The winds are still gusting here following yesterday’s Nor’easter, and if my neighborhood is any example than I can only imagine that there are tree branches and other debris all over the roads. Happily, our power’s back on so I can fire up the Keurig and snuggle up on the couch with a mug of hot coffee and have a little catch-up. I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I cannot believe that Thursday I was on Cape Cod for a meeting and it was a beautiful day in the mid-60s, then yesterday we got hit with a raging Nor’easter. The winds were so fierce at times that it literally sounded like a roar. You know it’s bad when I opened the door to the mudroom to let my dog out and he just sat there looking at me like I had to be joking.
And, while on the subject of the weather, if we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m already stalking the forecast for my “race”, aka training run with benefits, scheduled for next Saturday. I’ve been such a fair-weather runner this winter and I’m hoping that doesn’t come back to bite in the arse. So far the forecast shows a clear day in the 40s – fingers-crossed that will hold up.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my son’s been hounding me to sign him up for driver’s ed, and meanwhile, I’m having a hard time processing that he’s inching ever closer to turning 16. A couple of the neighborhood kids recently got their licenses and every time one of them drives past me on our street it throws me for a loop because in my mind’s eye all I can see are the little kids who use to run around my backyard.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve been feeling super stretched lately. Things on all fronts seem to be running in high gear all at the same time and it has left me feeling drained. “Busy” has quickly become a four-letter word but I’m working on regaining some sense of balance.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that while I usually enjoy watching the Oscars I don’t think I’ve seen one movie that has been nominated this year. In fact, I haven’t paid attention at all to the awards season and have no idea who are supposed to be the favorites. I’m not sure if I’ll watch on Sunday, but I’ll probably tune in to catch the red carpet – which is often more entertaining than the Oscars themselves 😉
What would you tell me over coffee? Did you deal with the crazy weather yesterday? Will you be watching the Oscars?
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We just watched 3 Billboards last night and let me tell you that it lived up to the hype. What a great movie! I’m going to watch another movie tonight–but something a little lighter. I’m not big on award shows, tho!
Wendy recently posted…Coffee Talk
I’m a Francis McDormand fan so 3 Billboards is one I really want to see. Glad you enjoyed it!
I hear you on the crazy Nor’easter situation. I’m in the Hudson Valley and the winds and snow were crazy. We got so lucky and never lost power while everyone around us lost it. We did however lose4 trees in our side yard, but again for lucky because we didn’t have any damage.
I am a fair-weather runner too, but I have managed to improve my running on the treadmill this past winter. It is possible in terms of speed and endurance, but you definitely can’t simulate hills or the elements! Good luck!
That was the one saving grace from this storm is that it was all rain and wind here. How much snow did you get?! It stinks to lose the trees but I’m glad you had no damage.
The wind from that storm was crazy!! We are still getting big gusts today! Luckily I haven’t lost power yet. Hopefully it dies down soon so I can go golf.
Oh how nice that it’s warm enough to golf where you are! It’s gotten cold here again – the temps just keep yo-yoing.
Crazy crazy weather indeed! We just got power back late last night here too. i am feeling super stretched at the moment myself! Hang in there and thanks for joining for coffee today
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date March
Glad you got your power back!
I love the phrase “training run with benefits!” I’ve never thought to phrase it that way before, but during winter months that describes pretty much all of my races. No crazy weather here in the southeast. Every year we get a cold snap in the spring with some rain. It just came a few weeks early this year it seems…
Glad you were able to dodge the crazy weather. I’m really hoping Spring kicks in around here soon!
I honestly cannot remember the last movies I have seen (in a theater setting, that is). I had high hopes of seeing the Star Wars movie a few months ago (following our SW marathon when the son was home over Christmas)…but that never materialized. I agree…the red carpet footage is more entertaining than the show itself. We have major wind in Iowa, not quite the extent you’re experiencing, but it’s painful to run against it!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…When your cup runneth over
It is crazy how much harder the wind can make a run feel, right?!
Enjoy your “training run with benefits!” I hope you have great weather for it. I am a weather stalker, too.
I’ll be watching the red carpet and maybe the intro to the Oscars, but that’s it. I haven’t seen any of the movies and I can’t stay up that late these days, anyway 🙂
Kim W recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: March 2018
I know what you mean Kim – the show can drag on forever…I need my sleep! 😉
I hear you on the teenager driving. My baby will be getting his license this month too. On the one hand, it’s not so difficult for me since I’ve already been through this twice ..but on the other hand I keep thinking, didn’t I just teach you to ride a bike yesterday?!?
Oscars? No. I like to watch the red carpet just to see the dresses ..but that’s it. It just seems like there has been a real lack of interesting movies produced this past year.
Good luck on your race and fingers crossed for perfect running weather!
Teresa recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: Spring is March-ing in!
Work was closed Friday. I wish my PT had been closed so I would have kept my car safe in the garage! We lost power for 24 hours, so I tossed out most of the food in the freezer. It’s been crazy!
My FIL has been trying to get us to see 3 Billboards for months. To date I’ve seen none of the movies nominated, except iTonya. That was fabulous!
Marcia recently posted…February By Number
That crazy Nor’easter storm was bad for so many! I’m glad you did okay, I feel lucky down here in FL.
And, not the slightest interest in the Oscars this year. I used to kind of watch them, but shrugged it off this year.
Shannon @GirlsGotSole recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – March 2018
Being in Florida and avoiding all of this crazy Nor’ester stuff sounds really good right about now! 🙂
Hope you have a great race… love “training run with benefits”. I run a lot of races for training runs.
Thanks Vicki – unfortunately, my piriformis had other ideas about the training run and I never made it to the start line. Ah well, on to the next race, right?
Your commitment to work-life balance is something we all strive for. Your tips on finding harmony in a busy world are much appreciated.