This has been a crazy blur of a week! And, why is it that returning to work after an extended long weekend turns into such madness?!
In any event…week 7 is in the books, and the highlight of this training week was a return to double digit runs!
Monday, 8/8: C-r-a-z-y day! Planned run did not happen, but I did manage a short core workout.
Tuesday, 8/9: Week 2 of Track Tuesdays — this time it was 800 meter repeats, plus warm up and cool down. Good lawd these were much harder than last week. The first repeat was off target and too slow, but I settled in and banged out the next 4 right on pace – 4.5 miles done.
Wednesday, 8/10: Strength day.
Thursday, 8/11: 5 miles. Despite trying to set out as early as possible, there was no escaping the oppressive humidity.
Friday, 8/12: Rest day. Scorching heat/humidity combo continued and I spent the day hiding in the a/c and trying to hydrate.
Saturday, 8/13: The weather gods threw me a bone as I awoke to cloudy skies, and there was even the occasional cool-ish breeze. Even though weeks ago my husband J had declared he’d only run with me up to double digits, he decided to come with me – it was nice to have the company! The rolling hills started to do a number on my legs – making the last 3 miles all mental. But we did it and returned to the land of double digits! Yay!
Sunday, 8/7: The heat advisory returned with temps reaching 96 and the “feels like” hitting 100. Yeah…no thanks. Rest Day – lots of rolling and stretching, and watching the Olympics! Great to see the American women all finish in the top 10 for the marathon.
I’m linking up again with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.
How was your week? Are you as obsessed with the Olympics as I am – can’t get enough!
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The heat has been tough for training. Glad you were able to get your runs in! I was so proud and amazed by our ladies today. Looked like hot conditions there too.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop!
Thanks Wendy – I’m so ready for this heat to be over already!
The weather was brutal this week! After walking the dog this morning I wanted to crash on the sofa and watch Olympics, but our bike ride ended up being fine – so much better than running in the heat!
Coco recently posted…The Dog Days Of Summer
You’ve been getting a lot of riding in – how great!
The heat and humidity has been so awful this past week – awesome job getting your runs done despite the weather! I’m also running RnR Philly – Hope to see you there!
That’s great that you’re running Philly too! Hope your training’s going well 🙂
That elevation chart make the hair on the back of my neck stand up! Nice week despite the crazy heat. I am Olympics obsessed and staying up way too late watching it.
Marcia recently posted…How I’m Letting Go of Fear and Living Bold
Kind of crazy isn’t it?! I sometimes forget (or live in denial) about just how hilly my town is!
Great job with your training! I had a double-digit weekend too, the first in a long time…it was a struggle, but I was glad to get it done! I’ve been loving the Olympics, I was really hoping USA would take a medal but it was a great race!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Philly Marathon Training Week 2 Recap
Congrats on hitting double digits! Hopefully these runs get easier after we do a few…and it cools down a little!
An impressive week! That’s nice that you had company on the double digit run, that usually makes it seem easier, or at least more fun 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Weekly Review
Thanks Chaitali!
Ugh — this heat and humidity is killing me. I can certainly sympathize. Great job on the double digit run and tackling those hills at the same time! My favorite thing about watching the Olympics are the bio stories they do on the athletes! So fascinating. Thanks for linking, Michelle!
I love the bios too – so many inspiring stories!
Good for you for getting your long runs in! I am dying with this heat!
Deborah@confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Blueberry Iced Tea Spritzer
Oh me too! I’m just over this weather!
Oh this heat and humidity has been awful all over hasn’t it?
Yup, we’re enjoying the Olympics. I think gymnastics is our favorite!
I’ve been loving watching our women’s gymnastics team! They are fierce!
Way to get those runs in! When will this heat and humidity ever let up? Geeze, it sure has been a tough one!
I smell PR’s all over come this winter!
Tricia @MissSippiPiddlin recently posted…Hodgepodge of Interesting Finds for August
That’s what I keep telling myself Tricia – all this summer running must have a payoff!
Yay to double digits! Sounds like you had a great week of running!
AmyC recently posted…Shred Day 4 & 5: Fast Day Diversions and An Upper Body Workout
Thanks Amy 🙂