You hear it over and over again….”this is a stressful time of year!” I’ve uttered the phrase myself on more than one occasion. And, yes there is a lot to do this time of year between year-end to do’s at work, all that goes into preparing for the holidays, trying to attend this or that party or gathering — just add in end of term school projects, concerts and the like and you definitely have the makings of a stressful time.
I’m here to say to you and myself – stop and take a deep breath! Do not let stress be a thief and steal the joy out of this time of year.
During this holiday season I am going to remember to relax and breathe, knowing that there are things that will not get checked off that massive to do list….and that’s ok. I’m letting go of perfection and choosing instead to focus on family, friends and having some fun! That’s the best gift I can give myself.
How do manage this time of year – do you embrace the madness or want to run away?
I’m joining Deb and others for today’s Wednesday Word – be sure to check out what they have to say about “Stressful.”
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I tend to say a lot of no.
I pause, I consider my schedule, I consider if I would work correct missing out on this event or activity – – and often times the answer is yes which is enough to make me see it’s not as adding to my stress but enhancing my joy!!!—and after long and careful consideration only then do I get my answer for invitations. It’s helped me destress a lot.
I’m getting better at saying no without the guilt – comes with age. Use to be so hard for me without feeling like I needed to qualify why I was saying no.
Having a crazy busy week over here too! Still feeling joyous though! 🙂 Have a great rest of your week
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…My Year Of Running 2015
Thanks Deborah! Hang on to the joy 🙂
I like the idea of keeping stress from being a thief! I’m going to work on that!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…‘Tis the season to be stressed out…
Thanks Wendy! Have a great rest of the week!
Yes to all of this! I know it’s more stressful than usual right now, but it’s also more magical and joyful and we need to enjoy all of that while it lasts!
Kristen recently posted…Physical Therapy 101
Exactly – this time of year goes by way too fast and I don’t want to just rush my way through it!
I’ve done really well at cutting back, but now the panic is hitting that maybe I really should do more, so this weekend may be a frenzy of holiday shopping and wrapping ….
Coco recently posted…Let Nothing You Dismay
I’m sure I’ll be hitting the stores too, especially since I have no idea what to get my husband :O
I am dancing in the streets since actually getting a holiday card done and sent out this year. Otherwise I’ve been getting pretty stabby at everyone who assumes since I don’t work outside the house, I’ve got plenty of time to get this, pick up that, and everything else. Saying no is a work in progress here!
Marcia recently posted…Race Plans for 2016
It’s taken me a long time to get comfortable with no as a complete sentence – without needing to qualify why I’m saying no. Still a work in progress (especially with extended family members), but I’m getting better. That whole perception of having extra time because you don’t go to an office every day always fries my bacon!
This is so great. Stress has been horrid to me this year and caused me to make some bad decisions. One of my 2016 goals is to manage it better.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Reader Survey and Giveaway
Thanks Abby! I think it is easy for stress to take over at times – constant work in progress for me. Here’s to making 2016 a calm one!
You and me both! Fun and family first, even if some of the other stuff doesn’t get done.
Thanks for linking up!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Silly Stresses
I really enjoy the Wednesday Word – hoping to join you more often! Enjoy the holidays 🙂