I figure before this month gets any older I better map out a few goals for the month.
Run 80 miles (at least) — I’d really like to hit 100 this month, but given my ankle’s unpredictable nature I’m hedging my bets a bit.
Re-establish my morning routine — Towards the end of the summer, my workouts were all over the place, essentially jamming them in when I could. I know I’m much better off when I get my workouts done early so that’s the goal.
Return to continuous running — Run:walk intervals have served me well in both dealing with the crazy humidity of this past summer and the cranky ankle, but I’d really like to transition back to continuous running.
Improve my fueling — I could do better here – both pre- and post-run.
Focus on self-care — This comes in many forms…daily rolling, yoga, sports massage, getting more sleep!
Sharing some goals for September for this week's #FridayFive What have you got planned? Share on XWhat are your goals for this month?
I’m joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!
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I definitely need more sleep!
Hope your ankle cooperates with your goals.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Where to celebrate the Marine Corps Marathon with a beer
Ah the sleep thing is huge – hope we both find a way to get more!
I hope to make it to 100 miles this month too now that cooler weather is approaching.
Good luck hitting 100!
Sounds like you have thought out your goals well. I am hoping to get my yoga back on track
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…September Reset with #SparklingDetox
Thanks Deb – hope you get back to yoga!
These are GREAT goals. And I know you’ll nail them all.
Thanks Rachel! 🙂
These sound like my goals :)… I do much better when I schedule my workouts in too. I don’t tend to waiver from it very much though. I definitely am upping my self-care though!
Great minds Emily 😉 Good luck with your goals!
I need to kick start my exercise program again. We are going on vacation at the end of the month and I need to be in better shape.
Vacation is always a good motivation, right?
I’m easing back into strength-training and PT stuff for the knee/hips/glutes….and some daily ab work (YIKES!). Good luck with you goals 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…To Walk or to Run?
Sounds like a good plan for you Kim. I need to do some daily ab work too!
Great tips! Self care and morning routine are on my list to work on too! You got this!
Thank you Sarah
I really like your goals. Having a routine is key for me. I think my ind just likes knowing that on this day I’ll run, etc.
Kimberly recently posted…5 Favorite Post Run Meals/Snacks
Sounds like some great goals for the month! Know you’ll do great! 😀
Jessica @Small Bites by Jessica recently posted…Choline: What Is It and How to Get Enough
I can’t remember the last month I ran 80 miles. That’s a great goal. You’ve got this!
Sounds like some great goals! I’ve totally been there where my workouts were out of sync, and I definitely rely on a routine to get them done.
Well done on the goal setting! All I can think about is getting myself to Berlin and across that finish line. After that maybe I’ll set some goals.
Marcia recently posted…Sparkling Turmeric Lemonade
Conquering Berlin will be a huge accomplishment – you’re going to do great!
It feels like fall has come early here in NC…it’s refreshing, and the perfect weather to get outdoors for a run, walk or bike ride! I love fall so much.
I do too – my fave time of the year!
Great goals! Love the one about self care! I’m working on that one myself! Went and got a massage last night to kick off the month right 🙂
Go get those goals girl!
Good for you for getting a massage – great way to start the month for sure!
Awesome and very inspiring goals. I don’t have monthly goals but maybe I should.
You’ve set some straightforward goals which are simply awesome! Keep up the awesome work, Michelle!
self-care has been a major priority for me too..and it has made a huge difference in everything in do.
Great goals!!! I want to tighten up my nutrition!
Toni recently posted…Progress Not Perfection
I’m with you, I definitely need more sleep. And making a commitment to that is certainly a great way to practice self care.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Friday Five – One Month Countdown!
Hopefully we’ll both get more sleep this month!
You have great goals for this month! I need to get refocused as I currently have no big goal race which has me feeling a bit lost!
Are you doing any more racing this year? My goal race isn’t until mid-November so I figure a couple of mini goals now will help keep me on track.