Happy Sunday!
As I type this, the wind is picking up and the snow is falling. The second significant snow storm in just 4 days. School’s already been cancelled for tomorrow, and I’m trying to re-configure my work day.
But before I get to dealing with that I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training and life happenings!
Between the snow, icy conditions and a hectic schedule, it was all about the gym and time on the mill this week. And, the 5 min/day planking streak continued!
Monday — Rest Day
Tuesday — Speed work- While I’m not a fan on running on the mill in general, I don’t mind doing speed work on it. Just set the pace and go!
Wednesday — Strength day followed by a much needed massage!
Thursday — Shoveling snow counts for cross-training right?
Friday — Back to the mill for 800 meter repeats
Saturday — Rest day
Sunday — 4 more mill miles as once again the left knee/calf wasn’t really not interested in doing a long run – which is problematic when you’ve got a half marathon just 5 weeks away….but let’s not think about that right now!
The left leg was pretty unhappy all week and required a lot of special attention. At the urging of my massage therapist (she’s convinced I’m out of alignment), I’m going to try to squeeze in an appointment with the chiropractor this week. I really don’t want to take any more time off from running, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
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Treadmills are essential for snow days! And yes, shoveling is a serous workout.
I hope the chiro can straighten you out. 🙂
Coco recently posted…Playing Running Tour Guide In Washington D.C.
Thanks Coco!
Go you! Like you, I can (sometimes) handle speed work on the ‘mill, but any kind of a “distance” thing really messes with my sanity.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Back outside…it never felt so good!
I hear you! I always marvel at those that can get on a mill and go for miles!
I hope your leg feels better ASAP! I have a massage from Christmas that I still haven’t scheduled…they really do make a difference with the right massage therapist.
Kudos on the 5 minutes of planking!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Love Run Half Marathon Training Week 6 Recap
You need to get that massage scheduled stat 😉
Yep, lots of time on the treadmill here too. It looks like you managed to put in a good amount of miles in spite of the weather and your left leg. I hope that the visit with the chiropractor helps.
Chaitali recently posted…RnR DC Training week 6
Treadmills are just a must have when the weather refuses to cooperate!
We did not get any of the snow at all this time! We did get the cold though. KInd of hoping for at least one snow
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Polenta Eggplant Parm Pie
Turns out we didn’t get as much snow as expected, but the winds have been brutal!
Believe it or not, I’m one of the few runners out there that actually don’t mind a treadmill run. As a matter of fact, in the middle of the summer down here, when it is pushing triple digit temps with 100% humidity …give me an air conditioned treadmill run any day! 🙂
Hope the legs are feeling groovy soon for that half marathon that we’re not talking about! 🙂
Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: Changing Gears
Oh yes – there’s much to be said for the benefits of the mill in A/C!
We have no snow! It’s so weird for Chicago. But it’s been a nice winter. The ‘mill is always a good backup plan, tho.
I hope your leg feels better soon!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Trusting the Process: On and Off the Road
It’s been such a odd winter – either really mild or really cold. And, now we’re in this snow pattern we can’t get out of – it’s going to snow again later this week!
I bet snow shoveling is a killer workout! I can’t say I’ve ever had to do that though. 😉 I hope the chiropractor can give you some relief for your leg. Thanks for linking, Michelle!
Shoveling is a full body workout for sure. I’ve been trying to convince my husband to buy a snowblower 😉
You just gotta do what you gotta do when it comes to the mill and dealing with the weather!
Speaking of massages, I gave Mr. Sippi (and treated myself too) a massage for Valentine’s Day.
We go next week and I’m so excited!
I sure hope your appointment turns out fine.
Tricia @ Misssippipiddlin recently posted…What do you love about running right now
Oh now massages sounds like a great Valentine’s Day gift! Enjoy 🙂
I’m not a fan of the treadmill but I sure have missed it when I’m out training in the slush and snow with my training group… it always ends up fine but I am generally the one most cranky about the cold and the snow… I hope it clears up for you soon!!
good to go see your chiropractor – if there are any issues you can get them sorted before things really get out of whack!!
Renee recently posted…Week 6 – Holding Strong
I’m so not a fan of the mill either – a necessary evil 🙂
Hope your legs will be better soon. I like the way you set schedule for your week
Vicky Cristina recently posted…Best Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis 2017
Thanks Vicky 🙂