It’s time once again for a little catch up over coffee!
Didn’t we just do this? I swear it sometimes hard to keep track of how fast the days are moving. I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the holidays were a little bittersweet for us as my father-in-law passed away peacefully on Christmas Day. He was a true gentleman with a quick smile and kind word for everyone. His passions were his family, skiing, sailing, and painting and I hope to be doing as much as he was when I reach 92! I’m so grateful that we all got to spend time with him over Thanksgiving and my husband got in one more trip just before Christmas Eve.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that thanks to the Bomb Cyclone (really who comes up with this stuff?!) it’s been tough to get back into the swing of a regular routine. The kids started back to school on Tuesday, only to be home Thursday and Friday thanks to blizzard conditions. I love a good “snow day” but I have a sinking feeling Monday morning re-entry is going to be tough!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my husband, brother and I are doing Run the Edge‘s “Run This Year” challenge. While I don’t set annual mileage goals, I think doing this as a team will be fun! My brother’s planning on some Spartan races and my husband J will be doing trail races so I think 2,018 miles collectively is totally doable – and I’m sure there will be some serious trash talking between the 3 of us over who’s logging the most 🙂
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that since sharing my running goals, I’ve become a little obsessed with trying to decide which marathon to run this fall. I’m itching to get my race calendar settled but want to select the marathon first and then build around it.
And, speaking of goals, if we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I have no shortage of house projects I want to take on for this year. At the top of the list is purging from top to bottom and clearing out all of the stuff we’re not using. It was clear to me as I was struggling to come up with gift ideas for both J and the kids that we really don’t need any more stuff – and that in fact, we could stand to shed some things. So, starting this month I’m going room by room – and dragging my family along kicking and screaming…wish me luck!
What would you tell me over coffee? Got a marathon suggestion? Did you get hit by the Bomb Cyclone?
I’m also linking up with Meranda, Lacey, and Rachel for the Friday Five.
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So sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Very sad. But it sounds like he lived his passions and that’s fabulous. I runfess the name “bomb cyclone” kind of make me want it. Haha! We’ve got a few inches on the ground but I’ll take big snow over this ridiculously long-lasting sub-z we’ve got going. We decluttered a ton in 2017. It was tough but we’re so much better off for it. I so get what you mean on having no gift ideas because they can’t even tell you what they want. It’s frustrating.
Marcia recently posted…Life is Short: Time and Blog Years Fly
I kind of figure if we’ve gotten to the point where the kids can’t tell you what they want then there’s too much stuff!
I’m so sorry about your father in law. It sounds like he led a rich life. I need a huge decluttering of my house. You’d think with kids going to college, it would naturally improve. No, they leave junk behind. I’d also like to run a marathon this year and you are so right about everything else needing to revolve around it. Decisions, decisions.
Thanks Holly. Any idea which marathon you’ll pick?
I’m so sorry to hear about your father in law. That’s so tough. Hugs to you and your family.
We go back to school on Monday. I’m a little bit excited… 🙂
So sorry for your father-in-law’s passing. We lost my FIL 3 years ago on Christmas Eve…it was tough, but we knew he went peacefully (as did yours), and that gave us so much comfort. I had not heard the “bomb Cyclone” until this morning…I guess that means it’s not in my area (?) (Seriously, I should watch the news more often). I’m thinking of doing a fall marathon as well, but am not even “looking” yet. Good luck with those 2018 miles!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Welcome To My Off-Season
So sorry to hear about your father in law. It’s especially hard over the holiday season. Sounds like he lived a long life full of family. Bomb cyclone yes here too. Already over it! Next week looks better. ‘Thanks for joining for coffee
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Most Common Gym Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
I know it’s bad when I see next week’s temps are in the 30s and I’m giddy! LOL!
I am so sorry to hear about your father in law. That had to be tough.
Of course, I’m going to suggest the Chicago Marathon. It’s my favorite, its my hometown, and it’s flat. Oh, and no bomb cyclones here.
Wendy recently posted…5 Things I’d Share Over Coffee
I thought about Chicago, but we have a family wedding that weekend.
Im sorry for your loss. If we had coffee, I’d tell you that we had two tradgic deaths over Christmas (my cousins husband at 51 and a unborn baby of 36 weeks). I’d also tell you that my kids started a chip Wednesday and we’re off Thursday and Friday because of the bomb cyclone.
Oh my gosh Anna I’m so sorry. Sending hugs to you!
So very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear father-in-law. He sounds like a pretty cool guy! How awesome you are running with your brother and husband to meet a common goal. Can’t wait to see how things fall out! I have three marathons scheduled this year–Grandma’s in June, Berlin in September, and Chicago in October. Grandma’s sounds like a fun race you might want to check out!
The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…5 Things I’d Tell You Over Coffee…January, 2018 Edition
Thanks Linda – he was pretty special. I’ve heard great things about Grandma’s but I’m pretty set on running a fall race.
I’m so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. I’m glad you were able to spend time with him before Christmas. As for marathons, the NYC Marathon and Disney Marathons are my favorite!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…January 2018 Goals
I feel very lucky that we got to spend some time with him just recently.
So sorry for your loss.
