’s considered a win. Thanks for linking!
HoHo Runs recently posted…Whew! (WW #)
Exactly! It’s all about making progress! I hope you’re able to run one of the halfs you have in mind.
haha, the weather definitely doesn’t feel like it knows what it’s doing! I want fall to be here for a while–not looking forward to winter!
I’m glad you’re making progress with PT!
Farrah recently posted…Quinoa Fried Rice
I’ve given up trying to figure out what’s going on with the weather this year!