Good grief last week was a complete blur! Add to the chaos, two kids with the stomach bug and feeling under the weather myself and you have the perfect storm to throw my training into a tailspin! Here are the “highlights.”
Monday — Scheduled rest day – so needed!
Tuesday — 5 mile tempo run
Wednesday — Strength work
Thursday — Both of my kiddos went down, and I was feeling less than stellar. My poor husband was last man standing and took care of all of us.
Friday — The kids, of course, bounced right back and returned to school, while I, on the other hand, felt like I’d been hit by a truck. So instead of making up the miles, it was 45 minutes of yoga.
Saturday — Sleet/snow/rain combo! Clearly, Mother N has issues! I opted to sleep in and push the run to Sunday. I did get a short strength workout in before heading off to see my son and his team win their hockey championship!
Sunday — The weather schizophrenia continued with bright blue skies and temps in the 50s. I was glad I delayed my run and giddy to be back in running skirt! I had hoped to get 8 miles in, but my right hip continues to be a little wonky (yes a technical term) so I settled for a hard fought 5.
So I’ll be nursing the wonky hip for a couple of days and plan to try another run on Wednesday. Luckily I’ve got a massage scheduled for Thursday!
As always, I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training and life happenings!
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It sounds like you have a busy, chaotic and memorable week with your family. I love your RtR training series. Looking forward too seeing your next post.
Emily recently posted…Womens Clarks Hadyn Maize Flat Reviews
Thanks Emily.
Sorry you had to deal with being sick, it’s the worst! I hope you’re feeling better. Congratulations to your son’s hockey team!
Boo to a wonky hip. Great job getting in the 5 miles despite the discomfort.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Tunes Tuesday – Motivation for Work
Thanks Janelle – happy that the bug was just a 24 hr thing.
Ugh, you did have a rough week, didn’t you? Good news is that you have no where to go but uphill from there! 🙂 Gosh, I remember those days when my boys were little and one got sick …it was like a chain reaction spreading through the house knocking us down like dominos! Glad you are feeling better and hope that wonky hip straightens up soon!
Teresa recently posted…Hydration on the Run
Definitely a crazy week – looking forward to things being quieter this week!
Glad you are feeling better! Looking strong and love the skirt 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Carrot “rice”, Asparagus and Fresh Pea Salad with Lemon Vinaigarette
Thanks Deborah!!
Sounds busy indeed!
I am glad everyone is feeling better….those stomach bugs are o joke right!!
I hope your hip is doing ok!
Mother Nature needs to get it together! Cold gear one day and then a tank top the next…lol!
Have a great week!
Yep I think Mother Nature needs an intervention! 😉
A wonky hip? Ugh. Been there, done that. My left hip has been a bit wonky ever since my marathon back in November. For the most part, it feels fine when I’m running…but sometimes walking or standing (after having been sitting for awhile) are a little “testy.” tried doing some strengthening exercises a month ago, and that was definitely too much of a “good” thing (in other words, #fail). Hope you’e feeling better!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…My Take on Victory
Yes the whole sitting for too long has definitely not been helping the hip so I’ve been doing a lot more work at desk standing up. Hopefully this too shall pass!
Here’s to a better week! Those stomach bugs are cruel things. I get wonky hip disease on a regular basis. Like Kim ^, I do exercises for strengthening but could swear sometimes it makes it worse. Hopefully that massage will be just the thing you need. Oh, and hooray for running in a skirt! Thanks for linking, Michelle!
Funny you say that about the hip strengthening work cause I’ve been focusing on it too and I’m wondering if it’s had a counter effect.
I hope that massage gets the kinks out. Ugh on the stomach bug! I hope I didn’t pick up any germs on the airplane ….
Coco recently posted…Tips For Destination Racing
Oh I know what you mean, air travel can be the worst for that! Hopefully, you came through it healthy!
Glad your bouncing back! I’ve found that sometimes the best training regime is doing what feels right and remaining flexible through life’s little bumps. Good on ya!
Jim recently posted…Best Mid Layer For Skiing – Layer up for warmth
So true Jim, but always a challenge to not get caught up in the “shoulds” of training!
Sorry to hear everyone but your husband got sick! Not fun! Hope the massage works and your hip feels better!
Thanks Sharon 🙂
What a rough week, Michelle! I admire your dedication and persistence!