I love marathon planning!!! Right now is the first time I don’t have any races on the calendar and I’m itching to sign up but going to wait till after I have my babies!
Nicole @ recently posted…Twin Pregnancy Update – Weeks 23-25
I have a feeling you’ll be back to racing fairly quickly 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss Michelle!! Sending you lots of hugs!!
I can’t wait to watch you reach those 2018 miles this year though girl!! You’re going to do awesome!!
Good luck with your Monday next week!! I so wish we could’ve got a tiny bit of snow here in Arkansas but we missed out this time!
Have a great weekend!!
Thanks so much Chelsea!
Very sorry for your loss Michelle. He sounds like a great man.
I love the Run This Year challenge you are doing – can’t wait to get updates about how things are going.
AmyC recently posted…3 Accomplishments and 2 Goals
Thank Amy. I think the challenge will be a fun one!
So sorry for your loss. I hope everyone is doing okay.
I really like the idea of decluttering a room each month. I might steal that!
I think it makes the whole de-cluttering thing more manageable if you tackle one room at a time.
Hey Michelle, I am so sorry for your loss. I can imagine it was very bittersweet over the holidays for your whole family.
I am also looking for a fall marathon. I did not get into Berlin so now I’m sort of at a loss as to what to enter. I have a list of races I want to enter and the only one for September is… Berlin 🙁 Time to start looking on the net for potential races! (secretly I’d love to do Las Vegas, but I’m not sure I can swing it with my financial goals this year. You never know though. Would you do LV Full?)
I will definitely be purging this year. Finally time to clean out the crap!!
Thanks, Renee. Sorry Berlin didn’t work out. I did the Vegas half and loved it but the full takes you off the strip and winds back and forth around lots of side streets to make up the mileage – it did not look like a fun one.
I’m so sorry to hear about your father-in-law. :[ Sending hugs and warm thoughts to you and your family! <3
Thank you, Farrah.
So sorry about your father-in-law. It sounds like he was a great man. I am in a house-purging mode too!
Sorry to hear about your loss.
I need to work on my race schedule too… I’ve got a list started of possibilities, just trying to see what works best.
Good luck on the purging… that is one thing I hope to accomplish this year too (especially in my closet).
I need to purge the junk too! Thanks for reminding me!
Jessica recently posted…Energy City Half Marathon Training Plan: Weeks 1-4
SO sorry about your father in law. And can we talk about the bomb cyclone, I mean how much money does the person get paid to think up these names…lol
Toni recently posted…My Pre-Workout Fuel & Energy Must Haves
I’m so sorry to hear about your father-in-law’s passing, but I’m so glad to hear that you were all about to enjoy some last holiday time all together.
I hope you all have a blast with the Run the Year challenge. My father-in-law, sister-in-law, and I participated as a group last year, mainly as a way to help motivate my father-in-law to get active again. It was a fun way to help him with his motivation.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…January 2018 Goals
I’m so sorry about your father-in-law. He sounds like he was an amazing man.
We have the “bomb cyclone” here in DC. I wonder who comes up with these names, too! We barely got any snow but the wind is crazy and the kids were also out of school here on Thursday & Friday. I sure hope they go back on Monday!
Good luck choosing a marathon. The Marine Corps Marathon is my favorite!
Kim W recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: January 2018
I did quite a bit of purging during our recent move and STILL have more that could go. I need to focus on getting my kids childhood pictures organized ..that’s a project I’d like to take on but terrified of starting!!
So sorry to hear of your father in law’s passing but glad that you all had some special time with him before hand. Losing a loved one is hard enough …but on Christmas day, that will always make that a little more difficult.
I’m excited about a 2018 marathon for you and can’t wait to follow along with you!
Teresa recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – January 2018
So sorry to hear about your FIL. It sounds like he lived life to the fullest.
What marathons are you looking at? Spring or fall?
My house is way too cluttered these days. I actually got my husband to agree to get rid of his drum set this weekend – we put it in a storage closet when we bought our house 20 years ago and it hasn’t come out since.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…January Ultimate Coffee Date because BRRR…
Getting rid of the drum set is huge! My husband has so much stuff I’m trying to get him to part with 😉
I definitely want to do a fall marathon – MCM, Richmond, Philly are possibilities.
The Run the Edge Challenge sounds great as a Team! I tried to do it for 2016 solo and could not keep up, but it was an amazingly supportive group of people!
Oh my gosh I couldn’t imagine taking on that many miles solo – my legs would revolt 🙂
Really sorry to hear about your father-in-law Michelle. Life is weird cycle. It takes death to appreciate life. Sending you hugs!
Thank you Madhuri – I really appreciate it.
Other than a cold office, the weather has been great here in Vegas. 🙂 So sorry to hear about your father-in-law. It’s always hard to lose a loved one during the holidays. Good luck on the Run the Year challenge. It’s cool you can do with with a group/team. I struggled to get in 600 miles last year, so I doubt I would ever be able to run more than 2,000. LOL
Clarinda recently posted…The first Ultimate Coffee Date of 2018 – Join Me!
Oh I know what you mean – I don’t think I broke 600 miles last year. Hopefully, marathon training will change that! 🙂