Happy Monday!
How was your weekend? For those who celebrate, a belated Happy Easter!
Week 3 of Run to Remember training is in the books and I’m joining Holly and Tricia for their #WeeklyWrap. Be sure to stop by and check in on how last week treated everyone.
Monday 3/21: Strength workout – legs and abs.
Tuesday 3/22: 44 minutes on the Arc Trainer.
Wednesday 3/23: 3 hilly miles on some very tired legs.
Thursday 3/24: Rest Day!
Friday 3/25: Family run – while I didn’t run as far as I’d planned, nothing beats the whole family running together!
Saturday 3/26: The plague hit…seriously I felt horrible – there was no running, just couch time and movies with the kids.
Sunday 3/27: Still not feeling fabulous by a long shot, but that little voice in my head kept nagging me that I was going to be more unhappy if I skipped it vs going – 3.5 miles done.
Thankfully after a very quite weekend, I’m feeling more or less plague-free today. As I run-fessed I’ve been feeling a little uninspired by my runs, but I’m focusing on an attitude adjustment for this week!
How was your week?
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Ugh, sorry you aren’t feeling great. Hope it passes quickly. Kudos to you for getting out there while feeling yucky! Happy belated Easter!
Thanks Courtney! Fingers crossed for a better week 🙂
🙁 sorry you are not feeling well. Good job getting some good workouts in!!
Love those family rus…totally cool!
I hope you feel better.
The family runs are really so much fun – I love that both of my boys are getting into running!
I’m glad you’re feeling better! Way to go getting out there on Sunday even though you were under the weather. And the family run sounds like a great idea!
Chaitali recently posted…Oldfields Half Marathon training – week 3
The family runs are really fun – the kids are talking about all 4 of us running a 5K soon!
Wow, so much plague going around! Glad you are recovering. I hope spring weather brings your running mojo.
Coco recently posted…Seizing The Day
I know it’s crazy how many posts I’ve read about people being sick! Hopefully we’re all over it!
Oh No! Not you too? I’m glad you’re feeling better. Who has time to be sick?
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Big Sur Marathon Training Week 8
Thanks Wendy – hope you’re feeling better too! Hopefully we both have a better week!
Sorry to hear you were sick and glad to hear you are doing better! Family runs are the best! Hope you will feel better about your runs this week!
Sharon recently posted…Manitoba Harvest Hemp Protein Smoothie Review
Thanks so much Sharon 🙂
There sure seems to be a lot of sickness going around lately. I hope you’re back to normal before long! The family run sounds like a lot of fun 🙂
Meagan recently posted…Montvale 10 Miler – Race Report
Thanks Meagan – starting to feel like myself again this week 🙂
I’m sorry to hear you were under the weather last week. I hope you are feeling better now. I can’t believe you ran 3.5 miles on Sunday! My oldest son is the only one who runs. My teens think of it as punishment. Maybe once they are adults, they will think differently. Thanks for linking us Michelle.
HoHo Runs recently posted…Ready for Adventure
I feel lucky that my boys like to run right now – hopefully it will stick 😉
We’re kicking that bad attitude to the curb!!! I hate you were feeling under the weather but glad you sucked it up and got out there!
I sure hope this weeks been better for you Michelle. Thanks for joining us in Weekly Wrap!
Tricia@MissSippiPiddlin.com recently posted…Coffee Fun
Thanks Tricia – I hope this week’s been better for you too!