It’s the first Saturday of the month, which means it’s time again to grab a mug of your favorite hot beverage, and settle in and join our hosts Coco, Lynda and Deborah for this month’s coffee date.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that we had our first snow day yesterday. A storm that was suppose to bring only a couple of inches quickly turned into 9! I figure if the kids are going to miss school, a Friday’s the day to do it, right? I was actually enjoying our winter wonderland – until it was time to shovel…started having flashbacks from last year. And, then we lost power…but just for a couple of hours and that’s what board games are for 🙂
If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that I’m still grinning from ear to ear over Tuesday’s news that I have been chosen again to be a part of the Rock n Blog team! I’m excited to run some fun races and share some discounts with you all – stay tuned!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I started sorting through summer camp options. My oldest is all set to go back to the overnight camp he went to last year, so I’m just trying to figure out my youngest. It’s always surprising to me how fast some things fill up!
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve been enjoying Mar’s 14 Days of Self Challenge – it’s really made me stop and intentionally carve out some time for myself each day. So important…and yet so easy to overlook.
So what would you tell me over coffee?
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We got a snow day too yesterday! Friday’s and Monday’s are the best days for that!!! Congrats on being selected for Rock n Blog!!! That’s super exciting. Thanks for having coffee 😉
Thanks for stopping by Lara!
Hard to believe it now but camp time will be here before we know it. Wow on the snow. We had some early storms but no snow days so far. We need to collaborate on a RnR race!!!
Marcia recently posted…February Coffee Date
We really haven’t had snow until now so I guess I shouldn’t complain…and more’s coming next week!
Geez, on the snow! MY bestie who lives in Boston was teasing me the other week about our blizzard in DC – I was like just you wait 😉 It looks pretty though. I am SO glad you joined in and are enjoying the self-care challenge – I’m loving it too! I’ll definitely be in Boston for the BAA 5K and the weekend visiting my bestie so let me know if there is a chance for us to meet!
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – February 2016
Yay for visiting Boston. This will actually be the first time in 3 years I won’t be running the 5K, but I may be volunteering. Would love to make a plan to meet!
Wow you got 9 inches of snow! I am kind of over it already and ready for spring. Congrats on the rock n blog looks like a great group of ambassadors. Thanks for joining us for coffee always great to catch up with you
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-February
Yes I know what you mean – it’s pretty for like half a second and then I’m done 🙂 And thanks – the Rock n Blog gig should be a lot of fun!
Congrats on the RockNBlog team! Yikes on the surprise snow. The problem with losing power is that you never know how long it will be off! Glad it wasn’t too long.
Coco recently posted…Shopping And Hosting The Ultimate Coffee Date
Thanks Coco – I missed out on a couple of RnR races last year because of the surgery so I’m very excited to be back!
That’s brilliant that you have been chosen for the Rock ‘n’ Roll blog team! Rock ‘n’ Roll came to the UK a couple of years ago, and I love reading about people’s marathon experiences. Best of luck with it!
9 inches of snow is crazy! My southern England brain literally cannot imagine that (and how you cope with it!).
Steph recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date | February 2016
Thanks Steph! I think there might be an RnR race in Liverpool this year.
The snow is always so pretty until it stops falling and we have to deal with it! I’m so excited about RockNBlog and so hope to see you at a race! Mar’s challenge is right on time too…I really need to get back to taking care of myself.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – February 2016
Definitely let me know when you get your race schedule figured out – it would be fun to meet up!
I don’t want to see snow until 2018!!!
Congrats on RnR blogging! Super awesome! !
Loving Mas 14 day. Went for a 90 min massage and facial today! ! It was perfect! !
Summer camps. …oh the joy!!
You had me laughing with no snow till 2018! If only that were possible…
A 90 minute massage and facial sound heavenly…I can’t remember the last time I had a facial!
Board games sound like a great idea when your stuck inside without power. Summer will be here before we know it! It’s great your kids are interested in going to camp. Mine never were. A big congratulations on being chosen as part of the RockNBlog team this year.
HoHo Runs recently posted…Coffeetalk (February)
Thanks Holly – very excited about Rock n Blog! My boys have always enjoyed going to camps – as long as they have enough lazy hang around, do nothing time to balance it all out. Can’t believe we’re thinking about the summer already!