In the flurry of last Sunday’s AFC Championship Game and the awesome comeback win of my beloved Patriots, I completely missed last week’s Weekly Wrap. So I’m linking up with hosts Holly and Wendy for a quick wrap up of the past two weeks of Black Cat training.
When I last checked in I was starting to feel off and had that sense that a cold or something was ready to unleash itself. Well, I manage to dodge it for a few days, but the creeping crud finally hit in full force this week – taking out both my boys and finally me.
I’ll spare reliving the details, but I’m happy to say that I did manage some workouts despite feeling less than 100%. Most of my runs have been quick 3-milers. But a break in the frigid temps has helped to nudge me outdoors for a couple of runs, including a great run last Sunday when it actually reached 50 degrees! (Who can turn down 50 in January?!) I hit 6 miles, which is the longest I’ve gone in a while.
I’ve also been doing what I can to keep up some strength training focusing primarily on glutes and hips. Additionally, the plank streak I started at the first of the year continues (hello day 28)!
This week also brought some fun mail as I got my first ambassador shipment from Headsweats!
I also got my discount code to share – use ATTITUDE25 for 25% off full-priced items on the Headsweats website!
Thankfully, I’m starting to feel better so this week I looking forward to returning to something that looks more like a consistent training plan.
And that’s a wrap!
Tell me something about your week – Have you managed to stay healthy? Do you workout when you’re sick?
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Good for you for doing your runs/workouts when you are not feeling 100%. I’ve been lucky enough to stay well but that winter bug has hit here hard. Many of my friends have been in and out of urgent care with it and my husband has been sick twice now since New years. Hope you and your boys are feeling better.
Thanks Meranda. Sorry to hear your husband’s been sick. Hope you stay healthy!
How could you pass up a run when it’s 50 degrees? Glad you felt well enough to get out there! It seems like everyone is sick these days. Hope you are on the mend!
Have a great week!
Wendy recently posted…Who’s Old? I Mean, Cold?
50 degrees was just too good to miss, right?! Thanks Wendy 🙂
I’m glad you are on the other side of your sickness. That’s a nice variety of items you got from Headsweats. I’ve been wanting a new visor, so thanks for sharing the discount code. Congrats on that plank streak! Thanks for linking.
I’m glad you’ll be using the Headsweats code – can’t wait to see what you pick!
I’m glad your feeling better! That crud is definitely making its way around and taking out practically everyone I know. I’ve got myself wrapped up in a big bubble over here and so far, I’ve managed (knock wood) to stay healthy.
Nice job with the plank streak! I think I need to start adding something like that into my life. I actually like planking.
Jennifer @ Fit Nana recently posted…Weekly Workout Recap #4
I hope you can keep that big bubble going and stay healthy!
I was so sorry to see that you weren’t feeling well when I checked your IG post 🙁 But I’m glad that it seems like you are on the mend and feeling better!
Thanks for the Headsweats discount code!
Kim G recently posted…Yuengling Shamrock Marathon Training Recap – Week 5
Happy shopping Kim – let me know what you pick up 🙂
So glad to hear that you are feeling better and you got a run in while it was warmer. Have to know how you are a Patriots fan? I thought you lived in Philly? We are huge Eagles fans my hubs is from Philly
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Trying To Regroup
I was actually born in Philly but grew up in Boston and live in the Boston area now. Huge Pats fan! Can’t wait to see them bring home another Super Bowl 😉
Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Way to still get the workouts in! Are you doing anything special for the superbowl? We’ll be watching from home but we’ll be cheering for the other side.
Sara recently posted…Glass City Half Training – Week 1
Thanks Sara 🙂 Can’t wait for the Super Bowl! We’ll probably be at home too but might watch with a few friends.
So glad you’re feeling better! Around here so many people have the flu. I’m washing my hands and keeping my office door closed. 😉 That headsweats gear looks great.
Coco recently posted…Lacing Up My Running Shoes Again
Seriously bolt that door! LOL! I’m just thankful that whatever hit our house wasn’t the flu I keep seeing on the news.
Knock on wood, I have managed to stay healthy this winter…crazy considering all of those streak runs in the sub ZERO temps. Glad you’re feeling better…and keep on planking 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Now That’s More Like It
Thanks Kim 🙂
I was out sick as well. Started off with a stomach bug and that left and on the weekend got a full on head cold. Still feeling crappy but moving more.
Anna @ Piper’s Run recently posted…Jan 22nd – 28th Weekly Wrap Up
Sounds like we had the same thing. Sorry you’ve been down. Feel better soon!
Glad you are feeling better.
it’s hard not to run outside with temps like that.
Knock on wood…have been healthy this winter.
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 1.22.18-1.28.18: On the road again
I hope you stay on the healthy side – lots of nasty stuff going around 🙁
Knock on wood …I’ve managed to avoid any crud this winter. I was so afraid I’d get sick the week prior to my marathon, but thankfully, that didn’t happen.
So glad you are feeling better and getting that mileage up a bit!
Teresa recently posted…Marathon Training Week 21: It’s Show Time!
Thanks Teresa…slowly but surely 🙂
I sure hope you feel better soon! That’s so awesome you’re a Headsweats Ambassador!
Thanks! So excited about Headsweats!
I’ve heard of so many people getting sick. Fortunately it hasn’t hit my family yet – my husband did feel off for a few days but he’s better now. I’m the type to take the day off if I’m sick. It’s my body telling me I need to rest and I truly welcome it 😊
It’s good your husband didn’t get sick – stay healthy!
50 degrees is awesome…if you dont live in Florida then its cold lol. Looks like a great week and glad you fought off your illness.
Toni recently posted…Running, Loving, Living Turns 7!
People up here were so giddy to see 50 degrees you would have thought it was summer time LOL!
So glad to hear your’e feeling better!
I had no idea you were a Pats fan. I root for the Dolphins and the Jags so definitely on the other side LOL!
Keep it going! You’ve got this!
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 1.21.18 – 1.27.18
Oh yes I grew up in Boston – huge Pats fan! Keeping my fingers crossed for one more SB!
Ugh. Being sick is the pits. Glad you are on the upswing and that you get to root for your team this weekend!
Andrea Signor recently posted…Pushup workouts to strengthen your back, shoulders, and arms
Thanks Andrea 😉
Way to get it done! That plank streak is amazing!!
Thanks Angela 😉
I’ve been working a lot on glute and hip strength lately too. It has to pay off!
Jessica recently posted…Novel Studies for Upper Elementary
Good stuff Jessica – glute & hip work is often overlooked, but so important!
So glad to hear that you’re starting to feel better. There’s so much going around right now and we all need to make sure that we’re taking care of ourselves.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Princess Half Marathon Training Log – Week 6
Glad you are feeling better! I’m so ready for warm weather and the terrible flu to go away!
Smitha@FauxRunner recently posted…Goodbye, Dear Shannon
glad you are feeling better! so many people are sick here too. I am still managing to avoid it but as soon as I feel even a tiny niggle, I start upping vitamins, drink a lot of tea and pray to the universe that the sickness skips me!!!
I don’t usually get sick to be honest, not the full blown cold or even flu but when I do it’s always a doozy. So in general no I would not work out then!
Renée recently posted…January Recap: A decent Start
Glad you’ve been able to avoid all the crud! Stay healthy!