For the first time in a long time, I never got around to setting any goals for June. I like having monthly goals to keep myself on track, so before we get too deep into this month I’m sharing some goals for July.
I had forgotten how sore you can be after a PT appointment! My therapist Abby and I clicked right away. I like that she’s worked with a lot of runners, and after a thorough assessment and conversation about my running/racing goals for the fall and beyond, she’s already starting to flesh out a solid plan. We’ll be doing a gait analysis during an upcoming appointment, which should really help to spotlight the probable imbalances going on. While she wasn’t 100% thrilled with the idea of my running the remix at Chicago, she does support continuing to run as long as I keep the miles easy and “don’t push it” (better than being told no running, right?).
- Daily PT exercises
- Get to kickboxing class twice a week
- Follow my macro life plan which will force me to get back to more thoughtful meal planning
- Drop a couple of pounds (see above)
- Complete Rachel’s plank challenge – the goal is a 5-minute plank. I’m currently on day 189 of my plank streak and up to now, I think my longest plank has been 2:30. This challenge will definitely help me up my core work.
Running wise I’m going to enjoy that I’m not formally training for anything at the moment. I have no goal except to listen to my body and try to keep moving as much as possible. RnR Chicago will be a shuffle at best, but I’m ok with that – I’m in it strictly for the fun!
I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.
Do you set monthly goals? Are you training for anything at the moment?
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Oh, I’m so glad you like your PT — make sure you take her advice. 😉 I can’t wait to see your patio project.
The challenge for me will be to be patient and follow her advice!
I’ll be shuffling right along with you. I’m already stalking the weather and it’s not looking bad.
You know the PTs never want us to keep running, right?
I’m happy this PT said I can run – she just wants me to keep it super slow and easy – more wogging than running LOL!
I always feel like my PT is doing good if I leave my appointment a little sore. I want to work hard to get back to running!
I know what you mean – gotta be willing to do the work!
I will be running for fun in Chicago too right next to you!
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Wrap Water Water Everywhere
Sounds like a lot of us will be running for fun 🙂
It’s kind of nice not having to train for anything. I have never taken a kick boxing class.
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Weekly Wrap…July 8
If you get the chance to take a class, I highly recommend trying it!
Sounds like all the cool kids will be shuffling in Chicago! How great you clicked with your PT. I hope she keeps you up and running pain free.
Marcia recently posted…The Days are Long But the Years are Short
It is great to be working with a PT I like – makes a big difference!
That’s awesome that you clicked with the PT therapist right away and it’s great that she has experience working with runners. Both my ART doctor and general practitioner are distance runners and I find that it makes it so much easier to talk to them about certain things!
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Why Is It SO Hot?!
Definitely nice when you can work with someone who runs and can appreciate how important it is to you!
I’m glad you got yourself a great PT ! Chicago is gonna be so fun…I’m eager to finally meet you 😉
Can’t wait to see you Kim!
Hope your PT works wonders.
FOMO about Chicago.
I will have to meet you elsewhere.
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 7.2.18-7.8.18: Help Me! I’m Melting…
Thanks Darlene. We’ll just have to find a race to meet up!
That’s great that the appointment with the PT went well and she’s ok with continuing to run 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
Yes I was so happy that she didn’t tell me to stop running.
That is great that you and your PT clicked! Hopefully she will give you the good support that you need to get back to more awesome running!
Sandra Laflamme recently posted…Organic Runner Mom’s Weekly Workout Recap
I’m hoping she can get me back quickly!
I’m sure your PT didn’t give you the info you wanted, but just take it easy. I really wish I was going to be at Chicago – I totally would have shuffled with you.
Just working on logging miles right now. Nothing else is imminent.
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 7.1.18 – 7.7.18
I wish you were coming to Chicago too – would be great to meet up again!
I have never tried kickboxing, but it sounds like so much fun! I’m glad your PT is okay with you still running, albeit at an easy pace. It will all pay off in the long run! My ‘crosstraining’ this past weekend included a lot of heavy-duty gardening/landscaping work with my husband.
If you get the chance, definitely take a class! So much fun!
Technically I’m not training for anything, but I’m about to put myself through an extra half-marathon training cycle so that I can finally break 1:50. Great job this week!
Great goal! Good luck with your training!
Nice goals! I love kickboxing. I do monthly goals and it’s super helpful for keeping me on track. I am currently not training for anything but am enjoying swimming and running this summer.
I think it’s always nice to have a break from training. Enjoy your summer!
I think your plan to run Chicago purely for fun is spot on. That’ll leave you plenty of time and energy this month for other things, like kickboxing, which sounds like a ton of fun by the way.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 5
Dare I say I’m enjoying it more than running these days ;o
glad you got started on your PT! I am going to a new one on Friday! I hope I have the same click you have with yours!
I didn’t set any goals for July. I could have one — Survive this month of stressful work/increased mileage and continuing renovations at home. Keeping it simple! I would love to try kickboxing!
Renée recently posted…Week 27 – It’s not like on TV
I hope all goes well with your new PT!
Like you, I’m loving the fact that I’m not training for anything specific right now …I like flying by the seat of my pants. Lol
Good luck with that plank challenge …I think the longest I’ve ever made it was maybe 3 minutes. I need to get back to working on those.
Teresa recently posted…Dog Days of Summer: Playing Catch Up
Flying by the seat of your pants sounds like a perfect plan for these summer days 😉
I’ll definitely be shuffling in Chicago. My training has faded out due to illness. And it wasn’t the greatest anyway due to this heat. I really enjoyed PT when I went a few years ago. I felt like I learned a lot and still do many of the exercises. Thanks for linking!