With a couple of weeks of decent…and more importantly, pain-free running under my belt, I’m finally feeling like I can begin to focus on training for the Run to Remember Half.
The race is Memorial Day Weekend so that gives me just about 7 weeks to start extending my long runs beyond the 6-miles I’ve been running and to add in some speedwork and tempo runs. And, while I’m two weeks out from the Portland 10 Miler, Run to Remember is my goal race for the Spring. I plan to use Portland as a tune-up to get me to back to double digits since I ended up missing out on Black Cat last month.
So with training underway, here’s a quick recap of how last week went.
Monday – Rest day, but I signed on for Rachel’s newest challenge, Tricep Dips, Push-ups & Jump Squats so it was 30 tricep dips and my usual plank to kick off the week.
Tuesday – A crazy work day had me swapping my Tuesday and Wednesday workouts, so I did strength training, including the challenge’s 30 push-ups. It’s been a while since I’ve done push-ups and clearly have some work to do here!
Wednesday – 6 miles followed by 30 jump squats.
Clearly, I have not mastered the mid-air selfie 🙂
Thursday – I was on the road for work all day, and too much time in the car had me feeling like a pretzel. So I just spent a lot of time stretching and did get my 40 tricep dips done.
Friday – Another freak snow storm and colliding family schedules left me to push my run to Saturday, but I did get the 40 push-ups done along with my daily plank.
Saturday – While I futzed around most of the morning cause I just didn’t feel like running, once I got out on the road the run felt great. 40 more jump squats completed the first week of the challenge.
Sunday – Another 6 miles – This run was hard because I so misread the weather and was underdressed for the cold wind.
Wrapping up another week and easing back into half marathon training! #runchat #runtoremember Share on XThis week should be much quieter on the work front so the goal will be 3 runs, plus at least two strength workouts. I didn’t break out my yoga mat at all last week, so I’d also like to get some yoga in too.
I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap; and with Erika, Marcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.
How was your week? Are you training for a spring race?
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Fantastic news that you are running pain free again! Upwards and onward
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Easy Muffin Pan Huevos Rancheros Meatless Monday
Thanks Deborah 🙂
Yay for running pain free!! And welcome back to the world of HM training!
Smitha@FauxRunner recently posted…Weekly Training Recap – Here we go again!
Thanks, Smitha – I’m excited to be back to training!
So glad to hear you are feeling strong again! Enough with the freak snow storms! Are you doing any events around Boston?
Coco recently posted…2018 Cherry Blossom Race Recap
There are always so many great events going on for the Marathon – I’m hoping to get into town for some of it.
I’m glad you are pain-free and able to train, mixing your workouts into your busy life. I hope you have a good race in Portland.
Mary recently posted…Juvenile Moves Test: Retry
Thank you Mary 🙂
Awesome week and I am so happy that you have been able to run pain free!
I want to run a race in Boston and this race is at the top of my list. Really looking forward to following your training and learning about your race day experience!
Kim you really should come and run this race one year – it is one of my favorite races!
I”m so glad you are back at it in the pain free mode! The cross training has to help.
Cross training has made a big difference I think.
Pain free running….woo hoo! I think I need to try this challenge.
This challenge is really highlighting how much I’ve been neglecting upper body work!
I may have an unexpected race the end of this month, so I’m trying to recover from an injury and train as much as I can prior to that – which is hard to do simultaneously, lol. And I definitely ran in that snow Friday – what the heck is up with that?! I’m ready for spring.
Hope you can get that injury under control!
Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Isn’t the challenge a fun little “something extra” to add to your day? I got behind this weekend (my Saturday was a bit crazy and my Sunday was exhausting).
I’m liking this challenge a lot – great mix of moves!
Great week for you! Thankfully all I’ve committed to is a 5 mile trail race in the middle of May so I’ve got time. After that RnRCHI is July. It’s been a light racing year so far and that’s ok with me.
Marcia recently posted…What is a Training Base and How Do I Build One?
Nothing wrong with a light racing year. I’m really hoping to get to Chicago for RnR!
Glad to hear your runs are feeling good and pain free ….it’s all we runners really ever ask for, right?? Lol
I’m enjoying this month’s challenge …heck anything that doesn’t involve burpees is good!
Teresa recently posted…Marathon Training: Hello April!
Ha ha I feel the same way about the burpees 😉
Yay for pain free! And way to tackle Rachel’s challenge. You all are hardcore!
Andrea recently posted…Raising the bar and setting the example | Strong Aunt Levonia Brown
Rachel’s challenge is a good one for sure!
Welcome back! I am thinking about running that one – it’s supposed to be a great race. And we have family in Boston which is always a plus
Rach @ Girl On The Run recently posted…Less Then One Week Until Boston!
It is a great race. It was my first half marathon and still one of my favorites!
Yay for pain free running! Sounds like a good week overall minus the weird weather.
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
I keep hoping the weather will finally settle down!
Work challenges are tough. I’ve been so busy with work that I’m also just trying to get something done rather than nothing. So I’d call your week a succes! Pain-free at that! Woot!
I’m training for Liverpool in May. No idea how that’s going to go. Your week last week is like mine this week. I’ll be fitting it in when I can …
Hope your week was manageable.
I’m so glad your training has been pain free. That’s so important!
I skipped Rachel’s challenge this month. I’ll try again in May. They are awesome, but I just can’t get over that final hump. #lazy
My race season pretty much just ended. At least for the bigger stuff. My running friends and I are putting together a list of 5Ks and shorter distances for summer. We need to keep our eye on the prize.
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 4.1.2018 – 4.7.2018
It will be nice to mix things up with some shorter distances for the summer.
Great job on your running and workouts for the week! I need to get in on these challenges!
Thanks Katie!
I’m glad to hear that you’re pain-free and getting in those runs! Sometimes we have to move things around to make it work! The marathon is my big goal race for spring and I can’t wait to just RELAX once it’s over!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…New Jersey Marathon Training Week 14
You’ve been doing great with your marathon training – can’t wait to see how the big day goes for you!
Kudos to you on getting it all in. Its never an easy thing to do when our work and personal lives get as busy as they often do.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 6
Thanks Kathryn – we all do our best to juggle, right?
I did the Run to Remember race a few years ago. I loved it!
I am training for the Illinois Marathon on the 28th. It was tough training for it during the winter. Glad training is almost over.
Good for you for getting through your training this winter – it was a tough one!