Last weekend, I had a great long run, mapped out some December goals and was ready to take on the week ahead. Then I wasn’t…by Monday afternoon I was hit hard by the plague. It started as a stomach bug that morphed into a malaise that would linger the rest of the week. That may sound a bit dramatic, but I tell you it was not pretty!
I managed to eek out a brief strength workout on Thursday and a short elliptical workout on Friday. I was determined to not let the whole week go by without a run, so Saturday morning I braved the very windy, 23-degree conditions and cranked out a respectable 5.25 miles. Today was all about rolling & stretching, and finishing decorating my house for Christmas.
Well not the week I was hoping for, but I’m happy to say I am feeling better. And, while not the ideal way to do it, I’m willing to bet I’ve dropped a couple of pounds.
I actually watched this on Friday night…one of my favorites!
And I got this nice surprise in my inbox:
So the first race of 2017 is all set!
I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!
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I’m glad you’re on the mend! I’ve seen so many patients with that plague lately. Praying it avoids me…
Congrats on getting in NYC half! I’d love to do that one…
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…The Curious Incident of the Toe in the Nighttime*
Yay, congrats! I got in to the NYC half too!
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast recently posted…5k training + meal planning
Yay congrats to you to Laura!
Ugh to the bug. I didn’t have a tummy bug but I’m still hoarse from the chest gunk. Yay for NYC! I stared at that one for awhile before not entering. Not sure how far I can press my luck on travel with Berlin on the horizon.
Marcia recently posted…Fruit & Nut Chocolate Bark
Oh I am sorry to hear about your stomach bug :(. You still did a great job keeping active as much as you could. Congrats on getting into the NYC Half, I’ll have keep that one on my radar for next year!
Hope you’re feeling better!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – December 2016
Woot woot to NYC Half!! I love the Devil Wears Prada…Meryl Streep is one of my favorite gals!!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Spoiler Alert – winter is here!
oh man! so sorry you ended up with the plague. I know stuff is going around. Hopefully this week puts you on the mend!! Congrats on NYC Half! I considered entering the lottery but man, that’s an expensive race so I settled on local RnRDC.
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Year in Running 2016 and What’s Next
Yep definitely a little pricey, but I got my hubby on board cause the whole family wants to go back to NYC 😉
Sorry to hear you got sick but glad you are feeling better! Yay for getting into the NYC Half! Such an awesome run!
Sharon recently posted…Running on the Wall Race Bib and Medal Holder Review
Yay for getting into NYC half! I’m very intrigued by that race but I know its going to be a cold one.
Yay! Congratulations! The NYC Half is on my bucket list!! I’ve always wanted to run that one …I love the course!
Glad you are feeling better, stomach bugs suck but the weight loss is a nice bonus …. The Devil Wears Prada is one of my favs as well!
Teresa recently posted…This Week’s Gallivantin’:Deck the Halls!
Ha that was a good movie, It has been so dreary here today all I want to do is curl up on the couch when I get home and watch movies!
I would love to go to NYC and a half, is better than the full in my book!
Tricia @MissSippiPiddlin recently posted…Panama City Beach Half Marathon and HoLottaFun Girls Weekend
Congrats on getting into the NYC half. I haven’t visited there in a long time and I need to return! Have you participated in that race before? Ugh, those stomach bugs are so nasty. I know you are glad to have that behind you. Thanks for linking, Michelle!
Ugh, I hope you’re feeling better! And congrats on getting into the NYC half 🙂 That sounds like a really fun race.
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