Happy Labor Day Weekend!
My long run is done and I’m very happy to kick back on my deck and enjoy an iced coffee. It is the first Saturday of the month so, of course, that means it’s time for another edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date link-up, hosted by Coco and Deborah. When you’re done here, be sure to check out what the other ladies are dishing about.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that while training has been going fairly well, after looking at my fall race plans with the RC coaches, we’ve decided to make RnR Brooklyn my goal race instead of RnR Philly. Gives me the chance to use Philly as a tune up which feels right to me, especially since it’s been 2 years since I’ve run a half.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my boys start school next week and I’m excited for all the madness to come! My oldest will be starting high school and my “baby” will be heading into 5th grade. Someone please make the clock slow down!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that while I love the start of school as an opportunity to reset for the fall, I’m nervous about how I’m going to fit in these final high mileage weeks of training. Hello o’dark thirty!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m in the market for a new laptop. My current one has decided it doesn’t want to type the letter “e” any more. Seriously, I have to practically bang on the key. You never realize how many words have the letter “e” until something like this. The laptop has been showing it’s age for a while, but this is the final straw! Any suggestions?
So what would you tell me over coffee? What have you got planned for this long weekend?
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Sounds like a great plan for fall! I gave s work laptop and they just gave me a new one. I’d be paralyzed with indecision if I had to choose my own! It was do chilly this morning I was glad for my hot coffee.
Coco recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date Labor Day Weekend
That’s exactly where I am now – paralyzed with indecision! There are just too many choices and at some point my eyes just glaze over. I need someone to just decide for me.
My long run was completed this morning as well…coffee was my first step once I got home as well 🙂 I am running RnR St. Louis next month…those races are so much fun! My baby is still in daycare…but growing like a moody little weed! I enjoy getting my miles out of the way in the early morning hours…no sun to burn me, less sweat (from the sun), and I don’t put off my miles…
lindsey @livinglovingrunner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date | September 2016
All definitely advantages to the early runs – especially not putting off the miles!
High school hit me hard last year when Thing 1 started. It’s such a big change and I know the years will fly. I am right there with you on needing a new laptop. I didn’t love mine when it was new and now it’s just ridiculous.
Marcia recently posted…Coffee and Driving and Sweating
Yep it’s the realization of just 4 more years! Hit me big time when I dropped him off for Freshman orientation.
Buying a new laptop is both fun and annoying at the same time. Lots of things to do as well once you have the new one. I like mine, it’s a Samsung. I used to use Toshiba for awhile, but they seemed to die a blue screen death after a couple of years.
I have a Toshiba and that blue screen of death is definitely coming! LOL!
Seems like everyone did their long run on Saturday. Everyone is back in the swing of things already. It feel good, I like the structure. Kids have started back at school, and most people are back from vacation this coming week, so a sense of normalcy is back.
No long weekend here in France though… enjoy yours !
karen – Fit in France recently posted…Virtual coffee date : September
I’m looking forward to returning to a bit of a routine once the boys are back in school – like you said…a sense of normalcy!
I replaced my laptop not to long ago. I got an Apple and I love it! Sounds like fun races are coming your way this fall!
Haven’t raced much this year, but will be making up for it this fall 🙂
RNR Brooklyn looks like a great race! Sounds like a good plan to focus on that for your goal race. I’m a little nervous about going back to 4 day a week running because I’ll have less flexibility to move things around.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Philly Marathon Training Week 5 and August Monthly Goal Recap
Moving up to 4 days a week can provide some scheduling challenges for sure! I’m looking forward to running in NY!