It’s just been one of those weeks…
Monday – More time with my new BFF, aka the Arc Trainer, but I did get outside for a brisk walk for the Winter Challenge. Oh, and day 9 of the 10 x 10 plank challenge.
Tuesday – Work and family schedules collided and my run didn’t happen. It was the final day of the Winter Challenge and I enjoyed a snowy walk, plus finished the plank challenge. Whew…10 minutes of planking was a-l-o-t!
Wednesday – Strength training with Trainer Stacy. Quite simply, this workout kicked my arse…and I loved it! Stacy really challenged me and I left feeling really strong…and sore 🙂 Planking continues – going for 5 mins/day for February.
Thursday – Once again my schedule was crazy, but I was able to squeeze 30 mins in on the Arc Trainer.
Friday – Hill repeats – enough said, right?
Saturday – DOMS hit me hard so hello rest day.
Sunday – The plan called for 8 – I barely hung on for just over 5. After feeling so strong after Wednesday, and having a strong run through those repeats, I was hoping to crush this run…instead, my left knee/calf started talking to me within the first half mile and let me know this was going to be a grind. And a grind it was.
So…going to have to say this week was a Cha-cha. Let’s hope there’s less “dancing” this week and more running.
I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!
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I think most of us have been doing the Cha-cha off and on here lately, so you’re not alone. Hope next week is better …but hey, you gotta find the joy in “dancing” your way through life 🙂
Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: For the Love of Fitness
Yes you do Teresa 🙂
I love it when my trainer kicks my butt hard! Feels so good to be sore the next day. Sorry your knee and calf are bothering. My stupid PF is flaring up again. Trying to ignore it
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…My First Weekly Wrap
Oh no – sorry about the PF! Hope it calms down!
At least you were able to dance through that long run! Some weeks are like that. Hang in there. I hope this week is better for you!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…The Group Run: It Was Time
Thanks Wendy!
Sounds like you definitely earned that rest day. Hope your knee/calf feels better soon and it does not become an issue for you.
Thanks – keeping my fingers crossed!
I love that Cha Cha quote. It’s all about perspective, yes? That is a lot of planking! You are doing great with that challenge. Hopefully, your knee/calf just needed a bit of time to adjust to those hill repeats! Just give it plenty of TLC for a few days. Thanks for linking, Michelle.
I always love a good challenge and this planking one is a tough one!
Sorry things got a little tough for you…hopefully things will turn around 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Wind is a 4-letter word….
Thanks Kim 🙂
Sorry your long run didn’t go as planned, it sounds like you had a really intense week of working out so that may have played a role. No worries! Hope you feel better!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Love Run Half Marathon Training Week 5 Recap
Definitely a possibility – just hoping it’s not residual effects from my slip. Thanks Janelle!
DOMS are the worsssst! On the one hand, it means you worked hard, but on the other, you can’t do anything else!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…3 Ingredient Rosé Gummy Bears (gluten free)
They are the worst! I love the tough workout, but ouch!
Personally I love those “Cha Cha” days! They are nice way to break things up?
Margo recently posted…NEW Fit Bottomed Girl Podcast with Autumn Calabrese!
At least you still got in some workouts. I think I have DOMS today from last night’s run 🙁
Great job on your workouts, planking and those hill repeats! Hope your knee/calf gets better! It’s smart not to push yourself too far if you’re hurting. Hope you can get that long run in this week!
I love that you’re calling this “cha-cha”! Ain’t that the truth. Still plenty of goodness in your week. Way to rock those challenges.
Marcia recently posted…A Shift in Focus
Trying to keep a positive perspective. Hopefully there will be more running and less “dancing” this week 😉
What a great week! DOMS are the worst. OMG. Especially when it takes two days to hit because then you’re barely walking down the stairs!
Rachel recently posted…Heart Healthy Valentine’s Day Pancakes
Oh yes I was definitely doing some funny walking! LOL!
10 minutes of planking?! Wow. Very impressive. Ha, I love the description of “cha-cha”. Sounds like my training for the past 8 months! But that is a way to put a much better spin on it:)
Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…How Much is Too Much?
The 10 minutes was crazy hard! Yeah…I won’t be trying that again.
DOMS always make me feel like I’ve really accomplished something. Silly, but true.
So sorry that you felt like you were cha cha-ing through the week. It’s not such a great feeling 🙁 I hope this upcoming week is better.
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 1.29.2017 – 2.4.2017
I know what you mean – while I don’t love DOMS it does tell me I really pushed during my workout.
Sometimes the DOMS hits me like a TON of bricks! But yet it feels so good. 😉 you just can’t win. LOL
Gina recently posted…Helpful Tips For When Your Run Gets TOUGH
DOMS are definitely a double-edged sword!
Hah, love that quote! I hope you can start line dancing in the right direction this week. 😉
Coco recently posted…A Week Of Hotel Gym Workouts
Yes I will definitely take some line dancing 😉
We’ve all been there. Here’s to a better week this week!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5
Dancing is great cardio, so at least there’s that! 😀
I’m wondering if I’m ever going to get back to a normal schedule lol. Oh and lets not talk about DOMS, seems like every week something is screaming at me!
Getting stronger has it’s price right?!? Enjoy the weekend lady1
Tricia recently posted…Louisiana 5k and Half Marathon Race Recap
I know what you mean Tricia – I feel like my schedule is all over the place these days!