April’s Ultimate Coffee Date

The Ultimate Coffee Date

I’m joining Coco, Lynda and DeborahΒ for one of my favorite link-ups — The Ultimate Coffee Date. It’s always a fun chance to catch up so grab a mug, settle into a comfy chair and join us!

Naked Me TeaIf we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m actually drinking tea this morning as part of aΒ 14-day detox I’m doing. After hearing much about Naked Me Tea, I decided to give their 2-step detox tea a try. I’m 6 days in…and the jury’s still out. I’ll let you know how it goes.

If we were having coffee together,Β I’d tell you that the hockey equipment is finally being stored for the season and lacrosse is consuming my house with a vengeance!

RnRVegas-300x297If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that RnR Vegas is now officially on my fall race calendar, as I wasted no time signing up when registration opened on Wednesday. I’m looking forward to seeing some fellow bloggers there – a chance to finally meet IRL! And, it seems like every time I mention Vegas to a friend this week, their eyes light up and there’s talk about them joining in. Could be quite the party before we’re done!

MK ToteIf we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that after carrying the same bag forever, I treated myself the other day to this new tote to usher in spring! Cute, right?

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I need to get going because my youngest son is waiting to dye eggs. πŸ™‚

Happy Easter!!

If we were having coffee together, what would you tell me? Have you ever done a detox?



  1. Love the tote! And I miss lacrosse. πŸ™
    Coco (@Got2Run4Me) recently posted…The April Ultimate Coffee DateMy Profile

  2. Super cute bag indeed! I saw that detox tea somewhere and I am curious to see what your experience is when you are done. Do you have to fast or just add it into your current diet?
    Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date -AprilMy Profile

  3. Love the new bag. Red is such a fun, spring color ! I was in Las Vegas recently. That is one crazy place.
    Karen – Fit in France recently posted…Virtual coffee date : AprilMy Profile

  4. I LOVE your new tote! I’ve been itching for a new bag but I’m so picky it’s becoming an issue! Have fun dying Easter eggs. I still like to even though I don’t have little ones running around πŸ™‚

  5. no I have not done a detox so I am interested in this Naked Tea thing you re doing- hope you post more later! That is a super cute bag , I love a good treat πŸ™‚ Happy Easter!
    Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…April Coffee date time!My Profile

  6. Very cute tote! The detox sounds interesting and long as I don’t have to give up food. We dyed eggs yesterday using a premade kit. The only color that worked well was pink!
    HoHo Runs recently posted…Coffee TalkMy Profile

  7. That tote is adorable! :] I feel like most everything I own is black, but my mom’s friends gave me a light blue bag that I can carry the world in, so it’s been adding color to my life! πŸ˜›

    Curious to see your thoughts on the tea detox! I’m not much for detoxes in general, but I do have an issue with never drinking enough liquid in a day and a ginorrrrrmous tea collection. 😑
    Farrah recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2015My Profile

    • My friends tease me about how much black I have in my wardrobe. I figured this tote was a nice punch of color and out of my comfort zone πŸ™‚

  8. Cute bag! HOpe you had a great day with your family. Happy Easter! Enjoy Vegas, I ran it a few years ago and had a blast.
    carrie@familyfitnessfood recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date Linkup AprilMy Profile

    • Great to hear you enjoyed Vegas! If you have any suggestions on where to stay, please let me know. There are soooo many hotels there – my head’s spinning with choices!

  9. If we had coffee, I’d want to know where you got that bag. Super cute!
    Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted…Marvelous is…My Profile

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