Hard to believe it’s time for the last coffee date of 2017! Seriously…how is it December!?! I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage, I’m going with a classic French Roast today, and let’s chat.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my tickets for the Nutcracker just arrived in the mail! The Boston Ballet’s Nutcracker is just the best and I’m so looking forward to going. It’s been a family tradition for several years and it makes me happy that my boys still enjoy it.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my plans to start Christmas shopping early haven’t happened. I let both Black Friday and Cyber Monday roll by with nary a gift purchased, mostly because I have no idea what I’m giving family members this year. Usually, I’ve got it all mapped out by now, so I’ve got to kick into gear this weekend!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that doing the whole solo parenting thing is starting to wear me out. J has been traveling for work quite a bit over the last month leaving me with double duty. Honestly, my hats off to single moms who do this 24/7, 365 cause I am t-i-r-e-d! Thankfully, J’s got one more trip this week and then he’ll be done for a bit.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m starting to map out my 2018 race calendar. The challenge, of course, is that after racing so little this year thanks to injury, I’m going to have to resist the urge to sign up for everything! I haven’t hit the register button yet, but I do have my eye on a couple of 10-milers (my fave distance) in February and March, and I’m thinking about trying my luck with the Cherry Blossom 10 mile – the lottery just opened. Perhaps it will be the year of the 10s?
Have you started your holiday shopping? Figured out your plans for 2018?
What would you tell me over coffee?
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You and I are simpatico. I have bought nothing for Christmas yet, but I plan on tackling that this weekend. Along with putting up the tree and maybe baking some cookies.
As for 2018, I do have one race on the calendar in February. Other than that, nada. I’d love to do a few 10 milers, but there aren’t many around here.
Wendy recently posted…Coffee Talk
Not many 10 milers here either which is a shame 🙁
Good luck with your shopping and decorating!
Of course I am voting for the CB 10miler it would be so much fun to meet you in person. Enjoy your Nutcracker! My niece performs in the troop here at the Kennedy Center in DC. Thanks for linking up coffee today
Deborah Brooks recently posted…December Ultimate Coffee Date and Weekly Wrap
It would be so fun to meet you too! 🙂
I haven’t really started holiday shopping yet but I think we were going to see the Philly Pops! I hope you get in Cherry Blossom, I’m on the fence!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – December 2017
Let me know if you decide to throw your name in for CB – it would be fun to meet up again!
Christmas shopping hasn’t begun for me either, so don’t feel bad. LOL! I hear great things about the Cherry Blossom race, so I hope to run it one year myself. I have a race set for January and March 2018, but that’s about it thus far for me.
Shannon I’m glad I’m not the only who hasn’t started yet 🙂
Christmas shopping? Um…yeah…. lol I need to get on the ball!
I tossed my name into the lottery for Cherry Blossom! You should too! Would be fun to have a blogger meet-up!! 🙂
And yeah, single parenting is for the birds. I’m glad my girls are adults now but when they were little, it was rough each time my husband deployed. Ugh. Hang in there!!
Jennifer @ Fit Nana recently posted…ULTIMATE COFFEE DATE – DECEMBER
It would be fun to have a blogger meet-up…hmmm you’ve got me thinking 🙂
I got most of my decorations up this week, but the shopping has only had a teensy bit started. That said, I don’t have a lot of gifts to buy….the kids all want money or gift cards, my parents only want gift cards to restaurants, the hubby and myself sort of just buy our own presents and call it good LOL Lame, right?
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…To Streak or Not to Streak …
I don’t know Kim that’s sounding pretty stress-free to me which isn’t a bad thing at all!
Oh, I haven’t seen The Nutcracker for years – what fun! I did a wee bit of on-line shopping today, but I have a LONG way to go!
Come to DC for CB!
Coco recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – The Christmas Countdown
I keep saying I want to run CB one of these years so maybe 2018 will be the year!
I need you to send me some mojo to start planning my 2018 racing calendar lol.
I did take advantage of some sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I’m about 75% done with my shopping. What’s helping me this year is that I have less people to buy presents for, and I’m buying less presents per person – just trying to simplify as much as possible!
Kimberly recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Hello December
Hopefully, we can find a race to meet up in 2018!
I knocked out some gifts on cyber Monday but treated myself more than anything else. Haha! That’s awesome that your kiddos still enjoy the Nutcracker. That’s a wonderful tradition. I feel you on the single parenting. It’s gets really old fast. Get in that CB10 lottery!
Marcia recently posted…Junk Miles and Feasting on Trails
I did sign up – wish me luck 🙂
The CB10 lottery would be a great start! I’m sure your inury will be more manageable gradually so yeah, it might be the year of 10s for you.
Unfortunately the lottery gods weren’t kind, but hopefully, I’ll get to run CB one year.