“The most challenging aspect of running right now is__________________.” – this is the prompt posed for this week’s Tuesday on the Run. My most challenging aspect? Not comparing my old runner self to the current one.
After a particularly tough workout recently, I was bemoaning to the RunnersConnect team how paces that “use to be” easy, now are so hard to hit. Everyone was so supportive, but I especially appreciated a note I got from one of the coaches who reminded me to not let comparison – the shoulda’s – take away from the joy of the current journey.
Past times and past achievements can be a great motivator – it’s why we shoot for PRs. However, if you focus only on comparing the current to the past, you can miss the progress being made.
What is your most challenging about aspect of running? Join in with Erika, Marcia and Patty and share.
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YES! I don’t compare my journey to that of others but my old paces from when I was running my best are engraved on my mental hard drive and it’s SO easy to get down on myself because I am not that runner anymore. Ugh.
Marcia recently posted…Running Challenges? I Have a Few
The other day a friend of mine suggested to me that maybe now that I’m in a new race age group that I need to focus on creating PRs for this new age group – I may need to adopt this mind set!
I think my issue with comparison is comparing myself to friends who are the same age and thinking I should be better than I am. Everyone has different journeys and trains differently. Just because someone can run a 9 minute mile while I’m still in the 11s doesn’t mean we aren’t both doing the best we can. But it’s hard to remember that sometimes, especially when I want to be so much faster.
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder recently posted…Bonefrog Challenge: The Race I Almost Didn’t Finish
Oh I’ve gotten caught in this trap too. It took me a long time to celebrate my “fast” without comparing it to someone else’s “fast.”
This is perfect and I really needed it right now! I am always comparing myself to not only my “younger” self but also to other runners and you are right…it only serves to bring you down and rob you of all joy and self pride in your current accomplishments. I need to remember that while I may not be what I used to be, I’m still doing more activity than many my own age …and that is something to be proud of! Thanks for the reminder!
I’ve been trying to remind myself of just how lucky I am to be as active as I am now, and try to let go of what I was doing 4 or 5 years ago.
Guilty as charged! Thanks for a great reminder.
Running is the hardest aspect of running for me – LMFAO! As I do not run… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! About 2 weeks ago, I randomly mustered up the energy to run a mile on the treadmill at a speed of 7mph. That’s fast for me. And I did not stop once. And PATHETICALLY ENOUGH I was super, super sore after that, like immediately after, and was sore for a good 3 days!!! I work out every single day, and do the elliptical for WAYYY TOO LONG every day, but running man, it’s a whole other beast!
GiGi Eats recently posted…Do You Have Your Seat Belt On? #HelloTahoe
Ha ha GiGi you crack me up! 🙂
This is so true for me too1 Especially because I’m injured, and I would give anything to be running like “past Kristen” again. Before I was injured I was constantly comparing my pace per mile to my old pace per mile, which was driving me nuts. It’s so hard not to do it, but so important for us to try!
Kristen recently posted…Week #1 of Fall Fitness
Oh Kristy I think injury really adds to the comparison thing – It has for me! I hope you not sidelined for long!
I couldn’t agree with you more! It’s easy to look at the past and compare yourself to, yourself, and others! But always keeping looking forward <3
As a friend of mine always says, windshield not rearview mirror 🙂
I constantly remind myself of that quote. Ibwas faster last year. So and so is improving faster. Etc etc. And all it does is make me miserable
Honestly, I have taped this quote to my mirror as a constant reminder!
That is pretty much the same problem that I am having right now! I don’t know what is going on with me but my body is not really cooperating right now.
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That’s exactly what I’m feeling Deborah – that my body’s just not completely cooperating right now. Hopefully we’ll both be able to shake this off as a phase soon!
I always try to compare myself to my own progress, but it can be so hard. I think comparing to the past can be so dangerous.
Definitely can be a slippery slope sometimes!
My most challenging aspect of running is coming back after injury. I’m always nervous because I don’t want to re-injure myself.
Oh I so get that! Once you’ve been sidelined like that it’s always in the back of your head it could happen again.
I think it’s always hard to accept a slower pace at any stage in your life. I think this is just a runner’s mentality. On the other hand it’s not a bad thing to always want better paces. There is so much beauty in your own individual progress.
I agree there’s nothing wrong with wanting better paces as long as we can always celebrate where we are along the journey, right?
My paces have slowed down over the past 5 years,so I totally get it… but my endurance has improved so much. time for me to take it back to the track!
Angela @marathonsandmotivation.com recently posted…30 Minutes or Less: Quick & Easy Meals
It’s great that your endurance has improved! Good luck with those track workouts 🙂
I do the past runner comparison about 1-2 times daily! So that’s one of my biggest struggles… “in 2011 I was able to run a mile in 6.20” “I wish I could run a solid 6 miles without stopping, like I used to” and on and on haha I also still am not physically conditioned well enough to run well but I’m working hard on it 🙂
Tee recently posted…Music to Make You Move
It’s a hard trap not to fall into – but your hard work will pay off!
Right now, it’s finding the time. Between the little one, the blog, teaching, etc – it’s been tough to find time to run as much as I’d like. Still fitting it in a few times a week though which is good! If only he’d like the jogging stroller, haha, it would be so much easier.
Chrissy @ Snacking in Sneakers recently posted…10 Best Fall Road Races in New England (+ Tips for Getting There!)
You’re definitely juggling a lot, but it sounds like you’re doing a great job fitting it all in!
This is so true! It’s been hard setting goals this year since last year was a year of PRs and I have not been training that hard!
Coco recently posted…Facing Up To The Truth
I think it’s especially hard after hitting PRs to get geared up to push hard in training again.
The most challenging thing for me at the moment is balancing wanting to run, with niggles. Why can’t niggles just go.away.
And I have already accepted I won’t hit past paces. But I am OK with that. I run to keep myself healthy and in shape.
karen – Fit in France recently posted…Virtual coffee date : October
As I get older I’ve just come to accept the niggles as part of the territory…but niggle-free running does sound good!