So as I mentioned on Saturday, I did the 3-day Refresh last week and lived to tell about it 🙂
The Beachbody program combines 3 daily shakes, a fiber drink, lots of water and 3 small daily meals of fresh fruits and vegetables to help re-set your eating habits and drop some lbs. I did the program last Monday  – Wednesday and for added fun had both my husband J and my brother join me.
The Pros:
–Â lost 4 lbs and my jeans fit much better on Friday!
– helped me to refocus on putting more fruits and veggies into my daily diet – I had definitely gotten lax on this.
– eliminated sugar from my diet.
– made me very aware that my late afternoon snacking is a trouble spot for me.
– three great nights of sleep!
The Cons:
– I missed my coffee.
– the Fiber Sweep drink tastes god-awful — The Sweep is a mix of whole ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks that you mix with 8 oz of water and drink mid-morning. I tried sipping on Day 1 and almost didn’t make it – thanks to my brother who suggested just chugging it as quickly as possible!
– Post-run on Day 2, I was seriously hungry…and seriously cranky! I quickly learned yoga was the better choice of workout during the Refresh.
– Pricey – At $69.95 the Refresh runs you about $23+ per day, not including the cost of the fruits and veggies.
I have to say that I’m so glad I had company on this little venture – the group text messages throughout each day were comical…some less than PG language keeps me from re-posting here 😉 It was great to share ideas on how to make the shakes and meals more flavorful (hello spices!), to commiserate over the lack of coffee and the taste of the Fiber Sweep, and just to keep each other laughing (and honest!)
So of course the big question is – Would you do it again? Was it worth it?
As I told a friend the other day who asked me this question over lunch the other day (and yes I was good and had a great field greens salad with fruit instead of the pizza the restaurant is famous for!), I needed good kick in the pants and this definitely provided it. And, it provided that kick in a way that I’m not convinced I would have pulled off on my own. So, if you’re looking for that kind of jump start then I would say it is worth it…but don’t say I didn’t warn you about that Fiber Sweep 😉
*I am in no way affiliated with Beachbody – I purchased the 3-day Refresh, and all opinions expressed here, as always are my own.
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I sneak chia, psyllium and flax in my post-run protein shakes. Other than a few chias in my teeth, I don’t taste them at all. Maybe try that. Resets are tough! Good on you for sticking with it. Looser jeans are always welcome around here!
Marcia recently posted…Tips for Running in Heat
Good to know about hiding them in my shakes – drinking it straight up in just water was rough! LOL! But better fitting jeans – always a good thing!
OH WOW! Good for you! I don’t think I could ever do any of these refreshes/cleanses. GO YOU!
Lora recently posted…#PluggzLove in NYC
Thanks Lora 🙂
Glad to hear that you saw some success with it! I don’t think I could force myself to drink something gross, haha, but I definitely think there’s something to be said for a program that kind of forces you to reset your eating habits 🙂
Chrissy @ Snacking in Sneakers recently posted…High Fiber Breakfast Foods
It was definitely the nudge I needed!
Good job I am not sure I could not eat carbs for 3 days and still have energy to workout.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Spicy Summer Gazpacho-Meatless Monday
Running was definitely tough – especially the recovery.
The only one I ever tried was that lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper one that was popular years ago. I could not even make it half a day without real food so I’ve been scared to try one since. I know that feeling though where I need to “get back on track” sounds like this cleanse might be good for that. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Diane @runninrocker recently posted…World Famous Mud Run
Wow Diane! Lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper?!? No – I could not have done that!
This is the refresh I will be doing (I had an Amazon gift card and purchased it through there). Good to know about the sweep!
Jennifer recently posted…2015 St. Michaels Half Marathon Race Recap
Can’t wait to hear what you think!
I couldn’t do it!
Coco recently posted…Coping With A Running Injury
Wow, I wasn’t familiar with this. I’ve done a Shakeology cleanse before and it really helped to reset and it didn’t involve the fiber drinks 🙂
I think if I were to do this one again I would skip the fiber drink for sure!
This was fun to read–I’ve never done anything like it before so it’s fun to live vicariously through you! I think I’d be pretty cranky (although the great night’s sleep would help!)
misszippy recently posted…Summer vegetable tart
I am not a great sleeper so those 3 nights were heavenly. Running during the 3 days was probably not the best call on my part – wasn’t thinking about the recovery.
I’m a big fan of periodic refreshes. I think they do a body/mind good! Plus you always feel a bit lighter afterwards 🙂
Pragati // Simple Medicine recently posted…Progress not Perfection
I love your honest review of your refresh 🙂 I have trouble fasting on Ash Wed, but would still love to try something like this!
AmyC recently posted…I Joined a Fitness Center
I’ve read a lot of mixed reviews on the Refresh. I appreciate your honesty and an opinion I can trust. I can see how this would be a good kickstart like you said.
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