It’s been a couple of weeks since I last joined Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap – How’d I let that happen?! Kim is this week’s guest host so be sure to stop by and say hello!
As I mentioned in my June goals, I’m not following a training plan at the moment – just kind of taking workouts as they come. So how did this week go?
Monday: Yoga and chiro visit. Based on the feedback I gave my chiro, he thinks I’m progressing nicely so we’re going to see if I can get to the first week of July before my next appointment!
Tuesday: I usually run on Tuesdays, but the combination of a torrential downpour most of the day and a crazy work day, made it easy to push this run to Wednesday.
Wednesday: We finally got a break in the rain, so I celebrated Global Running Day with a 3-mile run.
Thursday: Strength work – my usual focus on hips, glutes, and abs, followed by some trigger point work with my massage therapist.
Friday: Since I ran Wednesday, I’d plan to run Friday…but remember the never-ending mulch pile in my driveway? I decided I just couldn’t look at it any longer, and I knew with our town’s big lacrosse tournament this weekend if I didn’t tackle it then it would most likely still be there on Monday. So I spent a couple of hours hauling mulch around and I’m happy to say the pile is gone! Talk about a total body workout!!
Saturday: The whole family spent the day at the lacrosse tournament – we left the house by 7:30 and didn’t head home until close to 6 pm! And, did I mention the temps jumped to the high 80’s? Yeah, we were all toast!
Sunday: Being on my feet all day Saturday took its toll, but I really wanted to get a little run in before day 2 of the tourney. So I tacked on another 3 miles.
As you can see, there was not much running this week and I’m totally fine with that. Temps are supposed to hover in the 90s for most of this week so I’ll be pushing the clock back to run as early as possible – otherwise, there will be a lot of cross-training this week 🙂
How do you fair when not on a training plan?
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That’s awesome that you got great news from the chiro on Monday – looks like your on the right track!
We’re due for very hot weather this upcoming week as well, so I’ll be enjoying some quality time with my treadmill to get my runs in 🙂
Thanks for linking up for the Weekly Wrap!
Kimberly recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Recap – Week 3
I’m going to try my best to get outside, but the treadmill may have to be part of the plan.
Good gosh I admire you. I wish I could make myself want to get outside anytime other than from around 630 to 7:30 AM. Apparently I’m a hear wimp. And the treadmill has Netflix!!N<3
Carla recently posted…3 ways Im exercising my intuition muscle
Thanks, Carla. I’m pretty much a heat wimp too – I just know how much I dislike the treadmill 😉
Oh gosh…all of that hauling and lifting/shoveling is major cross-training! I try to run 3/4 times a week (one of which is the weekend long run) year round. When I’m “in training” some of those runs vary in distance and intensity…otherwise they’re 3-6 miles most of the time.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Running into the Sun
I was crazy sore by the time I was done! But I love how great the gardens look 🙂
Moving that mulch sounds exhausting! Hope the lax tournament went well! I need to get a massage – it’s been a few months now. :-O
Coco recently posted…2017 Lawyers Have Heart Race Recap
I thought that mulch pile would never end! LOL! You should definitely book a massage!
I bet tackling that mulch pile felt great! Sometimes you just gotta. And that’s a workout.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…I Get To Run
It did feel so good to get that project done!
Those lacrosse tournaments are so long aren’t they? Glad we are done with those for a while! Hope you have a great week
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Weekly Wrap Recovery week
The tournaments can be long, but we had so much fun!
Yard work definitely counts as a workout! Your back yard is gorgeous!
Thanks 🙂
Wow, that all day Lacrosse tournament reminds me of those all day soccer tourneys my boys used to have! They really are exhausting.
Yard work, especially mulching is a back breaker for sure! You definitely got a good workout in doing that! 🙂
With my half marathon behind me now, I’m dialing back the run miles and upping the cycling and cross training …at least until the dog days of summer pass.
Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: Utah Rocks!
Your cross-training like a good plan! When’s your next race?
Mulch pile transport is a hella great workout! Nice week!
Marcia recently posted…Utah Valley Half Marathon
Thanks Marcia – so glad to see that pile gone! 🙂
This is the kind of training that my grandfather would be proud of. 😉 Congratulations for your blog!