A huge thank you to everyone who checked in with kind words last week – much appreciated.
I was grateful for my workouts last week – while not always pretty they were a good distraction!
Monday: Another snow day for the kids and more shoveling for me
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday: T25 Speed 1.0
Thursday: 3 mile run plus T25 Cardio
Friday: T25 Lower Focus — holy squats and lunges Batman!
Saturday: 4.25 mile run
Sunday: Opted for yoga over T25 Stretch
Thanks to the return of the Polar Vortex, the temps around here have plummeted. With the windchill, it reached negative double digits this weekend, so aside from trips to the gym, I just enjoyed some much needed down time with the family. Saturday was all about video games, movies, reading – and of course I watched the Olympic Trials! While I was disappointed for Kara, I loved watching the teamwork of Shalane & Amy. And, watching Meb run always makes me smile! Valentine’s Day is always low-keyed here – we celebrated with our traditional sushi dinner, and of course a little chocolate!
It’s school vacation week here for my youngest son, so I’m definitely going to have to be flexible with when I get to workout this week. In fact, I’m going to take advantage of my husband being off from work today and head to the gym now….
How was your week? Are you dealing with the polar vortex?
Linking up once again with Holly of HoHo Runs and Tricia of MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap – be sure to stop by and say hi and check out the other weekly recaps.
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Seriously so done with this cold and now we have 6 more inches of snow today. Ugh spring where are you?! Hope you have a great week
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Spaghetti Squash Bake
I know what you mean! We’re suppose to get some icy/snow mix tomorrow – I’m starting to develop a little cabin fever! Hope you have a great week too!
The weekend weather here in Pittsburgh was bitter cold, tonight is supposed to bring freezing rain & snow. No thank you.
Trying to cut myself some slack on workouts, but I have trouble finding the right balance between cutting my outdoor mileage & curling up all day on the couch. Haha
Jessie @ The Acquired Sass recently posted…Week (end) Highlights : Busy Bee
Yep – we’re suppose to get the same thing here. Big blanket and the couch is starting to sound really good 😉
I’m not dealing too well with all this cold and wind! Dang at the wind too! Yall make me feel like such a weenie with what yall deal with on a regular basis. It’s ok it’s Mississippi, we’re liable to be wearing shorts by the end of the week! Bring it!!! Thanks Michelle for linking up with us lady!
Tricia@MissSippiPiddlin.com recently posted…Weekly Wrap 28 Surprise Birthday
I think the wind is really the worse part of it. I could live with 10 degrees, but not when the windchill takes it down to -10! Hopefully it will warm up for all of us soon! Have a great week!
The weather has been brutal. The cold is one thing, but yes, the wind is the deal breaker. I was hurting pretty badly after my long run yesterday. Had to be the wind.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Big Sur Marathon Training–Week 2
Wendy you are a braver woman than me for being out there! I am so ready for spring!!
Windchill is always one of the hardest parts about cold runs. If it’s just cold it’s not as hard, but windchill adds a definite challenging factor. Thank the LORD that we have warm homes to come back to.
It was windy here but the temperature was tolerable. I can’t imagine what you are dealing with. I got busy Saturday and completely forgot about the Olympic Trials. I need to see if I can find it online because I hate that I missed it. I hope your weather will improve and that you find the flexibility you need this week. Thanks for linking with us Michelle.
HoHo Runs recently posted…I’m Back (WW # 28)
I wonder if you can find it through NBC’s website? Have a good week – thanks for hosting the link up!
We had snow yesterday, then freezing rain, now rain and it is supposed to be in the 60s this weekend! C.R.A.Z.Y.
Coco recently posted…Anatomy Of A Treadmill Workout
Would you believe we had a 60 degree temp shift today as we got into the mid 50’s?! Crazy is right!
Yep, I was dealing with that super cold weather and had to keep it indoors last week too. I definitely am a wimp when it comes to the cold. I think Winter is all about being flexible. Great job getting all that in.
Chaitali recently posted…Rock and Roll DC Half Marathon training – week 10
Thanks! Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate a little this week 🙂
It looks like the polar vortex has passed us and now we have weather in the 50’s today, go figure! I didn’t watch the Olympic trials but stayed up to date with Instagram. So much drama!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…ZOOMA Run Love 10K Race Recap
Glad you’re out if the vortex! Looks like we’re done too – back in the 50s today!