While my goal this week was to ramp up the mileage, the nagging discomfort in left leg, quickly made it clear that I needed to play it smart and go easy on the running for another week. So how did things go?
Monday, 7/11: Strength day
Tuesday, 7/12: 3 easy miles, plus squats (the challenge continues).
Wednesday, 7/13: Strength session with Trainer Stacey. Wednesdays have really become my fave workout day of the week lately.
Thursday, 7/14: An unscheduled rest day. I woke up just feeling really off and it never got better, so I passed on my 6 mile cutdown run and skipped the squats.
Friday, 7/15: 4 miles on the mill – I just was not up for dealing with the oppressive heat, so off to the gym I went. Oh, yes and there were squats.
Saturday, 7/16: Rest day scheduled. It was parents’ visiting day at my son’s overnight camp so this “rest” day included 4.5 miles of walking and hiking the trails in and around the camp.
Sunday, 7/17: 8 miles scheduled – 5 miles done. Saturday’s camp fun followed by a 3+ hour drive home left me feeling pretty beat up Saturday night. I should have rolled, but instead I crashed on the couch and caught up on House of Cards. When the alarm went off Sunday morning, my legs already felt tired. The nagging pain in my left leg returned in the 4th mile, and as I reached mile 5 I knew it was better to listen to my body and stop. I walked another mile until my husband came by to pick me up.
What’s so annoying about the left leg is it only gets aggravated on hills…and it’s practically impossible to run in my town without encountering a hill.
Icing and rolling does help – so guess what I’ll be doing this week?! I’m also headed to the massage therapist – always a good thing! The RC coaches are tweaking my plan (there will be no hill repeats, as originally planned), and I’ll give 8 miles another go next weekend.
So that’s my #WeeklyWrap! Thanks to Holly and Tricia for hosting this linkup!
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Good for you, listening to your body! I hope you figure out what is going on with your left leg! That’s the side of the body I always have trouble with.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Becoming Unstuck
My left side is always my problem child too!
When I’m having an issue, I want it to hurt all the time. LOL. It’s more frustrating when it’s just here or there — like only running hills for instance. But, at least you can take hill repeats off the training list. A silver lining. Ooohh…I need a massage! Thanks for linking, Michelle.
Ha I know just what you mean Holly – the whole only hurting in certain situations thing drives me nuts. I know you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I kinda like running hill repeats!
Oh, I hope the massage therapist can get to the root of the problem and work it out! At least if it’s just bothering you on hills you must be catching it early.
Coco recently posted…How I Beat The Heat In Downtown Miami
The MT I see is a miracle worker – I’m so glad she could squeeze me in this week!
So sorry the pain is still nagging. Good for you for listening and cutting back where necessary. I hope taking hills out of the mix helps.
Marcia recently posted…Running Moms Know Best
Thanks Marcia – I figure taking hill repeats out isn’t the worse thing, especially since Philly is a fairly flat course.
Good that you’re tweaking your plan to tailor it to what your body needs. I planned to run Philly as my first marathon this fall, but because big races give me a lot of anxiety, I chose a small, local race instead. Look forward to following your training!
Sounds like a good choice to go with a smaller race – how exciting to be training for your first full! Good luck!
Wednesdays with my trainer are my favorite day as well. Good for you for listening to your body and backing off. That’s how you stay healthy
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Pineapple Cantaloupe Carpacccio
Absolutely! And above all else I’m determined to stay healthy this year 😉
My new class and instructor on Thursdays are my favorite right now and plus it’s so close to Friday!
Way to play it smart and listen to your body. I know that can be hard but it sounds like you did the right thing Michelle. I’ve been enjoying Bloodlines on Netflix lately!
I keep hearing about Bloodlines – may have to add that one to my Netflix rotation.
Massage can be a life saver. I hope it helps !
karen – Fit in France recently posted…Gotta love 4 day weekends
Thanks Karen – I’m looking forward to it!
Sorry to hear about your leg issues, but you still did a great job! Taking it easy was definitely the right move, even though it can be frustrating! I now live near a bunch of hills that are impossible to avoid. I had to retreat to the treadmill for a couple days!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Philly Marathon Pre-Training Weeks 5 and 6 Recap
It’s hard to take days off from running, but sometimes it’s the best choice.
Sorry to hear about your left leg. I hope the massage therapist helped. Hope taking the hills out helps and you’ll be able to get that 8 miler in this week!
Sharon recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Week 4: 7/11-7/17
Thanks Sharon! Things are definitely looking better than earlier this week 🙂
I am so sorry you have been having to cancel runs and cut them short, but you are doing the right thing by listening to what your body is telling you.
Abby @BackatSquareZero recently posted…The Taper – An essential part of training.
Thanks Abby 🙂
Good training for you! Wishing you will quickly recover and begin running back soon.
Thanks William – appreciate it!