It’s time to hit the reset button…
My little slip during a run last month did more than just tweak things. And, while I’ve been able to eek out some runs, it’s been inconsistent at best…and with some significant pain at worst. No bueno. I’ve probably known for a couple of weeks now that I need to re-think my plans, but I didn’t want to admit it. I’d been hoping to hold it together and some how stick to my race schedule, but it’s just not happening.
So after a trip to the new chiropractor (who was awesome!) and conferring with the RC coaches, it’s time to hit the reset button on my training. I took a pass on the 10 mile race I was planning to do this morning and I’m deferring my entry in the NYC Half until next year. And while I’m especially bummed about putting off NYC, I’m refusing to have a pity party.
So I’m focusing on the positives:
- Better to have this happen now while the year is still young and there’s still lots of time for running and races
- I still have 14 weeks until my Spring goal race, Boston’s Run to Remember
- I’m loving the new chiro I was referred to – he’s mapped out a course of treatment and believes he can get me back on track shortly
- My RC coaches are all very positive that we can work around this and put together a decent training plan
- Since the whole family was looking forward to heading to NYC, we’ve decided to still hit the city during the school spring break
I’m headed back to the chiro tomorrow, and this week will probably be heavy on the cross-training and strength work. 14 weeks to go!
Linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap.
Quick housekeeping note:
Congrats to Jessica & Stephanie for winning entries into the Utah Valley Marathon/Half Marathon/10K! (Check your email boxes for details. ) If you didn’t win but are still interested in running, you can use code rwa15 to get 15% off any distance! (This is an affiliate code.)
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Wishing you the best as you work through your injury. Happy that you were able to connect with what sounds like a great chiropractor.
AmyC recently posted…Workout Recap – A Week of Love
Thanks Amy!
Ugh! So sorry to hear this. Was hoping to see you in Central Park! Hopefully dialing back now will pay off later.
Coco recently posted…Five Frustrating Things
I know! I’m bummed I will miss seeing you. We’ll just have to find a new race for a meet up!
Glad you are enjoying your new Chiro, and yes, good thing to readjust your plans while we are still early in the year.
No point in prolonging the problem, right?
Oh…ouch on the chiro care you’re needing, and double ouch on NYC….but your attitude is spot-on with how things will play out. I have been to a chiropractor three times (maybe), and I wasn’t impressed with the one I saw (things felt great as I was leaving the office, but within a day or so, everything reverted….not that anything he actually did was a success for my situation). I’ve thought about looking for a different chiro, but things have been going pretty smooth and physical therapy seemed to work well. Good luck to you! It sounds like you have a great plan of action!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Yay for the sunshine!
Yeah the chiro thing can really be hit or miss, but I’m feeling pretty good about this one!
Ugh! I hope you are back on the road soon!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Practicing Kindness
Thanks Wendy 🙂
So sorry to hear this Michelle! Making race deferrals is never fun but it’s good to take the pressure off of yourself and take the time you need for a full recovery. Glad you like the new Chiro. I can vouch for the fact that a good one is a great tool! Wishing you speedy healing!
Thanks Marcia. I’ve been totally stressing about it – and where’s the fun in that right?
Sorry to hear that your injury will take you out of the NY race but I think you are very smart to defer. It is just not worth ruining your whole race season for. Sending speedy healing thoughts your way
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Keep On Sweating-Weekly Wrap
I agree it’s so not worth tanking the whole race season for one race!
You know, it’s such a tough decision to postpone a race you’ve been working toward or looking forward to. So, I really admire how you are concentrating on the positives. I’ve never been to a chiropractor. But, it seems to be working for you. I’m going to have to keep that in mind. Here’s to a speedy recovery! Thanks for linking, Michelle!
I’m really liking this guy, plus he’s a certified strength and conditioning coach which is an added benefit! Hopefully, he’ll get me back on track quickly.
Bummer you have to drop some of your race plans, but way to make lemonade out of it with plans to keep the family trip to NYC! Hopefully your new chiropractor will get you back on track in no time.
Thanks Linda! We were so looking forward to a few days in NYC, seemed silly to miss out on the fun 🙂
Ah sorry to hear but like you said glad you can figure things out now and recover for your spring races. Hope you will be back on the road soon!
