Wrapping up another week of training. So let’s take a look at how things went, shall we?
Monday 3/14: Strength workout – legs and abs.
Tuesday 3/15: 3 mile run – I just couldn’t bring myself to run in the cold rain so headed to the gym to face the treadmill. I admit that I went into this run with the wrong attitude and it showed.
Wednesday 3/16: Rest day! Sports massage – 90 minutes of unknotting muscles.
Thursday 3/17: T25 Beta – Core Cardio.
Friday 3/18: Strength work – legs and abs.
Saturday 3/19: 4 miles – This was a hard run. Legs felt heavy and I just had no energy – the heavy winds probably didn’t help.
Sunday 3/20: 3 miles more.
While I did hit all of my workouts I felt like I was all over the place this week and completely out of rhythm. I’m really not sure how missing one extra hour could have such a big impact but I swear Daylight Saving threw me for a loop at the beginning of the week and I never really caught up! It was one of those weeks that between work and home life, I felt like I was always trying to squeeze a workout in.
This week should be quieter, and hopefully I can settle into more of a groove.
I’m linking up again for the #WeeklyWrap with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia at Miss Sippi Piddlin
Ever have a week where you just feel out of sorts? How was your week?
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Haha yes! I was completely off last week as well. The time change threw the kids and dogs off so there’s that too. I’d be on the mill as well if there was cold rain in the picture. Ugh.
Marcia recently posted…Spring Has Sprung at Last
Glad I wasn’t the only feeling the effects of the time change. Who would think a 1-hr shift could make such a difference!?
I know what you mean about not being able to face the cold outdoors again either. I headed for the treadmill this week too. That 90 minute sports massage sounds great!
Chaitali recently posted…Oldfields Half Marathon training – week 2
I really need spring to show-up and stay – I’m tired of bundling up!
Sorry to hear you were off last week! Hoping this week is better for you! That sports massage sounds so nice!
Sharon recently posted…Lucky Run Half Marathon Training 3/14-3/20
Thanks Sharon. And yes that sports massage was so very nice – definitely a highlight of last week 😉
I hope to get back in the groove myself! I hope we both have better weeks! run on!
Here’s to a better week MB!
I don’t get how that one hour messes everything up either. I was so tired last week!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Vegetarian Breakfast Lasagna You Will Jump Out Of Bed For
Crazy isn’t it? Hopefully we can all shake it off this week! Have a good one 🙂
It seems like the theme of last week was “struggle”. Maybe we can all blame the time change. But, at least you had a glorious 90 minute massage! That would have been the highlight of my week. Hope this week goes better for all of us. Thanks for linking with us Michelle.
HoHo Runs recently posted…Hello Spring! (WW # 33)
Funny as I was reading others’ wrap ups I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully it’s a passing thing. Thanks for hosting!
Maybe it felt like a tough week for you but you got it done! That’s the way to do it. I’m sure the massage helped too. Hmmm…
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Big Sur Marathon Training Week 7
The massage was really wonderful – a little indulgent but so worth it!
I did OK last week but this week I’m struggling – a delayed reaction? I don’t think I’ve ever had a 90 min massage – wow! I hope you are back in the groove this week.
Coco recently posted…The Workout I’m Regretting
Thanks Coco. Sorry you’re struggling – hope it passes quickly!
Yeah, I sort of felt that way last week too. Except I really was literally feeling meh for several days, but thankfully it never got worse & is good (knocking on wood).
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…10 Ways to Clean Up & Race Tees
Glad it didn’t get any worse Judy. Hope this week’s a good one for you!
It’s funny, I’m actually happy that Daylight Savings is back! I hope you’re more in the groove now. Good job getting it in even though it was tough!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…5 Best Things About Rock N Roll Races
Thanks Janelle 🙂 I do love the fact that it’s lighter later, but pitch black at 6 am is a bit of a bummer. Glad it won’t last too long.
Michelle, I am still trying to get into the DST swing of things. It seems to make it even more difficult getting up in the mornings and I really don’t normally have that problem so I’m blaming it all on DST! I hope my body gets acclimated soon! Thanks lady for linking up! I hope we both have better weeks!
Tricia@MissSippiPiddlin.com recently posted…Staying Faithful to a Runstreak
Hopefully we’ll both get adjusted soon! Thanks for hosting the link-up 🙂