The first full week of July is in the books, and it’s time for the Weekly Wrap with Holly, Tricia, and this week’s guest host Christine. Definitely be sure to stop by and check out all of the great ladies who join in for this link-up!
So how’d things shake out this week? Here’s a quick run down…
Sunday – 4-mile run. A rare Sunday run for me, but I had missed running Saturday due to family plans. And besides, the morning was too beautiful to pass up! Also, I got back to daily planks.
Monday – Rest day.
Tuesday – The track was calling – I swear 800-meter repeats never get easier!
Wednesday – OK so I may have gotten a bit ambitious at the track 😉 I had plans on a strength workout, but listened to my legs and opted for rest.
Thursday – 5.5-mile run.
Friday – Strength work and chiro visit.
Saturday – 3.4 miles – this was supposed to be a 6 or 7-mile run but for some reason, nothing felt good on this run. My stride felt off and so did my breathing. After a solid week of running, the wheels came off the wagon a bit. I’m chalking it up to being just “one of those days!”
Sunday – Feeling especially tight today, so I went with some gentle yoga.
So as the title of this post alludes, this week marked a return to training. While I enjoyed taking June at a leisurely pace, I know the fall race season will be here in a blink of an eye so it’s time to ease back into a training plan. I still haven’t settled on a goal race, but the RC coaches and I are leaning towards a couple of November options with a possible tune-up race or two. I did sign up for the Wicked Half and I’m looking forward to the Skirt Sports Ambassador meet-up. This race will be for fun and should help me to get focused. It’s a mere 68 days away, so Saturday runs will get longer and I’m going to try to keep one day for speed work.
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I’m getting to the point where I like the idea of racing but when I think about training, not so much! LOL!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Summer’s Got Me Like….
Ha! I’m with you on that Wendy – if I could just show up at the starting line ready to go that would be heaven 🙂
It has been so long since I’ve done a track workout! Glad your week went well for the most part. Good call on cutting that crappy run short.
Coco recently posted…Running In Bremen Germany
I know what you mean – I cannot remember the last time I was on a track.
You had a great week back to training. Love that you took it to the track for one of your runs – I need to do that as I want to run in new locations as to not get bored!
Looks like you signed up for a very cool race! I would definitely chalk up the run on Saturday to just a bad run.
Kimberly recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 7
I’m looking forward to running Wicked! It’s a nice course and meeting some of the Skirt Sport Ambassadors will be fun!
I have not done a track workout in forever but my trainer has been hinting at them. Not sure if I am excited or scared
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Weekly Wrap 4th of July Week
I definitely felt a little bit of both! LOL!
It is nice to see you back at it! I don’t know why 800s feel so much harder than 600s (my favorite — if there is such a thing!). I’m still not in training yet for fall races. On the one hand it’s nice not to have the pressure, but I’m itching to get back to a routine.
It was really nice to take June easy, but I was starting to feel like I needed the push of a training plan.
I’d love to incorporate some track workouts in my routine, but around here there are none available. Years ago, one of the local high schools left theirs open all the time, but they had to stop due to vandalism. So unfortunate.
Teresa recently posted…Red, Hot and Blue Independence Week!
I’m really lucky that our town has a great track and it was just resurfaced!
Although I miss running, I do not miss training LOL It seems like every time my friend and I met up for one of our long runs (this spring AND last fall) one of us would make the comment…”Why are we doing this again?” It looks like you still had a pretty solid week, though!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…A New Normal (for Now)
I know I said I missed being on a training plan, but we’ll see if I’m still feeling that way in a couple of weeks 😉
800s are my nemesis (those and mile repeats), especially in the summer! Good job on your return to training. It’s always hard to stay motivated in the heat. Thanks for linking! 🙂
Gah the mile repeats are the worse!
Great job this week! It makes sense to cut that run short if everything felt off and it was hard to get into a rhythm.
Chaitali recently posted…Heart Rate Training Week 7
Thanks Chaitali – it did just seem pointless to torture myself!
I need to get back to doing 400’s again. I’m pretty sure 800’s aren’t in my radar, ha ha!
Oh I’d so much rather run 400s!
I’m a glutton for punishment because I really enjoy running 800s. What is wrong with me?!
Great week!!!
Rachel recently posted…Easy Roasted Red Potatoes
Ha! Isn’t that the beauty of running – what’s torture for one runner totally works for another!
Sounds like a nice week and sensible, too, the way you listened to your body! That Sunday run sounds glorious. It’s so nice to be able to take advantage of the beautiful weather.
That morning really was such a gift – a great break from the constant humidity we’ve had lately!
I agree – why do 800 m repeats never get easier??
Yes, race season will be here before we know it! Can’t believe were already in the second week of July!
The calendar is moving way to fast for me! If only we could slow time just a little!
I’d like to try some track workouts but there are none near me!
I’m really lucky to have a track just a quick drive away.
Looks like a great week, and it was smart of you to listen to what your body needed! 800s are the toughest track workout in my opinion!
Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…Some Practical Alternative Uses for Running Gear
Yes, I don’t what it is but I have the hardest time pacing myself through 800s.
Any sort of speed workout is tough! The one I’ve done twice and do not like one bit is 12×400 with 400m recovery after each one. It took forever and I was exhausted at the end.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Road to BQ Week #15
Wow! That sounds like a tough workout!
I would love to do a speed work out on an actual track! To much fun! Sounds like a great week!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Summer loving, sweating and running!
I don’t know why but I actually find it easier to wrap my head around speedwork at the track vs. out on the road.
Nice week!! Ah I am not a fan of 800’s on the track either! Tough workout but it helps. 🙂 Welcome back to training.
Sharon recently posted…Last Week’s Workouts and Weekly Wrap 7/3-7/9
Thanks Sharon it’s nice to be back 🙂
Congrats on a great first week back! Its hard for me to wrap my head around being in training without knowing what race I’m training for. Hopefully you make a final decision soon.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Weeks 4 and 5
I agree it will be so much easier to focus once I pick a race – just gotta figure out the family schedules before I make a choice.
Looks like a good first week to me1 I am in full training mode myself and ready to tackle dome fall races.
Toni recently posted…San Francisco Half Training Recap Week 4 #TSFM2017
Thanks Toni! Good luck with your training!