I recently saw this fun questionnaire on both Angela‘s and Sue’s blogs giving a kid’s perspective on life with a mother runner. I thought it would be fun to play along and luckily my youngest son was game (Son #1 continues to enjoy life at sleep-away camp!)
1. What does mom eat before a run?
“I don’t know cause I don’t see you before your runs…maybe a protein bar?” No, but a good guess.
2. How far does mom run everyday?
“20 – 26 miles.” — Seriously who does he think I am?!
3. What was mom’s favorite race?
“The B.A.A. Half.” — He clearly doesn’t remember that I was injured going into this race and limped my way through it.
4. Why do you think your mom runs?
“Just to run!” — That made me laugh!
5. What injuries has mom had from running?
“Not sure…a knee injury or something.” — I like the “or something.”
6. Do you like going to mom’s races?
“Yes cause it’s fun to cheer you on!” — Aww, best answer!
7. Have you learned anything from having a mom who runs?
“Not that much…well maybe something about running.”– hmmm…
8. Does having a mom who runs make you want to run?
“Yep makes me want to run with you, but I don’t want to race.” — Interesting since he’s been talking about running a 5K?!
9. What’s your least favorite thing about having a mom who runs?
“That you run too much!” — Well sure he thinks I run too much, he also thinks I run 20 miles a day!
10. Do you think you’ll run when you are your mom’s age? And how old do you think your mom is?
“I don’t think I’ll be running at 48, but I think I’ll be playing in a men’s lacrosse league like dad.” — I knew he’d get the age right…I also could have guessed the rest of his answer. I live in a lax-obsessed household!
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So cute! Does your husband really play in an adult league? How fun!
Coco recently posted…Five Ways I’m Staying Sane Without Running
He does – he’s played in a summer league for the past 3 years. Lax season never ends for us 🙂
Adorbs! I haven’t asked my kids what they think yet 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Summer “Squiche”
You gotta ask Deborah – never know what they’ll come back with 😉
This is too funny. I enjoyed reading this interview. I should interview my 4 year old to see what he has to say 🙂
Ilka@ilkasblog recently posted…Weekly Marathon Training Log 7/13 – 7/19
I bet you’ll get some priceless answers!
I do love these questionnaires! I tried to ask my boys but they just rolled their eyes at me. Teenagers, what more can I expect?
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…And so it begins…
The beauty of a 9-yr old – he thought this was cool 😉
Thanks for the shout out! Love that he thinks you run over 20 miles a day, lol!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…MCM Training Recap–Week 2
Love it! This has been on my to do list! Can’t wait to find out what my kids say. 🙂
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