It’s been 3 weeks since I first went to see the orthopedic doc and she said I needed an MRI to get to the bottom of my left knee issues. The real question – is there a meniscal tear?
Let me just say it’s been a long three weeks people! One’s imagination can be a dangerous thing…I’ve imagined being told of tears and the need for knee surgery…of being told no running for unbearable lengths of time. I’ve been trying to keep the negative thinking at bay, but I’ve definitely had my super cranky moments – just ask my family!
Well, I’m very happy to say that the final verdict is a good one – all of the cartilage is just fine! I do have a little osteoarthritis to deal with, but at least it’s something that can be managed. I have a green light to return to running and build my mileage (slowly!) and will continue with my strength work, plus add in some PT.
Breathing a huge sigh of relief here and am ready to get going!!
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Great news! Now to ramp up s-l-o-w-l-y!
Coco recently posted…Anticipation At Work And Play
Ha yes – slowly is the key word for sure!
Phew! That is great news and great peace of mind!
Marcia recently posted…Tuesdays on the Run and Swimtimidation. It’s a Thing.
It definitely is Marcia – I’m very relieved!
Fantastic news Michelle :-), I am so happy for you and now you will be able to get out there and get back to it – a very good thing.
Harold recently posted…Back to Yoga – Finally – RunLog 5-26-15
Thanks Harold – a very good thing indeed. I don’t think my husband could put up with the non-running me for much longer 😉
What it took 3 weeks for them to get back to you?! I’ve never heard of such craziness! So glad to hear you are on the mend. Take it slow!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Transition Tips for Beginner Triathletes
It was 3 weeks from the being told I needed an MRI to getting one and getting the results – felt like a lifetime!
That’s great news! Ease back to into running slowly.
Bennett recently posted…Ripping Up the Roads When You’re Over 40
Yey! So glad to hear that!! Don’t jump back in too fast though! Take it easy!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Nakd Bar Review & Giveaway
That’s great! Glad to hear it was good news and that you’re able to return back to running!
Sharon recently posted…Boston’s Run To Remember Half Marathon Race Recap
Great news!!!!
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