Happy Labor Day Weekend! It’s the unofficial last weekend of summer, but I must say it feels a little odd since school’s already started for my youngest son. Then again, it’s a long weekend and that’s always a good thing, right? So I’m taking a little time out this morning to join in with Coco, Lynda and Deborah for this month’s Ultimate Coffee Date.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that believe it or not, my youngest son’s hockey season has already begun! And he’ll be on the ice until at least April.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that meanwhile my oldest son has made me a little giddy by announcing he’s decided to run cross country this fall 🙂
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I cannot wait for football season to kick off this Thursday night with the raising of another Super Bowl banner! I don’t want to hear another word about the supposed “deflategate.”
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I came home the other day to a nice surprise from Women’s Running Magazine and the Rock ‘n’ Roll folks – another fun perk as a member of the #RocknBlog team! Women’s Running is also offering all RWA readers a 1-year subscription for just $9.99 – just use code RUNATTITUDE015.
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’d better get going – we’re celebrating my dad’s 75th birthday and I still have food to prep!
So what would you tell me? What have you got planned for this weekend?
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It’s college football time! Whoot! I’d be giddy too if one of my kids ran cross country. They think running is punishment…that’s what baseball and football coaches sometimes do. That is a very long hockey season! Enjoy the long weekend!
HoHo Runs recently posted…Coffee Talk (September)
It really is such a long season – end of August through late April depending on the playoffs! Crazy right?!
Have a great, long weekend. My kids haven’t started school yet and I sure need the weekend to get our acts together.
Carrie@familyfitnessfood.com recently posted…September Ultimate Coffee Date
Thanks Carrie! Have a good one 🙂
Michelle, football season all right, only this gal is a Saints Fan!
Our daughter has been running cross country for the past two years and does track. She is planning on getting back into the pool next year and join the high school swim team.
Super cool gear from Women’s Running. Have a fabulous weekend, let’s stay connected and talk football smack this season LOL
Thank you for coffee
Lyn recently posted…The Ultimate Coffee Date September
Saints fan huh? I’ll have to check the schedule and see if the Pats are playing them 🙂
My boys are so excited for football.Big Eagles fans over here! My son doesn’t start school until this week so still feels like summer. Have a great weekend and thanks for linking up!!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date-September
Good luck with the start of school this week!
Oh, wow, happy birthday to your Dad! And so much fun about your son running cross-country! I hated running in high school ….
Coco recently posted…Labor Day Weekend Coffee Date Link Up
Thanks Coco! I loved running track in high school, but refused to run anything longer than 400m – use to think that was long distance ;0
Happy Birthday to your dad! Yay for Cross Country! I can just imagine how happy that makes you. The Women’s Running surprise was awesome. I love both pieces so much!
Marcia recently posted…Coffee Date: Cream? Sugar? Hormones?
Thanks Marcia! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he likes X country. We went shopping for running shoes this morning and I’m discovering he’s pickier than I am! LOL!
How awesome that your boys are into Hockey and running Cross-Country. As a Running Mom you must be so proud! Nice running tank from Women’s Running Magazine!
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