November blew by in a flash and here we are once again on the last Friday of the month, which means it’s time to share some runfessions so we can roll into the holiday season with a clear conscious. So let’s get to it, shall we?
I runfess that I’m not a fan of Black Friday. I love a good deal as much of the next girl, but dealing with the crazed crowds, or even worse camping out and waiting for stores to open? Yeah no…I’m all set with that.
I runfess that back when I registered for the Harborside Half, which was supposed to be my goal race of the fall, that for the first time I added the option of registration insurance. I hoped I wouldn’t need it, but clearly, there was a part of me that knew my nagging injuries could be an issue. Fast forward to last week and I was one happy camper to receive confirmation that my registration fee had been refunded!
I runfess that my #RunNovemberChallenge streak hit a speed bump. When I woke Wednesday morning I was greeted with a driving rain, so I pushed my required 1 mile to later rationalizing that there would be time after we arrived at our Thanksgiving destination to squeeze it in later. Well, our normally 6-hour drive morphed into 8 and by the time we dragged our road-weary selves into our hotel, there was barely enough time to become presentable before we had to meet family members at a restaurant. You can see where this is going…the mile never happened and the streak is no more.
I runfess that while I have been enjoying this slow and easy approach to my “runner rebuild” there is a part of me that’s feeling like it’s time to kick into gear soon. In the absence of a training plan or long distance target, I can see how easy it would be to get into a short run rut. Time to mix things up!
That being said, I runfess that I almost skipped this month’s runfessions because I wasn’t sure I’d come up with much. November’s been a good month and brought with it the joy of running again. I’m grateful to be running pain-free and to be back in the mental space where I look forward to getting out for a run vs. dreading it.
I’m linking up with Marcia for Runfessions
Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!
Any runfessions to share? Do you do Black Friday?
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While I would never brave the crowds in stores for Black Friday, I do enjoy doing all of my shopping online, lol
Sorry to hear about the end of the #RunNovemberChallenge – sometimes things are just out of our control. I think the Runner’s World streaking Challenge started yesterday if you want to join another challenge!
Kimberly recently posted…Join Me For November Runfessions
Online shopping for the win 😉
I was tempted by the RW Challenge but I don’t think my legs would like running every day. #RunNovemberChallenge allowed for walks.
Ya know, I never buy the insurance either. I waffle sometimes but never do. It sounds like it was worth it though!
I’m not a Black Friday shopper either. Not even a little bit.
Rachel recently posted…Runfessions Thanksgiving Style
The insurance was just 2.70 – definitely money well spent!
Ah the ups and downs of running life! I am finding myself there too. I’ve never done the race insurance either-glad that worked out. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving
Deborah Brooks recently posted…November Runfessions Thanksgiving Edition
I’m so glad I purchased that insurance!
Sorry you needed to take the insurance option but that’s what it’s for, right? better than blowing the dough. Very good to hear you’re up and running pain free again!
Marcia recently posted…Black Friday Runfessions
I spend my black Fridays online shopping and avoiding the craziness. I just can’t see being tackled to save a few bucks. I’ve never gotten the race insurance, but have considered it, especially for the races I book way in advance.
The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…November Runfessions
I don’t mind Black Friday shopping…but I no longer wait in line at midnight (or earlier) to get in the store or mall. Waiting until the next day (late morning at that), there still (usually) is plenty of stuff for good deals to be found.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Runfessions?
I’m not a streaker–I couldn’t handle the pressure to get my run in! Plus all that laundry…
I love online shopping, so Black Friday isn’t a big deal for me. I always work the day after Thanksgiving.
Wendy recently posted…Runfessions: The Gratitude Edition
Are you doing a different challenge just for November? Because the Run streak I have been reading about doesn’t start until Thanksgiving and goes through the beginning of the year. So in that case you really didn’t miss, unless you haven’t ran the past two days.
Lacey@fairytalesandfitness recently posted…Thankfulness
Sorry that the streak has ended! Those long holiday commutes can ruin everything!
I’m not down for Black Friday. Too many people and too much effort. I’m much better on Cyber Monday. I can online order like a boss!
Jenn recently posted…black friday shopping deals for runners
That’s the happiest runfessions ending I’ve seen in a while! I know I need to relax my routine sometimes, but whenever I do I get antsy.
Coco recently posted…November Runfessions
I’m right there with you on Black Friday! I went for a 6 mile tun, then watched Holiday movies with my family!!
I’m not a fan of Black Friday either! I’ve gone once in my life and that was enough, ha ha.
I almost skipped runfessions too! It’s great to hear November has been good for you! It’s great to know the race insurance does come through. I’ve never tried it. I should for larger races.
I’m so glad you’re back out running again! I’m not on a training plan right now per se but Coach Laura is helping me keep up my mileage and fitness as I figure out which marathon to do in the spring!
I’m glad you got your race fee refunded – we need more races to have that option!
I’ve done the Black Friday a couple of times but people get way too crazy…the crowds are too much!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Rothman 8K Race Recap
I prefer to take advantage of Black Friday via online shopping. Why bother going to the stores and deal with the crowd. No thank you.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Friday Five 2.0-5 Things I Am Thankful For
Yay for November being a good month for you and that the joy of running is back! I too am not a fan of black friday shopping with the crowds, but I do like to take advantage of online deals!
Some of the online deals were pretty amazing this year! And so much better than facing the stores!