Training for Boston’s Run to Remember is officially under way. As I mentioned over coffee, this will be my first half in two years – so my goals for this training cycle are simple:
- Hit all of my workouts
- Build my mileage slowly
- Reach the start line injury-free
I want to use RtR to get back up to the half distance and lay the foundation for more rigorous training this summer. So how’d the first week go?
Monday 3/7 — Given how crazy my Mondays have been because of work lately, I’ve decided to make Mondays a strength day. I broke out the resistance bands and did a lower body workout I use to do when I was working with a trainer. My legs felt like jello when I was done!
Tuesday 3/8 — Woke up with a really upset stomach that stayed with me all day. So I decided to push my run to Wednesday and opted for some yoga.
Wednesday 3/9 — An absolutely gorgeous day – temps in the 70’s! I still didn’t feel great and actually dressed too warm in a long sleeve shirt, but just didn’t care. 3 miles done.
Thursday 3/10 — Still feeling really off – decided to listen to my body and took an unplanned rest day.
Friday 3/11 — 3 miles more.
Saturday 3/12 — As the weeks go on, Saturdays will be my long run day. For today, just 4 miles…with too many hills!
Sunday 3/13 — More yoga.
All-in-all not a bad first week, especially since I didn’t feel fabulous for most of it. I rolled like it was my job every night – and while that lacrosse ball is a little slice of torture, I do think it’s helping. The good news is whatever bug I was dealing with didn’t take hold and I’m feeling pretty and looking forward to week 2!
Linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.
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Glad you shook off that bug! Monday’s are usually a short strength workout day for me to ease into the week. It may be really short tomorrow after the time change!
Coco recently posted…Recovering With Spring Fever
I know what you mean about the time change! Could not get out of my own way this morning!
I think unplanned rest days are important if your body is rebelling. I had one this week too and with important races on the schedule, I feel it is part of the training process. Hope this is a great week for you. The Run to Remember should be a great race.
Pam recently posted…Weekly Workout Roundup: Mar 14th
Thanks Pam – Have a great week!
I’m glad you’re feeling better! Way to get those workouts done even when you weren’t feeling your best 🙂
Chaitali recently posted…Oldfields Half Marathon training – week 1
Thanks Chaitali. I figured a little something was better than nothing.
Nice to see you back in training mode! I’m glad you’re feeling better after those few off days. I was loving the warm weather, hopefully it returns soon!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…7 Creative and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes You Need to Try
I was too Janelle and then it turned cold here again today – Hopefully it won’t last.
It’s always nice to get that first week in the books. I’m glad that touch of a bug you had didn’t affect you too much!
Meagan recently posted…TNF ECS 50K Training – Week 11
Thanks Meagan!
Sounds like a decent first week of training! Always good to listen to your body! Have a great week!
Sharon recently posted…Lucky Run Half Marathon Training 3/7-3/13
Thanks Sharon, I was really glad to still be able to get some runs done. Have a great week!
Good start to your training! Hope you are feeling better today
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Asparagus Avocado Soup
Feeling much better – thanks 🙂
Ugh to the bug! Glad you are feeling better. Is your race a half marathon?
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Big Sur Marathon Training Week 6
It is a half marathon – first one in about 2 years! I’ve stayed away too long!
It’s always hard to get started to me. So, take comfort you’ve got that first hard week behind you. Are you using the lacrosse ball for ITB issues? I’m addicted to my foam roller but could probably use the ball too. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better. Good luck as you train. I’m excited for you — the half is my favorite, you know! Thanks for linking Michelle.
HoHo Runs recently posted…Montgomery Half (WW # 32)
My massage therapist suggested using the lacrosse ball instead of the foam roller – it’s torture but the ITB has been quite. Knock on wood! Give it a try.
Way to workout the week.
I hope you continue to feel better and get a good week of training in.
I have a hilly 10 miler this weekend and a 15k in 2 weeks. That will be the only long runs for me until I work on this knee.
I may run a half in the Fall…I am looking into the Galloway method to help a bit.
Have a great week!
Thanks Tamieka. I hope you get some answers on your knee soon!
Sorry you had a couple off days. Sometimes we just need to listen to our bodies and take the break they are asking for… hope you are feeling better.
Karen @ Fit in France recently posted…Weekly wrap : Food, family & fitness
Definitely feeling better thanks – slowing down a little was clearly what I needed!
Yay for being up and running in training mode once again! I’ve been feeling off for a few weeks now. Like my body’s fighting something. Ugh.
Marcia recently posted…Running Sucks Sometimes
It really is nice to be training for something again 🙂 Definitely get some rest if you’re not feeling fabulous – still a lot of stuff going around!
Glad you were able to shake off that bug so quickly! And really good job getting it all done despite not feeling well.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Worst thing about running is . . .
Thanks Judy!
We have the exact same goals right now. I too am slowly building to stay injury free.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…2016 Race Calendar
We’ve got this Abby! Slow and steady! 🙂
I think you have a great goal to work towards, sometimes we just need to have something on the books to stay motivated. Two years right? Plan on Life getting in the way, seems like for me it throws everything it can think of to stop me but just keep plugging along Michelle I look forward to seeing you through this. When is the half? recently posted…Why Running Sucks
I know what you mean about life getting in the way – this is definitely going to be a hectic spring so I’m keeping my training expectations low.
Glad you didn’t end up getting sick, or just had a short bug!
With the goal your working towards, no doubt you’ll get there! Slowly getting back into it is always the right way, so I think you’re doing great for just a few weeks into your training!
Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Running, Playing and Some Life Changing Planning
Thanks Kristy!
So glad you are feeling better and ready for your next week.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Tamayu Tank Review
Thanks Abby 🙂