It’s the weekend! And, even better…it’s a long weekend! I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date link-up. Grab a mug, get comfortable and let’s catch up!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I couldn’t get to this weekend fast enough! Work was hectic, J was traveling again, and there’s always the boys’ schedules and the dreaded school projects! Thrown in that I wasn’t feeling fabulous…and seriously, I was reaching for the white flag!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I feel like we’re being invaded by stink bugs here in New England. The local news announced that there’s an uptick this season…great! These things are everywhere and have an insidious way of getting inside. I am a super bug-phobe so this is not going over well with me. I need it to get colder faster!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the rambunctious pup is back from his 2-week board and train and I’m happy to say there’s a notable improvement. While he’s still high energy, he’s much more manageable and under control. Halleluiah!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m really looking forward to getting away with my husband for a few days to celebrate our 25th anniversary this week. How in the world is it 25 years already?!? We’re going to one of our favorite spots – can. not. wait!
Now I’d tell you that my cup is empty and I need a refill. So your turn, what would you tell me over coffee?
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Hi there! I’d introduce myself over coffee by saying I found your blog when Googling reviews/recaps of the Canton Fall Classic, which will be my first road race in about five years… *gulp*. Your recap was super helpful, thank you! I’m training on hills which is soooo delightful.
The full-time working mom years are behind me (I’m 54 and my sons are 28 and 25) but I remember them well and know exactly how you feel!
I like your blog and will poke around in your archives. Good luck with those June bugs. They are all over the apartment husband and I rented in Canton (we live on the outer cape but here for his work/my school). I can’t kill them though so via paper cups they get rehomed outside…and probably come right back in.
Hope to see you at the race!
Hi Laura! Thanks so much for checking out my recap – I’m glad it was helpful. The Fall Classic is a great race – I love the 5K course! Good luck with your race!
I hope you have a really nice anniversary getaway this week. Sounds like you really need a little break. Those stink bugs are all around her too but thankfully we don’t have any in the house yet. Thanks for joining for coffee
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…October Ultimate Coffee Date
Thanks Deb – definitely looking forward to a few days away 🙂
Congrats on 25 years!! The hubby and I celebrated 27 in August,,,,yes, HOW is that possible???? I don’t think we have those bugs in Iowa…at least I have not seen them…yet…
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Over scheduled?
Thanks – it’s crazy how fast the years pass!
I do love your pup …he looks as if he’s full of personality! Ugh, I do hate a stink bug! But we seem to be having an over abundance of mosquitoes down here …I know, it is the south and we always have a ton of mosquitoes, but it just seems much worse this year!
Have fun on your weekend away with the hubby ….those are the best! Congratulations on 25 years!!!
Teresa recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: October Edition
You are right the pup has quite the personality – just makes me smile 🙂 Lots of mosquitoes does not sound like fun – hopefully cool weather will make an appearance soon and we’ll be done with all the bugs for a bit!
We’ve had stink bugs but they haven’t been stinky – maybe if you don’t squash them? With a biz trip this weekend and ATM tomorrow this weekend is not relaxing… and we don’t even have Monday off. :-/
Coco recently posted…October Controversies — Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up
Oh you definitely don’t want to squash them – trust me I learned this the hard way 🙁
Sounds like you’ve had a lot of business travel lately – hope you get some down time soon.
I’d tell you that I am really happy that we don’t have stink bugs in my area!!! I’d also tell you that I hope you enjoy your get away!!! Have a great weekend!
Missy – Getting Fit to Find Myself recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – October Edition
Thanks Missy – looking forward to it!
UGH I HATE STINKBUGS! Don’t ever make the mistake of sucking them up in your vacuum cleaner to get rid of them – it’s a HUGE MISTAKE!
Oh no really?! The vacuum has been my weapon of choice and so far so good.
Happy Anniversary! Wow where does time go?? We’ve got those dang bugs here in force. They find their way inside and they’re absolutely disgusting. I suppose the first freeze won’t be all bad after all.
Marcia recently posted…I’ve Got Fall in a Headlock
Thanks Marcia – the years have flown by so fast!
I hope you had a lovely time!!! we are dealing with mosquitoes and fliesss and its driving me nuts too.
dixya @food, pleasure, and health recently posted…The Ultimate Fall Salad
We had a great time – thanks!
Congrats on your 25th! That’s so exciting. We are coming up on our 13th (in December) and cannot really believe it’s already been that long. I love the cartoon at the beginning of your post! I’m on vacation, so I’ve been sipping my coffee for the past two days, and it’s been lovely. I’ll be back on the road soon for the final leg of our trip, so probably no more coffee until we are back home.
Clarinda recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – October 2017
Hope you are having a great vacation!