Just in time for Cyber Monday, I’m sharing a few ideas for the runners in your life .. or for your own wish list 🙂
Sharing some gift ideas for runners #runchat #bibchat Share on XLet’s start with one of my must haves – SPIbelt. The SPIbelt is the first piece of running gear I ever bought at an expo and I’ve been running with one ever since (that’s 6 yrs and counting!). I love that it’s lightweight, doesn’t bounce, and holds my phone and other essentials.
Use code michelle2016 at checkout and receive a special goody bag!
If you’ve been around here for any length of time or follow me on Instagram than you know I make no secret of my love of compression sleeves – especially Zensah! These sleeves are a post-run must have, and they’ll also make a big difference on a long car ride or flight 🙂 In fact I’m such a fan of all things Zensah, I recently became a Zensah Ambassador!
Check out Zensah’s site for some great sales going on right now!
Another must have in my book for any runner (or cyclist) is a Road ID. I’m still amazed at how many runners I come across who don’t carry some ID when they run. I recently just chastised my brother for this! A Road ID speaks for you if heaven forbid there’s an accident and you can’t. Use code TAFW2DYPQ83 for $5 off the RoadID Elite.
I think keep a training journal is a great way to help keep you accountable and motivated. And, while I like tracking stats online, nothing for me beats the written word. The Believe Journal (affiliate link alert!) offers a great mix of training log, running advice and inspirational quotes.
Now this last item is high on my own wish list – Knuckle Lights! Being able to see and be seen is critical, especially if you’ve got to log your runs before the sun’s up or long after sunset. I’ve never been a fan of wearing a headlamp, so the on-hand design is perfect. I also love that these lights are rechargeable – cause who’s got time to hunt for batteries! Use code YKAF5544 to save 10%.
Of course, I couldn’t put together a runner gift guide and not suggest the gift of a race registration. Since the race gift card doesn’t exist yet (though I don’t know why…hello race directors!!), I can suggest using my Rock’n’Blog code for $15 off a half marathon or marathon registration. I’m psyched to announce that the code is now good for early 2017 Rock ‘n’ Roll races, including Arizona, NOLA, Dallas, Mexico City, DC and Nashville!
Have you started your holiday shopping?
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Great list!! I half most of your items. Just got road ids for the kiddies and will get one for the hubby for xmas.
Love my zensah compression sleeves!!
Nothing like pen and paper. ….I will need to look into those training journals.
I started the kiddies gift buying already and building my wish list ; )
Great list! I have started shopping….mostly for me….and a couple of things for others. Haha!
Marcia recently posted…Comment on Thanksgiving Stress Before the Storm by Megan @ Meg Go Run
Great list! I really want knuckle lights too. I was able to get in some pre-work runs over the Summer but that’s not happening anymore with it getting light later.
Chaitali recently posted…RnR Vegas Expo and 5k
The knuckle lights are great! We used them for Ragnar
Deborah@confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Brussels, Brie & Pear Grilled Cheese
Great list. For better or worse, I really have all I need, but that doesn’t keep me from looking!
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