Sharon recently posted…American River Parkway Half Marathon Training Week 6: 2/13-2/19
Thanks Sharon – keeping my fingers crossed!
Good to have a plan in place and a doc you can trust and work with. Hope it all goes well for you. NYC will be fun!
NYC will be fun! I’m so glad we decided to keep the family trip!
Aw, I’m sorry to hear you have to change your plans. BUT it’s better now than in the middle of prime racing season. Your chiro and coaches sound awesome. Great team!
Rachel recently posted…Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Smoothie
It really is a great team – I’m lucky!
I hope you can get back to training how you want quickly. It can be frustrating when we have to change our plans, but it sounds like this is for the best. Its always good when you can find a chiro or PT who is a good fit!
Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…An Uneventful Week of Workouts + Dry Needling
I agree. Feeling good about the team I’m working with really helps.
Sounds like you are on the road to recovery and using your head instead of your heart – which is SO hard to do sometimes! NYC will wait for you until next year! Good luck!!
Gina recently posted…Grandma’s Training – Week TWO – Recap
So not an easy choice for me, but I know it’s the right thing to do.
I’m glad you have such a positive outlook, and I’m happy you were able to defer your race!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Cherry Pie Overnight Oats (gluten free, vegan)
Thanks Nicole 🙂
Good luck rehabbing! I’ve missed an entire season through injury, at this point I’m just glad I’m going to be able to come back and enjoy my sport.
Mary recently posted…Microendosopic Discectomy
Wow – good to hear that you’re coming back to running! Injuries are just the worst.
I can imagine how frustrated you feel. Hope you feel better before your spring goal race. Sending you positive vibes!
I’ll take those vibes – thanks!
So sorry that you will have to postpone your NYC half race to next year Michelle! However, it’s so cool that you guys are still going to the Big Apple to enjoy the city! Hope you are back to getting some good miles in soon …seems like there’s quite a few of us struggling with some nagging little injuries. Have a great week!
Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’: Love is in the Air
Thanks Teresa – let’s hope all of the collective aches and pains for all of us go away soon!
Aw, I am so sorry you are down for the count! However, it sounds like you’ve got a great team on your side with a plan all ready to go! That’s a great start. Hang in there, and try to be patient! You’ve got this!
Jenn recently posted…weekly wrap: 2.12.2017 – 2.18.2017 + publix savannah women’s half training week 2
Please send me some patience Jenn – that’s going to be the hard part!
So sorry you had to defer NYC to next year. Those decisions are tough to make, I know from my own experience with injuries and having to DNS so many races. Good luck training for your next race!
Thanks so much Katie 🙂
I’m sorry you had to change your plans but it sounds like you’re on the right track and have a gameplan! Glad to hear you’re happy with your new chiro!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Tunes Tuesday: Pump Up Electronic Music
Thanks Janelle. I do feel good about the new plan in place so that does help a lot!
Looks like both of us need a reset button this week- just for different reasons. I have never had to defer a race so I am sure it is heartbreaking in a way but you will be stronger next year! Cheers to a speedy recovery!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…My 3 running wishes in case I meet a Genie!
Thanks MB. Unfortunately I’ve had to defer before and it always stings a little, but I can also say it’s always been the right call.
Its always a bummer to have to deal with an injury, but like you said, better early on then closer to race day. Best of luck as you begin the healing process.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon Training Log – Week 7
Thanks Kathryn I appreciate it!
I’m sorry Michelle! You have the right attitude though, even if it hurts a bit to defer NYC half. I know the feeling! But it’s better to face facts and fix things while we can instead of making things worse! I’m glad you have a good chiro with a good plan! you’ll be fixed up in no time!!!
Renee recently posted…Week 7 in the pocket.
Thanks Renee!
Wait a minute Michelle, this is supposed to be a post about some unfortunate news? Well, it’s hardly noticeable with all the positiveness!
You are so right to focus on the good things. I’m so glad you and your chiro and the RC coaches are on board with you in this, and yes, it’s still way early in the year to fret over a few missed races!
Tricia @ Misssippipiddlin recently posted…Weekly Wrap 81 Repeat
Never fun to miss a race, but there’s still so much to look forward to running this year. And, at least I get to run NYC next year!
I am glad you got a good new chiro, I swear mine works wonders.
Abby @BackatSquareZero recently posted…A New Diagnosis
They can make such a difference if you find the right one!