Friday Five – RnR Philly Goals

RnR Philly Race Weekend is here!

RnR Philly

I’m on a plane to Philadelphia tomorrow morning to run the RnR Philly Half on Sunday. My husband J will be traveling with me, while my kiddos get a “guy’s weekend” with my brother. I’ve got a bunch of errands to run and packing to do, but I thought I take a moment to share some goals for this weekend.

Complete the distance, upright and happy — It’s been 2 years since I’ve toed the line for a half marathon, so above all else, this race is about returning to 13.1, enjoying the ride, and laying the ground work for more to come!

Start slow — Even in my recent long runs, the RC coaches have been urging me to start much slower. I know I’m going to be super psyched at the start of the race, but the goal will be to start slow for the first couple of miles and gradually pick up the pace.

Finish strong — My last long training run was 11 miles and I sputtered through the last couple of miles. For Sunday, I’d like feel strong in the final few miles and be able to push to the finish.

Pay attention to hydration — It looks like Sunday will be humid…seriously, where is fall?!? I’m still on the fence about whether I’ll run with my hydration belt or my handheld…or just rely on the water stops. But the goal here is to be smart and stay well-hydrated.

Enjoy all of the RnR goodness — From meet-ups with some #RocknBlog teammates, to bands along the course, to the VIP upgrade (hello indoor bathrooms!), to the great atmosphere that is a Rock ‘n’ Roll race! I’m going to soak it all in!

Who else is race-bound this weekend?

I’m linking up withΒ Courtney, Mar, and CynthiaΒ for the #FridayFive.





  1. The humidity is a bummer, but I think it’ll still be a great day for a race and I’m sure you’ll do great! Can’t wait to hang in VIP πŸ™‚
    Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Goals for the RNR Philly 5K and Half MarathonMy Profile

  2. I love the tips of start slow and finish strong. I always have a better view of the run/race if I am able to negative split/ finish feeling good!!
    Kerri McGrail recently posted…Chocolate Banana Smoothie BowlMy Profile

  3. wow, didn’t realize it has been 2 years since your last half. This is such a moment for you! Good luck and above all else, HAVE FUN!
    Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Fitness Highlights of the WeekMy Profile

  4. Have fun and enjoy the race!
    Sharon recently posted…Hiking Heybrook Lookout with the Fam 8/16/16My Profile

  5. This race is on my list for someday. I hear it ‘s a good one. Have a wonderful time!
    Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…5 Reasons To Join The If Girls Ran The World CampaignMy Profile

  6. Have so much fun!!! Good luck!

  7. I didn’t realize it had been 2 years since your last half! Good luck tomorrow! I have a co-worker who will be running as well!

  8. These are great goals! I always carry my own water during a race – especially a half marathon. I always seem to get thirsty between water stops.
    Coco recently posted…Fitness Tracker Favorites — My Fitbit Alta ReviewMy Profile

  9. Good luck! You’re going to do great–awesome goals!
    Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Book Review: Running Home by Alisha PerkinsMy Profile

  10. Sending lots of good vibes for your race tomorrow! I’ve never completed a half, but hope to next year (Spent 2016 on dropping weight and now increasing endurance in hopes I can do a half and full marathon in 2017!)

  11. This race is on my bucket list someday. It looks amazing:

  12. Good luck! I Love RnR races!
    So right about the humidity and lack of fall! I mean, I love me some summer, but I am so ready for fall!

  13. Good luck and enjoy the run!
    jill conyers recently posted…21 Beautiful Quotes That Inspire Self-LoveMy Profile

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