Nothing better on a cold winter morning than catching up with friends over a big mug of coffee. Thanks to Coco and Deborah for hosting the Ultimate Coffee Date!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that, despite dealing with a nasty cold, I have kept up with the Winter Challenge this week (the goal is to run or walk at least a mile outdoors each day during January). I’m part of a team from Black Girls Run, and we’ve been having fun cheering each other on – such a positive and motivating group!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m still all over the place on trying to figure out my race calendar. I continue to waiver between staying local vs. the lure of destination races. I think I have the first half of the year figured out, but the fall is really up for grabs.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that one of my big goals for this year is to reorganize/refresh my house. In some rooms, it’s time for fresh paint or new curtains…maybe a new couch in the family room. And then there’s our office, which needs a complete overhaul. So I’ve been scanning Pinterest, collecting paint samples, and my husband is bracing himself for the storm that’s about to come 🙂
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that we are bracing for a snowstorm due to hit this afternoon. I’m dreading facing the madness that always ensues at the grocery store – someone please tell me why the bread shelves are always picked bare? And, seriously, how much milk does one need? I can also never figure out the mad run on shovels they always show on the local news – don’t people still have last year’s shovel?
So what would you tell me over coffee? Have you got your race calendar figured out?
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I”m with you on the race calendar. I’ve got spring covered. I’m adding a 10 miler in March as well.
Hey, I’m in a running blogger group (with a lot of peeps you know) on FB and I was wondering if you wanted to join? There are threads where you post your blog posts, etc, and everyone comments on your blog? Let me know.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Coffee Talk
Oh I love 10 milers – just wish they weren’t so scarce around here.
I’d love to join the running blogger group – thanks for asking 🙂
I am really trying not to go overboard with the race schedule this year and I am focusing on tri races the first half of the year. We were supposed to get a few inches last night but so far flurries. Good luck out there today
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…January Ultimate Coffee Date
I hear you on not going overboard. I definitely suffer from a bit of “I want to do all the races” -itis 😉
My race year is so not figured out. I’ve got Berlin in Sept and that’s it. I really wanna get this hamstring healed before I put the pressure of racing on myself. Kind of jelly of your snowstorm. We’re snow free at the moment. But below zero. Ugh.
Marcia recently posted…Coffee and the Newspaper are the Root of All Evil
Below zero?! Ouch! Yeah I’d rather have the snow for sure.
My fall schedule is pretty open too…I’m thinking of doing a marathon, but I’m not sure yet! I definitely see the appeal of destination races and look forward to doing some traveling this year!
BGR is always so motivating! We have a huge group in Philly and when they are out, they take over!
Refreshing the house sounds fun! I have my eye on building a patio in our yard this spring so I’m going to be all over Pinterest pretty soon too!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – January 2017
I was wondering if you were going to do another marathon. Do you know which one yet?
A new patio is on my wish list too for this year. I’m hoping to knock off some of the indoor projects this winter so we can be free to get outside come spring.
I envy those of you that plan your race schedules. I can’t think that far ahead.
I can’t help myself – I’m such a Type A planner type! Plus keeping a race on the horizon helps to keep me from letting the running wane.
Ha! I love the panicked snow image! I drove into my local market today, and drove right back out, without setting a foot in there- it was chaos outside in the parking lot, so I can only image the milk and bread lines!
I need to set my race/running goals too…I think starting slow with no training for races sounds just fine- still enjoying doing strength workouts and walking and classes too much!
Barrie recently posted…Ultimate Coffee: January
I love that you drove right back out! I’m all for being prepared, but I just don’t understand why people have to act like it’s armageddon!
Oh the race schedule- I just need to sit down and start dreaming/planning! Good luck with the house- I did the big outdoor kitchen project this past year and my hubby was so baffled by what I wanted he told me to call hubby #1! LOL!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…Hot Coffee January Talk
Your husband’s response is too funny! The more fabric samples and paint chips I bring into the house the more nervous my husband gets 😉
We got our first snow of the year here in TN and thankfully it seems like most people have decided to stay home instead of getting out in it today. Although, it is still early and cabin fever appears to be hitting most of us pretty hard! I totally agree about the snow shovels – what are people doing with them the other 11.5 months of the year that they always need a new one?!
Did you guys get a lot of snow? We’re suppose to get between 8 and 12 inches – I’m secretly hoping it’s enough to cancel my son’s hockey game tomorrow. I’d love to sleep in for a change 🙂
Good for you getting outside every day for a run or walk! I have failed miserably at getting out there and have resigned myself to treadmill training. I’m such a wimp!
Honestly Megan being part of this team is what keeps me going; otherwise I probably would have opted for the mill during the total downpour we had earlier this week.
I honestly can’t imagine a snow storm …this little ice storm has totally kicked out butts down here! 🙂
I love “refreshing” my house …remodeling, not so much…but refreshing is fun!!
I never have my year planned out in races …I just sign up as I see one I would like to do. But then again, I really do more local races so it’s easy to do that.
Good luck with the schedule!
Teresa recently posted…Singin’ the Blues but Feelin’ Fabulous!
Funny you should mention remodeling – I’m trying ease my husband in that direction, but thought starting with refreshing might be an easier pill to swallow 😉
Quite ironically, we have ZERO snow or storms happening in Iowa (I shouldn’t even be thinking that,let alone actually putting it in print). We do have insanely cold weather, though…it’s been in the single digits for the last 8-9 days, with sub-ZERO windchill.
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Let’s talk about my Off-Season
You know you probably just jinxed yourself, right 😉
Amazing job staying true to the workouts in spite of the cold. When I get sick you can find me in bed with NetFlix, I am the worst.
Abby @BackatSquareZero recently posted…NYC Tourist Time
Thanks Abby 🙂 Having the Winter Challenge has helped to keep me moving.